
The Legend of the Five Emperors

5 orphans with unknown origins. Friendship that binds them together through tragedy and woe. Mysteries that plague their very past pave an unimaginable journey to freedom. A wonderful and a treacherous adventure awaits them as they seek their true place in the immeasurable universe.

ShadexRay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Pool of Wonder

-After a few weeks-

The five brothers were painstakingly cultivating for the past few weeks coupled with several brutal combat sessions with Instructor Mariah. They continued to grow stronger as time went on.

As of right now, their cultivation realms have all reached the 9th stage of the Elemental Neophyte realm. They're just waiting for further instructions on how to break through to the next realm, the Elemental Conclave realm.

In the beach house, Asif is in the kitchen prepping some food for breakfast along with Algo. Ray, Bryan and Ash were meanwhile watching a movie on the television in the early morning.

"What kind of stupid ass movie are we watching?" Ray remarked.

"I thought you guys wanted to watch a stupid movie?" Ash annoyed at them.

"Yeah, but this is just bad." Bryan said.

"What are you guys watching?" Algo called out from the kitchen.

"Salt Water's Seven." Bryan loudly answered back.

"Stupid name too..." Ray mumbled.

"Breakfast is ready!" Asif's voice sounded out from the kitchen.

"Sweet." Ash smiled. The three got up and went to the kitchen to serve themselves breakfast after thanking Asif and Algo.

*Knock Knock*

At this time, they heard someone knocking on their door.

"I got it." Bryan said and went to the door and opened it. He saw a golden robed middle-aged man smiling amiably at the welcome mat.

"Old man Reid!" Bryan shouted in surprise. This made the others run out from the kitchen and hurdle at the door. It has been quite a long while since they last saw Old man Reid and his sudden visit was a surprise to them.

"Where have you been, old man?" Ray asked, happy that he came to visit.

"Busy with some important matters. Never mind me, how are you brats doing?" Old man Reid asked while observing them.

"Well, we're doing amazing." Algo answered.

"Apart from getting clobbered by Instructor Mariah..." Ash muttered.

"Hahaha, she's like that. Don't hold a grudge against her, she's doing everything she can to make you stronger."

"Relax, old man. We know about that." Ray comfortingly said.

"Old man, I think you should know that we are currently at th-"

"9th stage? Yes, I know and I'm proud of you boys." Old man Reid interrupted Asif.

"What do we do now?" Bryan asked.

"Before I answer, may I come in?" Old man Reid smiled.

"Oh shit, sorry, Old man Reid." Bryan apologized before shooing away the others to make way for the old man.

"I don't mind, I know you brats are excited." Old man Reid warmly said. They quickly settled and waited for him to continue.

"How was it breaking through to the 9th stage?"

""Painful!"" The five brothers said in unison.

"But it meant nothing to us since we became strong." Ash smugly said. The others had to reluctantly agree with him.

"Now that you have done refining your body, I should tell you about the next realm. The Elemental Conclave realm is the official start for all mages. This is the stage where you can perform all sorts of magic based on your acquired elements."

"Your body right now is just a directionless vessel without a single point of focus. Right now, what your body needs is a control point. To breakthrough to the next stage, what you need to do is construct a core in your body." Old man Reid explained.

"A core?" Algo confusedly asked.

"To be more precise, an elemental core. This will help you store enormous amounts of elemental energy compared to what your body can store and provide you with a sense of control over your elemental energy."

"While forming your elemental core, you'll see the colour of your elemental core change according your acquired elements. The elemental core will be linked to the connected pathways of your body where the elemental energy freely flows in a single direction."

"So, how do we make this elemental core?" Ray eagerly asked.

"It's simple. Feel the flow of the elemental energy in your body and direct it towards the center of your chest. After that, gather the elemental energy and focus it on a single point in your chest. Now, make sure you rotate the elemental energy vigorously on the spot. Eventually, an elemental core will come into existence." Old man Reid briefly answered.

"Understood." Asif nodded.

"So...feel, control, gather, focus, rotate and done. Seems simple enough." Ash casually said.

"Famous last words." Bryan mocked.

"Also remember, you need to intensely focus on forming the elemental core. The elemental energy required to form one varies from person to person." Old man Reid added.

"Does it make a difference if I use a lower amount of elemental energy form an elemental core?" Bryan asked.

"Yes, it does. Depending on how much elemental energy you use, the sturdier your elemental core becomes. But if too much elemental energy is used, the core can explode, severely injuring you in the process."

"That sounds scary, old man." Ray shivered.

"Don't worry, you'll naturally feel if it's too much for your core to handle." Old man Reid reassured them.

"So our elemental cores will have an advantage over the others because of our elemental aptitudes?" Asif asked, deep in thought.

Old man Reid looked at Asif and smiled, "Yes, you kids have a natural advantage over the rest. Your elemental cores will be sturdier and stronger compared to the rest."

Ray sighed inside and thought about what Old man Reid explained, 'I am already at a disadvantage compared to them considering my Blue-Purple aptitude. I already felt I was still going slow despite my hard work.'

Old man Reid was watching Ray closely from the corner of his eyes and as if knowing what he's thinking, he said, "There's one more thing I should tell you. Although elemental aptitudes determine your cultivation, do not neglect your elemental affinities. Your elemental affinities define the very nature of your elemental energy."

"For example, the fire element shapes your elemental energy to be more destructive and the earth element shapes your elemental energy to be sturdy and defensive. Of course, through your imaginative minds, anything can be possible with your given elements."

