
The Legend of Igashu and Epala

A love story of a young couple meeting in an ancient time when dragons became extinct after the slaughtering of serpents. Igashu, who was a member of a clan that can forge healing bases, decided to wander back to their old village where they used to dwell. He was asked by one of the heads of their clan to eliminate all the serpents remaining and in return, she will make him one of the most powerful physicians inside their tribe. Epala who shapeshifted herself to a human form meets the person who seeks them dead and concludes to win his heart and eliminate him herself. 

Kyst_Flauvia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

His Linked Necklace

Chapter 15.  His Linked Necklace 

   "By the dint of the light, a pristine man shall dominate our dull aisles, with the sun and moon witnessing his validity, he glows and shines with them." 

"Greetings to the modern pristine emperor of the Akkad empire." 

All hail to the uncrowned emperor. 

"The crown prince has yet to be proclaimed as the succeeding emperor, but my son attained the support of the townsfolk who once favored me when I was his age. By the dint of holding his highness in fortune." (Thank you).

"The pleasure is all on us, your highness." (You're welcome)

"Son, tonight you are in favor to please yourself to take off from the palace and to escort yourself. And on the tracks of the succeeding days, you will be a prisoner of your people. This will barely be the odds of living your life as a man, thus do fancy this gift we invariably receive before serving for the new age." 

"I will, father." 

Prince Artemis and king Henry devour their final moment as father and son, reassuring their sentiments respectively.

Amaya escorted the prince to have the benefits of nature's benediction. Addressing once voice. 

"Amaya, I am now perching on the cliff to atone my will and to favor my father's people."

"Your highness, for the third moon's peak, you will ratify the bliss of your people, honoring you as their modern ruler." 


"I am anxious about ruling his nation" 

"It'll be your nation, your highness" 

"I am anxious that the faces of his people will shift their glee into resentment. I worry they'll waver their sanity for favoring me as their leader."

"Your highness, for those who waver their sanity to the emperor shall be beheaded by my hands. I reassure you you will not shed tears in front of your people, as long as I serve his highness"

"What happens if you waive your loyalty to me, Amaya." 

The prince displayed his cold shoulder to his person. Leading her stunned and lost her phrase.  

"His highness must draw his sword to people who revoke their patriotism to the royal blood."

"Did you favor your master to behead you, Amaya?"

"I favor his majesty to draw his sword at me if I turn my back to my former master." 

*prince Artemis sighs in frustration * 

"I order you to cease yourself from attending me" 

The prince departed to the woods and vanished from Amaya's sight. With the first moon peak, Amaya and prince Artemis devour the night with a cold. While king Henry arranged the selection of the prince's betrothed woman as his queen.

Diverse torsos of the priestess princess were oriented to behave as the future queen. With the ordinance of the authorities with bare wounds or burns,  clear and plain skin shade. The princesses were ordered to perform decent gestures and manners to the queen. They were granted the to enact a formal ethical manner of eating and moral communication to the public. 

Embracing the sun's appearance, Prince Artemis and Amaya abandoned the woods and headed to the East Lake village, flattering the prince from the elegant crystal blue water of the lake, with those ivy leaves slanting on the trunks of the trees. 

Prince Artemis P.O.V 

As we saunter to the east lake village, upon catching a glimpse of nature's grace. It flatters my sanity, fascinated by the daring picture of my father's nation. 

I am perceived to be preserving my father's heritage and to be admired by my succeeding child who will be favored as the subsequent emperor of the Akkad empire.  

We stood above the surface of a cliff where we could barely see the falls plummeting to the lake. The pleasing sound of the water shifting with the stream.

I could barely feel the frosty breeze of the wind stroking my face, as I chuckled in comfort from the nature I abided by. 

"Your highness, there was a myth bound in this area."

"What is it?"

"When I was a tiny little tot, my mother would tell me a story about this couple who drowned under the lake. Before the incident happened, the spouse gave a necklace to his woman to confess his affection to the woman he longs for his entire life. But when the woman was about to provide her reply, the rock cracked open and blasted the two of them underwater. When the authorities found their bodies, they uncovered a string shining from both of them. When they approached to seize what was gleaming. They witness the two couples being linked with the gold necklace on their wrist to prevent them from separating. No one knows how the necklace was held between the two of them, but what the rumor spread is that the woman managed to tie a knot from the necklace to her spouse as her response for her devotion to her man." 

"Is that the legendary story of why there's a hole on top of this cliff?"


"The townsfolk confide that even if a storm strokes open, no lovers would end a tragic story if the two were meant to linger on one's shoulder." 

"They would still beat a happy ending" 


 "How do people define love?" 

"Hmm, people have a diverse significance of love, but if I were to ask the essence of love, it would bring us to tears. We shed tears for the person we failed to receive love. We shed tears when we failed to perform our duty to our love once. We shed tears when we failed to adore ourselves. Loving means residing and residency means adoring who was meant to settle with you. 

The essence of love is to express your hostility, despair, and prosperity to your partner with a pleasant voice. It doesn't matter if you cry your heart out, as long as you manage to express your suffering to your spouse without offending the other party.      

Prince Artemis and Amaya consume their time title-tattling about the essence of love. 

 "Amaya, before I will be declared as a full-fledged emperor, do you favor escorting me for our deciding bond to behold the whole nation of my father's wealth?"  

"I ratify his majesty's notion." 

*both draw their smirk*

*prince Artemis sighs*

"We'll be heading to that island."


"The Fiasco mountain?"


"Igashu Cassius" -Yvette mumbles.


*express his courtesy to the holiness*

"I have a notion to convey to you Igashu" 

"I am keen to heed your query, holiness" 

"What do you comprehend about the Averchinary clan?"


"What runes did you carve proficiently   when you used to dwell on the island of the Fiasco mountain from the Averchinariams?"

"I keen naked but a mockery from that island holiness," 

"You've carved naked about the proficiency of the healing bases?"

"Achcha…" *nods*

"With that being the case, you are permitted to be keen from my wisdom. Thus, allow me to express my knowledge as a former member of our clan." 

"I ratify your notion, holiness" 

"Igashu Cassius your time has come~" 

*voice ringing in his right ear.*


*panting and gasping*

*heavy breathing* 

                                End of chapter 15