
The Legend of the Five Emperors

5 orphans with unknown origins. Friendship that binds them together through tragedy and woe. Mysteries that plague their very past pave an unimaginable journey to freedom. A wonderful and a treacherous adventure awaits them as they seek their true place in the immeasurable universe.

ShadexRay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


"A, B, C, or D. Which one will I get…?" Bryan tapped on his forearm.

"You'll get the D as always." Ash snickered.

"Eat my D." Bryan flipped him off.

"So childish!" Ray shook his head. The others snapped their head towards him and looked at him with perked up eyebrows.

"Oh damn, I'm in Group B." Ray said while pointing at his wristband which displayed his assigned group.

"Group C here." Ash raised his hand.

"Group B." Bryan stated.

"It looks like me and Asif are in Group A." Algo excitedly said while Asif casually nodded.

"I'm assigned to Group C." Kaya revealed hers.

"I'm Group D." Khai said.

"Haha, looks like I'm joining you, Khai." Lobian chuckled.

"I wonder who else are in our groups." Ash looked around.

"Looks we're in different groups." Kaya said to Ray.

"Yeah, that sucks ass. I was hoping to fight with you." Ray shrugged.

Bryan butted in and consoled Kaya, "Don't worry, Kaya. I'll protect him."

"Fuck off!"

"Haha, isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Kaya chuckled which rendered Bryan speechless.

"Hahahaha, suck it." Ray laughed.

At this point, the elvish man coughed aloud and instructed, "Dear participants, please proceed to your respective group platform."

"Well, good luck everyone." Algo wished everyone a good luck. The rest did the same and after, they went to their platforms.

After some time, all the participants were in their groups. They kept some space between each other apart from the familiar ones.

-In Group A-

"Fancy meeting you both here." Asif and Algo were minding their own business at the corner of the platform when they heard a smooth voice addressing behind them. They turned around and saw Eris standing with a smile.

"Eris? So, you were assigned to Group A too huh." Algo said.

"Yes! Unfortunately, I'm not with my love…" Eris wiped away his fake tears.

"Which group is Allie in?" Asif asked.

"Group D. Whom else do you know is in that group?" Eris answered.

"Khai and Lobian." Asif replied.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you both don't care about the other participants but Urza is in our group. He's right over there." Eris informed the two of them and pointed at someone standing alone in a corner.

"I…did not expect that." Asif said.

"Should we take him out?" Algo casually asked.

"…" Eris just looked at him unblinkingly.

"We can't just take him out, Algo. He's very strong. It'll be more fun to face him one on one with no outside disturbances." Asif said.

"Well, sure." Algo smiled.

"You two really think you stand a chance against Urza?" Eris curiously asked.

"Of course, we do." Algo instantly replied with confidence. "Doesn't matter if we win or lose. For us, what matters is our conviction and motivation to get stronger. And obviously gain experience."

"Algo's right. We need the experience and what more than this timely tournament." Asif nodded.

'To get stronger…' Eris didn't display any outward emotion but inside, he respected their beliefs. Eris hadn't expected it but this small conversation would spark something within him.

-In Group B-

"Well, it's just us two." Bryan said.

Ray nodded while observing the other participants, "Easy peasy for us."

"Found anyone on our level?" Bryan asked.

"Nobody yet but there's that girl over there who keeps on looking at me weirdly…" Ray slowly said while pointing at a certain direction.

Bryan's eyes followed where he was pointing and saw a dark haired woman staring at them with fierce eyes or just staring at Ray.

"It looks like she's just staring at you." Bryan smiled.

"Now what the fuck have I done." Ray grumbled.

"Let's see…She's wearing some fancy ass uniform, more suited to be a guard of some prestigious family. From first glance, she's emitting a deep arrogant aura and her body stature looks like she's proud of her status." Bryan slowly briefed. Ray just looked at him with deadpan eyes.

"What?" Bryan looked back at him.

"Why didn't you observe then?"

"Oh, I was lazy."


Ray shook his head and continued, "So, you assume she's part of some royal family or something?"

"That's just my first guess…" Bryan shrugged.

"Hmm, is she related to Kaya?" Ray pondered.

-In Group C-

"Were you hoping to be matched with Ray?" Ash curiously asked.

"Haha, kind of. But then probably, we'd fight each other." Kaya chuckled.

"Eh?" Ash was confused.

"Oh, I guess you didn't know but I've been itching to fight him since the start of the tournament." Kaya smiled.

"Let me guess, him too?"

"Of course!" Kaya answered cheerfully.

"Freaks, I say." Ash shook his head. "Anyways, let me give you a piece of information on Ray."

"Oh?" Kaya perked her eyebrow with extreme curiosity.

"One aspect you must know about Ray is that he is kind of a lone wolf. He doesn't want to burden anyone close to him and does everything on his own. This probably stemmed up from his slight inferiority complex. Even though we've reassured him that he does not need to do anything to not lose us, he still keeps on going."

"I…did not expect that." Kaya was in deep thought.

"But, now that he has someone he likes, I'm pretty sure he'll listen to you. Of course, not immediately but sometime in the future when the like turns into love. He considers his significant other to be his other half and if that is any indication, he will be sure to listen to you." Ash continued.

"Did you prepare for this?" Kaya asked.

"Always have." Ash smiled.

"You're a good brother." Kaya smiled.

"Thank you."

Kaya, on the other hand, had a lot to think about after the tournament. She has never felt something this powerful and it was almost like a drug to her. But now that she knows that Ray sort of likes to be a lone wolf, she'll be the wolf that he needs.

