
The Legend of the Five Emperors

5 orphans with unknown origins. Friendship that binds them together through tragedy and woe. Mysteries that plague their very past pave an unimaginable journey to freedom. A wonderful and a treacherous adventure awaits them as they seek their true place in the immeasurable universe.

ShadexRay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


The five brothers popped out of the portal and appeared on a large garden befitting the status of the Aeron Empire. They saw an endless number of participants strolling around the garden waiting for further news about the tournament. They found an obscure spot and took its place while continuing to observe the other participants.

"We have no information about any of the other participants." Bryan said.

"That does put us at a disadvantage." Asif spoke.

"But they don't know anything about us!" Ray smiled.

"So we're a mystery to them and they're a mystery to us." Algo shook his head.

"We'll win regardless." Ash said with conviction with the others nodding.


At this moment, a rough voice followed out from behind the five brothers. The five turned around and saw a 8 feet tall bare chested bulky humanoid with six arms and a battle tunic covering its lower body. He stood behind the five brothers with a fierce and intimidating expression.

"You think you'll win the tournament?" He questioned in a rough tone.

"Hello to you too." Bryan said sarcastically.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Ray asked.

Completely ignoring Ray's question, the 8 feet tall creature said in a rude tone, "The tournament takes place every ten years and only the best of the best can manage to get into the top 10. I have never seen or heard you before which means you're a new civ-"

"Hey." Asif interrupted.

"I believe he asked you a question." Asif said while pointing at Ray.

"Why should I answer him?" The 8 feet tall creature retorted.

"Now, why are you already causing trouble, Garr?" A slender figure resembling the structure of the five brothers appeared.

"Mind your own business, Lobian." Garr, the 8 feet tall creature, said in annoyance.

"You should say that to yourself." Lobian smiled. Lobian looked almost exactly like a human except for his pointy ears and his sharp elongated canine teeth.

"Garr...?" Algo tilted his head.

""HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"" Ash and Ray looked at each other and laughed vigorously.

"His name...is fucking...Garr! HAHAHAHA!" Ray couldn't stop laughing.

"This is the day you'll remember me as Captain Garr, garrrr!" Bryan imitated Garr as a pirate captain.


"Now that is funny!" Algo chuckled.

While their mocking was going on, Lobian turned to look at Garr and could see his face bubbling with intense rage. Although both Lobian and Garr don't understand the reference, they both knew they were making fun of Garr.

'I'm curious to know what they'll do once Garr loses his composure.' Lobian smiled and thought. He knew that the five brothers were from Planet Earth only because both his master and Alexander are friends. And the impulsive Garr would be the perfect bait to test out their strength.

Garr, on the other hand, felt an emotion that he seldom experienced, anger. Garr hails from the Sharka civilization, a race that holds extreme prestige and is directly under the Aeron Empire. Along with a few other civilizations, they are the support forces of the Aeron Empire.

Garr suddenly coated his fists with elemental energy and took a step forward. The five brothers sensed the change in the elemental energy around them and saw it was coming from Garr.

Asif got up and stood in front of Garr and said without a change in his expression, "If you take another step, you will regret it."

"Hahaha! I will regret it?" Garr sarcastically laughed.

At this point, the commotion between the five brothers and Garr has attracted the attention of most of the other bored participants. They creeped in closer but kept a safe distance away from the commotion just for pure entertainment.

Asif didn't say anything and instead circulated his elemental energy ready to respond to any of Garr's moves. Garr felt a weird immovable presence from Asif just by standing there. The other four brothers got up and stood right behind Asif, having complete trust and faith in him handling the situation.

"Please refrain from fighting before the tournament begins!"

A sublime voice echoed out in the ears of every single participant in the different dimension's waiting lobby. The participants looked around and could not find the source of the mysterious voice. They felt disappointed that there won't be any fight and no fight leads to no entertainment.

"You heard the voice. What's your move, big guy?" Ash smirked.

"I hope we match against each other so I can pound you hard!" Garr harrumphed and left.

""HAHAHAHAHA!"" The five brothers giggled and laughed.

"He needs to hear himself sometimes..." Ray rubbed his face.

"I hope members of his species are not like him." Algo said.

"Unfortunately..." Lobian stepped in and answered for Algo.

"They are like Garr! Although they are not superior in the brain department, they are very formidable in battles. And it seems like you five will have a troublesome time in the tournament."

"We're counting on it!" Bryan smiled.

"And you are...Lobian?" Asif guessed.

"The one and only Lobian Furis of the Naelor Kingdom." Lobian proudly introduced himself.


*Cough cough*

"I forgot that you five are from Earth and don't know much about the outside universe." Lobian shook his head.

"Wait, how did you know we're from Earth?" Asif crossed his arms and deeply stared him.

"Relax! My master and your Alexander are friends so I know a tiny bit of information about Earth." Lobian explained.

"What else do you know about us?" Asif prompted.

"Nothing. All I know is that you five are brothers and are from Earth." Lobian shrugged.

"So, what element do you have?" Algo abruptly asked.

"Normally, you don't reveal your element to someone else to maintain the secrecy but I feel you guys are worth telling it to. I have the wind element." Lobian said nonchalantly.

"Oh cool." Algo said.

"What about you five?" Lobian was curious now.

"Same as you, wind element." Algo revealed his. Lobian then looked at Asif interested in his element.

Asif shook his head and said while pointing at Algo, "One for one."