"Interesting..." Ray started getting excited.

"Wait, I have fire and ice elements. So does that mean I'm fiery and gentle at the same time?" Ash asked. Bryan immediately gagged at what he heard.

"You'll have to figure that out by yourself, Ash." Old man Reid simply smiled.

"Hey you bitch, why did you gag?" Ash started pestering Bryan.

Ignoring the two, Old man Reid continued, "Now that you know the gist of what to do. Let's go somewhere."

"Where are we going?" Algo asked.

"To help you kids breakthrough to the next realm of course."

Old man Reid led the kids away from the beach house and to a different building. They entered the building and felt a gush of elemental energy hit their body.

"Woah..." Ray did not expect that.

"That caught me off guard." Asif spoke.

"Aw, I dropped a gummy bear." Algo shed a fake tear.

The first thing they saw at the center of the hall they entered was a moderately sized circular pool with weird shaped rocks extending out from the outermost edge.

There were thick lines on the rocks emitting a pulse of blue light every now and then. As a result, there was a light blue glow and a misty atmosphere on the pool.

"Are they here?" A rigid voice floated out.

"They're here, Zoe." Old man Reid smiled. A dark skinned middle-aged woman wearing a pristine white robe appeared next to the group.

""Good morning, Head Instructor!"" The five brothers instantly greeted her.

'Fuck me, why is she here!' Ray inwardly complained while trying to plaster a smile on his face.

Head Instructor Zoe nodded at them and then turned to Old man Reid, "Thank you, Vice-Director. I can handle it from here."

"Always a pleasure, Zoe." Old man Reid nodded, gave a thumbs-up to the kids and left the hall.

'Oh fuck...' Ray saw the old man leave and groaned at his misfortune.

"So, you're the never-seen before five geniuses? Commendable!" Head Instructor Zoe praised them calmly.

"Head Instructor, may I ask something?" Asif stepped forward.

"You may."

"What is this place?" Asif inquired.

"This is the advancement chamber. The pool you see ahead of you can assist you in reaching the Elemental Conclave realm. The rocks are identified as elemental nodes, they constantly emit pure elemental energy. The pool absorbs the constant influx of elemental energy from the elemental nodes and becomes a great place for breakthrough." Head Instructor Zoe explained.

"I understand." Asif nodded.

"Maintaining the pool consumes a considerable amount of the academy's resources, so only young mages with exceptional talents and capabilities are given permission to utilize the pool, like yourselves." Head Instructor Zoe looked at them closely.

"Is there a name for the pool?" Algo asked.

"Yes, it does. It is also called the Pool of Wonder." Head Instructor Zoe answered.

"Coool!" Algo liked the name.

The walked next to the pool and Head Instructor Zoe said, "Now strip till your undergarments and enter the pool. You'll know what to do later."

'Ugh...' Ash couldn't believe they had to strip down, in front of the Head Instructor no less.

'Why does she have to stare at us while we do this!' Ray complained inside. The five of them quickly stripped to their undergarments and slowly entered the pool. Seeing that they have started, Head Instructor Zoe left the area to finish some business.

"Fuck me, this feels so goood..." Ash sighed in relaxation as all of them found a comfortable spot to sit on.

"I can feel the abundance of elemental energy." Asif observed.

"The water is thicker than normal as well." Bryan said.

"Shall we start, guys?" Ray looked at them. They nodded and all of them gently started following what Old man Reid taught them.

They started to sense the flow of the elemental energy in their body and concentrated it towards their chest. The elemental energy flowed through the pathways vigorously. Remembering what the old man said, they focused the elemental energy to a single point at the center of their chest and began to revolve the concentrated elemental energy into a sphere.

From the outside, their faces were full of concentration and determination. The elemental energy present in the pool gradually began to be absorbed by the five brothers.


Suddenly, a small dark vortex each appeared on top of their heads furiously absorbing the elemental energy in the vicinity. The elemental nodes started pulsating rapidly due to the vortex, constantly producing huge amounts of elemental energy.

But even then, the elemental energy was being depleted fast and quickly absorbed by the five brothers. The current situation in their body isn't looking too good. Each time they absorb the enormous amount of elemental energy, the core continues to grow unstable.

'FUCK ME, THIS IS FUCKING CRAZY!!' Ash was trying fiercely to control the unstable elemental core along with the others. With gritted teeth, they were profusely sweating as time went by absorbing the elemental energy and trying to control the elemental core.

"What is going on here...?" Head Instructor Zoe came back and witnessed their extreme situation. She immediately pulled out a circular-shaped green jade from her robes and activated it using elemental energy.

She hurriedly spoke into it, "Vice-Director, I think you need to come to the Pool of Wonder. It's urgent!"

After about a few minutes, Old man Reid entered the advancement chamber and quickly approached the Pool of Wonder. He observed the weird situation and quickly noticed something.

"Zoe, quickly get more elemental nodes. At the rate of their absorption, they will soon be wrung dry!" Old man Reid quickly instructed.

"Yes, Vice-Director." Head Instructor Zoe quickly left the chamber.

Meanwhile, the five brothers felt like they have been trying to construct the elemental core for a long time. They have no room for distraction as it could spell disastrous for them at anytime.

'Hold on kids!' Old man Reid looked on with worry.

Feel free to leave any comments or criticisms, I'd appreciate it.

Also, if you like the story so far, please write a review or donate a power stone :)

Thank you for reading!

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts