
The Legend of the Five Emperors

5 orphans with unknown origins. Friendship that binds them together through tragedy and woe. Mysteries that plague their very past pave an unimaginable journey to freedom. A wonderful and a treacherous adventure awaits them as they seek their true place in the immeasurable universe.

ShadexRay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

The Director

The awakened candidates followed Instructor Issa as she lead the way to the academy hall.

They left the assembly ground and entered a wide building. Following through a narrow long corridor, different kinds of paintings depicting otherworldly lifeforms could be seen hung on either side of the corridor.

"Do you guys know who the Director is??" Meanwhile Bryan asked, curious about the Director's identity.

"Wait, do you really not know??" Amongst the group, Melissa Chaney said in disbelief.

"I'm pretty sure the others don't know too." Bryan honestly said while pointing to his friends.

Melissa looked at them dumbfoundedly and shook her head exasperatedly, "You guys are like the stars and yet you still don't know. *Sigh* Listen well, the Director is one of the three strongest Elemental Mages to exist on Earth. He is also the first Elemental Mage to successfully awaken the Blue Grade along with two Elemental Affinities. Amongst the three strongest Elemental Mages, he is without a doubt the most powerful one."

Bryan and the others were amazed, and now they couldn't wait to meet the most powerful man in the world.

"You said 'on Earth'. Does that mean there are other planets that hold intelligent lifeforms beside us?" Asif asked.

"I'm not too sure about that. My family told me I'll get to know if I get accepted into the academy." Melissa replied.


"Ash, do you think he'll perform some magic for us?" Ray asked excitedly.

"It'll be cool if he does."

"Idiots! Do you think he'll spare some time to be a private magician daddy for you two?" Asif asked rhetorically. The two shut up and continued following the group.

At the end of the corridor, Instructor Issa led the group into a hall and not long before, they stood before a majestic door filled with unknown engravings, almost seemingly distorted.

Ash mesmerized by the door said with amazement, "Wow, even the doors look so cool."

The others nodded along with him. Instructor Issa coughed lightly and opened the door with a wave of her hand, "Welcome to the main chamber of the academy!"

The door slowly opened to reveal a sight never seen before in their lifetime. They were stunned as they felt like they have stepped into a whole new world. The chamber was almost the size of a football pitch with six humongous pillars placed on each side of the chamber. The pillars were engraved with faint glowing symbols that almost resembled runes.

In addition to the runes, wavy energy streams shaped like tendrils circulate the entire pillar. The energy streams could be seen alternating with different colors in what could only be assumed to be representing the known elements.

The ceiling depicted a mesmerizing night sky, painted with numerous glittering stars. Occasional realistic meteors could be seen blazing through the sky, signifying it's majestic presence.

Around the pillars, various kinds of people were standing huddled up together. They all were wearing similar white clothed robe with a blue-filled circular badge outlined with a shiny golden color. In the badge, the academy's name "HFA" is decorated in bold letters.

They're the proud students and mages of the HFA Academy, here to witness the second and final examination as it is customary every year.

"Hey, have you heard about what happened at the assembly ground?" One of the students asked.

"Didn't the yearly examination take place there?"

"Yeah but apparently there were six candidates that awakened the Blue Grade and above."


"Dude, it's real. Trust me, I heard whispers of it being spread around."

"Maan, it's the wrong time for you to be joking around. Let's just watch the final examination."

"Heh, you'll see it anyways."

At the center of the chamber, an elevated platform was sectioned with eleven complex symbols engraved on the floor. The symbols appear to resemble the eleven elements of the Elemental world. The two stream like symbol representing the Wind element, the droplets representing the Water element, the mountain representing the Earth element, the fire symbol obviously representing the Fire element, a square like symbol representing the Metal element, a snowflake representing the Ice element, a thunderbolt representing the Lightning element, a black filled circle representing the Darkness element, a radiating sun representing the Light element, a diamond-shaped rune containing a thick crack representing the Space element and the hourglass representing the Time element.

"Everything about this screams magical." Ash said in wonder.

"It's so dreamlike..." Ray amazed by the extravagant scene.

Suddenly a black platform descended from the starry sky, hovering right behind the center platform. On the black platform, seven adults were standing tall and upright, manifesting a powerful presence, much to everyone's surprise. Four of them wore magnificent white robes indicating their Instructor status in the academy. The other three were decorated with majestic golden robes, amplifying their already grandiose presence.

"Why did that look so cool though..." Ash said in awe. The awakened group were in confusion as they could feel a gentle yet powerful aura washing over them.

"Alright, kids. Good luck!" Instructor Issa wished the best for them as she slowly rose from the ground and gently flew away to join the other Instructors on the black platform.

"Did she just fly?" Bryan asked in wonder.

"I-I think she just did..." Ray said with shining eyes.

"Ah, now he can finally carry out his fantasy." Asif rolled his eyes.

""Welcome, my dear students and candidates!""

A deep powerful voice boomed across the chamber, jolting everyone's spirit. The voice emanated from the golden robed adult standing in front of the others, signifying his position.

"My name is Alexander Hall and I'm the Director of the Human Federation Academy. Before we proceed with the examination, everyone please, give a round of applause to the candidates who have passed the first round."

"It's actually the Director."

"I can't believe he appeared."

"It's hard for us to even see him despite being in the academy for two years."

Whispers and massive applauds resounded the chamber amongst everyone. Everyone spared no expense and cheerfully clapped for the candidates. The receiving group were thrilled and a bit embarrassed from the grand show of appreciation.

"He sure looks like the Director." Ray commented.