"Smart indeed!" Lobian smiled.

Outside of the arena, several huge screens appeared over the crowd of audiences that couldn't get in to the arena. This way they wouldn't miss the jam-packed combat in the arena.

Likewise, the same event occurred in the waiting lobby where the five brothers were. The participants all curiously looked up at the screens and waited for the next event.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared on top of the arena blinding everyone who stared at it. The light slowly descended onto the large main platform at the center of the arena. Eventually the light disappeared and a figure was revealed to everyone.

Standing at 7 foot tall, an elvish-looking man stood at the stage with a smile. He wore a purple robe with an insignia plastered on his left chest.

"Welcome everyone to the Great Battle Tournament!" A loud yet soft booming voice reverberated across the arena, reaching the outside crowd as well. The audience cheered loudly, livening up the atmosphere.

"10 million participants. 2 phases. 2 winners. Participants from all over the Aeron starfield have come. Only the best of the best have the rights to be at the top. We'll begin the first phase shortly but first, please welcome the King of the Aeron Empire along with the Prince and the Princess."

Loud cheers and claps echoed from the audience, clearly excited to see the famed King of the Aeron Empire. He seldom makes an appearance but whenever he does, aliens from all over the Aeron starfield will try to catch a glimpse of him.


A magnificent four-legged creature with a huge pair of wings descended from the sky at a leisure pace. The creature had purple scales all over its body and two large horns on their heads, pointing backwards toward their wings.

There were three figures on the back of the dragon standing with an aura and grace befitting those from the royal family. The crowd instantly chattered non-stop, excited about their arrival.

"T-That's our starfields Guardian..."

"The Great Cataclysmic Dragon?"

"That's an entrance worthy of the Battle King!"

"I can't believe my eyes..."

The dragon dropped off the King and his children and flew away into the unknown casting a magnificent scene in the eyes of the crowd.

-In the waiting lobby-

"That was a fucking DRAGON!" Ray said in excitement. "That was an actual dragon..."

"So cool..." Ash said dreamily.

"You think it tastes good?" Algo pondered. Bryan and Asif looked at each other and let out a wry smile.

'Heh...' Lobian slightly smirked.

-Back at the arena-

The King raised his hand and the arena immediately quietened down. Soon after, his booming rough voice resounded everywhere.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I know you all are waiting for the tournament to begin so I will keep it short. Participants from all over the Aeron starfield, there can be only one winner but no matter what happens, be proud of yourself for having the courage and fortitude to compete in the tournament amongst the many others. Fight to your very best and show the universe what you're capable of. Good luck!" The King smiled.




The crowd clapped and cheered out loud, vibrating the arena to its core. The King waved and left the center platform to his reserved place at the arena. The Prince and the Princess, on the other hand, left towards an another direction.

-In the waiting lobby-

Everyone's blood was boiling and they were all pumped up after hearing the King's speech. Almost all of them decided to cultivate to not waste any time.

"His Majesty's speech is something else, right?" Lobian spoke in awe. He didn't get a reply from the five and turned away from the screen to look at them. He saw the four of them staring incredulously at the fifth one.

'What's his name again? Ray...?' Lobian thought inside.

"Uhh..." Ash was speechless.

"No freaking way!" Bryan dramatically covered his mouth with his hand.

"I don't know if you're lucky or..." Algo said with a small smile.

'I was right...' Asif just stared at Ray as he had already guessed her identity.

"She's a princess...?" Ray muttered in shock.


"I EMBARASSED MYSELF AT THE GARDEN!! ARGHHH" Ray shouted in embarrassment.

"Just be yourself. Don't try to be someone else. If she doesn't like you for who you are, it's her loss." Asif stepped forward and spoke.

"Damn!" Algo surprisingly cursed.

"You're right, I'll just be my self. No need to fret." Ray said with goosebumps all over his body.

"We can think about that later because you haven't started anything with her yet." Ash said.

"Tsk!" Ray turned away to look at the screen.

'What the fuck...' Meanwhile, Lobian was having a mental crisis about what he just heard.



A portal appeared and from it and two figures popped out. The rest of the participants murmured loudly and were in shock to see the newcomers.

The participants apart from the five brothers immediately bowed down in respect to them and the Battle King. The Prince gestured for them to rise up and noticed the five but simply smiled.

"Speak of the fucking devil!" Ash said in shock.

"What is it?" Ray asked while his attention was on the screen.

"This idiot..." Bryan turned him around and made him see the newcomers.

"..." Ray was instantly dumbstruck. There she was, the gorgeous Princess accompanied with her brother, the Prince.

"HAHAHAHA!" The others laughed at his expression but they soon had to quieten down because they saw the Prince and the Princess walking towards their direction.

"Why is she walking towards us?" Algo confusedly asked.

"I don't know..." Bryan was clueless as well. The other participants watched with curious eyes as the Princess and the Prince made their way to a seemingly unknown group. The prince and princess reached the group in no time and observed the five brothers.

"Greetings, Princess and Prince!" Lobian stepped forward and slightly bowed.

"Hello, Lobian." Prince Khai smiled. Princess Kaya curtly nodded.

"How can we help you?" Asif broke the ice and calmly asked.

Feel free to leave any comments or criticisms, I'd appreciate it.

Also, if you like the story so far, please write a review or donate a power stone :)

Thank you for reading!

ShadexRaycreators' thoughts