-In Group D-

"I wonder if Eris going mad…" Allie frowned with worry.

"You two lovebirds need to focus on the round." Lobian shook his head.

"Shut up, Lobian. It hasn't even started yet." Allie said.

"Yeah yeah." Lobian shrugged.

"I'm getting a powerful kind of vibe from that white haired girl over there." Khai suddenly spoke up.

"I don't know, she seems normal for now." Lobian spoke after seeing her.

"That's why you're single." Allie added.

"Tch!" Lobian grunted in annoyance.

"But Khai's right, she does give off a dangerous vibe." Allie agreed with Khai.

"Hmm…" Khai narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, the elvish man spoke, "Now that everyone is placed correctly in their respective groups. Let the fight…"


Immediately, a fighting commotion broke out from each platform. Prior to this, the participants were sneakily staring at the others trying to knock out the weakest ones first.

In Group A, weirdly enough the participants haven't started fighting. Instead, they seemed to group up and looked towards Asif and the rest, completely avoiding Urza.

"Are they teaming up against us?" Eris casually asked.

"It looks like it." Asif said.

"I guess they know we're strong." Algo smiled.

"Let me take care of this." Asif simply said and walked towards them.

"He's walking towards us…" One of the participants said aloud.

"Who cares?"

"He's just one man."

Asif released a sigh and spoke up, "To be strong is to be confident in yourself no matter the situation. The 20 of you have disappointment written on your faces and as such, you'll be unable to proceed further."


"Who the hell are you?"

"Do you think you're the Godsun?"

"There's 20 of us and just you alone."

"Never mind, you'll not even put much of a fight." Asif shook his head.


Suddenly, Asif's eyes turned bright golden and the participants saw his stare and felt as if they were unworthy of being in his presence.

"Well, this is a wrap." Algo instead turned to look at Urza who still had his eyes closed in the corner away from the crowd.

"Did he expect this…?" Eris pondered.


"Flash!" Asif muttered and a blinding flash emanated from his face, temporarily stunning and distracting his opponents.


"I can't see!"


Eventually they could see clearly and noticed small light particles floating around them. They looked mesmerizing but some of them knew they were dangerous.


Asif calmly muttered, "Explode!"


The light particles expanded slightly before exploding into the participants. Chain of explosions completely surrounded the other half of the platform consisting of the grouped up 20 participants. Sounds of painful screams hurled out from within the explosions.

Urza who had no presence whatsoever, suddenly opened his eyes slowly and observed Asif. He then looked at the explosions and closed his eyes again.

The audience were screaming with entertainment and roaring with excitement after seeing the complete decimation in the Group A platform.

In Group B, there was an all on battle. There were teams of two or three fighting against each other.

Ray knocked out someone from the platform when suddenly he felt a dangerous presence behind him and duck-rolled out of the attack.


A greenish blue arc swept from above where Ray ducked out of the way, crashing onto someone else and knocking him out of the platform.

Ray quickly stood up and saw the same dark haired woman who was intently looking at him prior to the start of the round.

"It's you." Ray said.

"You're lucky to dodge that, peasant." The woman spoke in a haughty voice.

"Peasant? So, who are you?" Ray casually asked, not the least bit offended by her.

"You don't even know who I am? I should expect no less from a peasant. I am Kara Kaflen, the Head Royal Guard of the Royal Palace and the personal guard of Princess Kaya." Kara introduced herself with pride.

"Ohhh! Let me guess something. I assume you know about my relationship with Kaya." Ray spoke.

"Peasant, do not address the Princess' name with your mouth." Kara yelled.

"Whatever. And you don't approve of me being in a relationship with her." Ray continued.

"Of course, we don't. She deserves the best of the best. She must be with someone who is of royalty and equally powerful." Kara said with displeasure.


"It seems like you don't know. Most of the members of the Royal Palace do not approve of your relationship with her, that includes the other Royal Kingdoms." Kara answered.

"I see." Ray shook his head.


Kara was about to speak when suddenly she felt an insurmountable pressure being emitted from Ray. She was rooted on the spot and couldn't move as pure fear filled her face. She saw something that scared her to the core. The next moment, she saw Ray disappear from his spot.

Bryan was casually fighting against three opponents when suddenly he felt an increase in elemental energy from behind him.


From the corner of his eyes, he saw Ray speeding through and absolutely demolishing the other opponents with his speed. He knew something was wrong from his face and decided to finish his fight quickly.

"Dark Blast!"

Bryan punched the air and a dark wave followed through knocking out his three opponents. Seeing Ray decimate the opponents one by one, Bryan looked around the platform and saw the weird dark-haired woman standing still.

'Must be because of her…' Bryan frowned and bolted towards her.

Kara was still petrified from what she experienced until she felt an unfamiliar presence getting closer to her. She forcefully came out of her stupor and saw Bryan in front of her.

Bryan narrowed his eyes and calmly said in an apathetic tone, "What did you do?"

"Huh…" Kara did not understand.

"What did you do to Ray?" Bryan asked once again while pointing at Ray continuing his domination.

"I-I told him he didn't deserve Princess Kaya and there were many of us in opposition of her relationship with him." Kara hesitantly explained.

"*Sigh* What is wrong with you idiots?" Bryan sighed in annoyance.

Feel free to leave any comments or criticisms, I'd appreciate it.

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Thank you for reading!

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts