
The Six Mistresses

As Kuru and the others prepared to have a good rest, Ochieng' was already done with the ritual he had been going through. He leaped off the altar and landed on the tiled floor before breathing heavily. This time, he really made it hard for the One from above to trace him. He had made use of the ritual to hide from the One from above. He knew with them losing hope on finding him, that god of theirs would find a way of dealing with the problem and victory would come quickly. What is worth mentioning is that the ritual did not work on him, he only used its power to cut connection with their god for the reason mentioned above.

The ritual was not as simple as simply severing connection between him and the One from above. It was meant to consume his life force and once it was successfully done, he would only have a few years to live. So, even though the sisters of the dark 'made' him their puppet, they still made sure to kill him slowly. These are things he knew when he read the women's minds earlier.

Even though he would be dead by the time he was done helping them, he was going to be made extremely powerful. It is not an exaggeration to say that he would destroy the whole Keniya within just a day after he was done with training. What the people of the dark world did not anticipate was the fact that Ochieng' was capable of learning of their plans beforehand, enabling him to take precautions. Consequently, he was only growing stronger each day and he was akin to a ticking time bomb in their own land.

Even though the sisters of the dark had been weakened by the ritual they just performed, excitement could be never shown in a better way on their faces. Ochieng's loyalty was not enough if this was not a success. They subconsciously turned to each other and they all laughed happily. They even failed to notice the looks of pity their High Priest and the giant gave to them.

"You have done well young man. We will take you to the our world's keeper. He will accompany you during your mission..."

The women had tidied themselves up and were busy giving instructions when they noticed that at some point in time, tight frowns had appeared on Ochieng's face. His look had changed from a fearful one to cruel. His breathing was little heavy. A sinister feeling rose in their hearts and without knowing why, they started panicking.

"Ordainers are beings chosen by the One from above himself to keep his people safe from the man eating creatures you call people of this land. You people asked me to help you destroy humans in exchange of immense power. This was after you tortured me for days. If I believed any word that came from your mouths, I would have been a fool. Right now, I was just to cut connections between me and my god, but what was your true intentions? You wanted me to be a puppet of your people as you slowly learned about everything that makes me an Ordainer. After you were done with your learning, the energy put on my body through your ritual would consume my life slowly. That was a good plan, but it just happens that you picked on the wrong Ordainer this time round."

Ochieng' spurted in a single breath angrily. As he did, he took slow steps towards the women, what made fear rise in their hearts without reason. In normal occasions, they would have used their powers to at least try and nullify Ochieng' before he did anything terrible. However, at this moment, they were bound by an invisible power, rendering them immobile. It was so much that they could not even think of retrieving a device they would use to call for back up.

When they captured Ochieng' and brought him to the dark world, they had been rewarded handsomely, including having some powers. However, at this moment, none of all that could help them.

"Since I have obtained what I wanted to, there is no need for you to be left alive, go join your ancestors." Bellowing coldly, Ochieng' lifted his hands.

"Ple... please... don't kill us." Dropping all the airs they had before, one of the women pleaded.

Ignoring the pleading women, Ochieng' flicked his lifted hands and the six exploded on the spot. This left the High Priest and the giant petrified for they were scared beyond words.

"Lord of darkness, I wanted to play with your people a little, but it seems you cannot wait to empty my homeland. In that case, I declare war with your people. If you do not protect your people, before a week ends, this land will be nothing but barren, devoid of life." Lifting his head, Ochieng' promised.

He was really angry this time. Having seen the number of humans the Black Fiends had killed, Ochieng' had felt like he had failed his people. He was to protect them from those of the dark world, he could not stomach seeing humans die in these people's hands. Therefore, even though he had planned to learn a few things of the dark world before he made a move, his people's lives were more important than anything. He had to make sure that they were safe no matter what. After learning what the people of the dark world wanted to do with him, his anger reached an intolerable limits. Even when he went through the ritual, it took him great effort just to control himself. When it was over, he couldn't control himself any longer, the result was the death of those women.

It took the High Priest and the giant a very long time just to recover from their shock. This was especially so for the High Priest. He knew that Ochieng' was powerful but compared to the six mistresses, he believed the young man was a little lacking. He had thought that there was hope for freedom, but it seemed like they were underestimating the young man. From the bottom of their hearts, they gave up on vengeance and freedom. They swore to follow Ochieng' till their death.

"Take me to this keeper of your world. I want to have a little talk with him."

They were still swearing within not to betray Ochieng' when his voice rang in their ears.

"Yes master." They bowed and led the way outside the hall.


After they were about six hundred meters from the building, they heard the sound of an explosion accompanied by immense shaking of the ground below. Turning their heads around, the priest and the giant were extremely surprised to see the tall building they revered had been reduced to rubbles.

"Let's go." Ochieng' beckoned nonchalantly.