"He's the most powerful mage on earth?" Asif observed.

"I can't believe he actually came!!!" Melissa was excited beyond belief.

"Does he normally not appear?" Bryan asked.

"The Director has never made an appearance for any of the past examinations. This is a first."

"I believe I heard there's a good batch of candidates this year, much so that the Vice-Director personally requested me to oversee the final examination."

"I am very interested on meeting them but first let's follow the usual tradition. We, the academy staff, will introduce ourselves and then proceed on with the examination."

The Director beckoned the others to begin the tradition. A tall dark toned middle-aged man walked to the front and quickly clasped his hands. He separated them when a revolving water ball appeared between his hands. He pushed the water ball up in the air, before snapping and exploding the water ball, lightly showering the students and the awakened candidates.

"Hope you enjoyed the refreshment. I'm Instructor Jim, an Elemental Water Mage."

Next, a red haired woman appeared with her fists raised up, and the next thing you know, they were blazing with fire.

"I'm Instructor Mariah, an Elemental Fire Mage. I love fighting, so if you guys need any combat experience, come and meet me." Instructor Mariah winked and left. The students of the academy inwardly shuddered.

After Instructor Mariah left, a bald headed fair middle aged man appeared. He grunted and his upper body was encased with an armor made of stone.

"I'm Instructor Carter, an Elemental Earth Mage."

"Well, that was quick." Algo muttered.

In place of Instructor Carter, Instructor Issa appeared with wind like stream coiling around her body.

"I'm Instructor Issa, an Elemental Wind Mage. If you have any doubts, feel free to approach me." Instructor Issa gently smiled and left.

"She is beautiful as ever." One of the students fawning over her.

"I know right!"

A young tanned man donning the white robe appeared, but in relation to his attire, he exuded a dark mystical feeling.

"I'm Instructor Shaw, an Elemental Dark Mage." Making it brief and quick, he quickly joined the rest. The other Instructors wryly smiled as they were used to his behavior.

Next a well built dark-skinned middle aged woman walked to the front. She stared at everyone with rigid eyes and slowly her hair rose, gaining a metallic sheen to it. She resembled a certain someone from the Greek mythology.

"I'm the Head Instructor Zoe, an Elemental Metal Mage. I expect due diligence and utmost discipline from my students." With that she left to join the rest of the staff.

"Oh man, she's strict as always."

"I wouldn't wanna catch her attention."

The students murmured afraid to alert the Head Instructor. She's not the Head Instructor because of only her disciplinary life, it's also because she's the most powerful one among the Instructors.

"She needs some loving." Ray expressed.

"And will you be so kind enough to do that?" Ash teased.

"Who do you think I am? I can give her some lov-" Ray suddenly felt a piercing gaze directed at him. He looked around and saw Head Instructor Zoe stare at him.

"Uh-oh." He awkwardly smiled and waved at her.

"Well, she definitely heard you." Algo said.

"Good luck, hahahaha!" Ash laughed.

"Thank you, my dear instructors." The Director stepped in.

"Now that the Introductions are done, I hereby commence the final examination." The crowd cheered and looked on with immense curiosity.

"I still can't believe that Old man Reid is the Vice-Director." Bryan admired.

"What?" Algo questioned.

"What do you mean by 'What'?"

"I mean, he's the Vice-Director of the academy?"

"Yeah, he is. Weren't you listening around?"

"I bet he was focused on gobbling up that potato." Ash mocked.

"Hehehe..." Algo embarrassed that he got found out.

"The platform in front of you has eleven elemental runes engraved on it. As I call upon your names, you will come and stand at the center of the platform. I will activate the platform and the element you're compatible with, will light up. Understood?"

The group nodded enthusiastically, slowly getting excited to see what type of element they'll be stuck with for the rest of their lives.

"Good, now I will call out your names. Once called, please walk up to the platform."

"Sabina Soja!" The Director called out.

The young girl with the Green Grade aptitude slowly walked over to the center of the platform and stood there nervously.

The Director activated the in-built formation required to test a person's elemental affinity, lighting up the outer ridges of the platform.

After a few seconds, the wind rune lit up brightly, radiating a light green hue.

"Sabina Soja, Green Grade, Elemental Affinity - Wind!"

Sabina was happy and a round of applause echoed throughout the chamber.

"Next, Monica Rose!"

A petite young girl went and stood on the platform. Soon, it activated and the water rune lit up, exuding a blue tone.

"Monica Rose, Green Grade, Elemental Affinity - Water!"

-Few minutes later-

After a decent amount of candidates got tested, there were still 10 more left to go.

"Ugh, when is it our turn?!?" Ray impatient.

"I know right, I just want to know my element." Ash complained.

"Relax, it's being done fast anyways. Hold your horses." Asif admonished them.

"Melissa Chaney!"

"Oo, it's your turn, Melissa." Bryan turned towards the girl.

""Good luck!"" The five brothers wished her, she nodded at them and advanced to the platform.

"Oho, young girl. A Red grade huh. Good luck!"

"Thank you, Director!" Melissa respectfully thanked him.

The platform slowly activated, while Melissa patiently awaited. Soon after, the fire rune blazed into existence, illuminating it.

"Melissa Chaney, Red Grade, Elemental Affinity - Fire!"

'I got the fire element, as I thought.' Melissa thought while smiling happily. She soon went back to the group, receiving everyone's praise.

'Their demeanor can be judged as praiseworthy but yet not a single dual Elemental Mage appeared.' The Director contemplated. 'Let's hope they're able to perform some miracle.'

Thank you for reading!

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts