
The Legend of Astra

In a world where Arks ruled the battlefield... In a world where the line between magic and technology is blurred.... In a world where... "uhh... how do you read this again?" "It's 'Rendezvouz'!!! How many times do I have to remind you?!!" In a world where fate rendezvouz... "ugh... why do I feel like this sentence is wrong..?" "Just read it already!!!" "And why does it have to be me?!" "No...isn't that because you lost at Rock-Paper-Scissors?" "And who wrote such cringey lines?!" "Of course it was made by yours truly. It's about my tale after al--" "Astra!!!" "Yes madam?" ". . . can I just make a cooler version?" "Hell no! I poured all my blood and sweat into making that piece--" *rip* *rip* *rip* "NOOOOOO!!!!" "Ahem.... anyway..." --------------------- ------------------ In a distant land, in a distant realm, from a distant universe, a young man was transported into a world of magic and machines. As an ignorant-- "MY PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!" *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*...*Thud*. As an ignorant young man of another world, his destiny coincides with a young noble lady who takes him as her war slave. Slaves that accompany their master from life to death. Both in peace and war. And so, his legend, as the strongest Ark Meister began...

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Record #31: A Lull Before the Storm


Year 4667 of the Unified Imperial Calendar:

Fourth Month, Day 18. (9:41 AM)


• Third Person POV •


The Third Defense Army Battalion Commander, Fahren Lindellstrüm, couldn't help but smile at his current situation. He sat on the captain's seat in the main bridge of the Espada Warship, as he would occasionally giggle to himself. As of he could already imagine a bright future for himself.


However, it was nothing strange. After all, he had found clues to one of the most desired treasures left behind the infamous Emperor Astraeus. And the reward he expected to gain from this, was everything he could ever want.


After all, he was already thinking of himself as the new Emperor Astraeus himself.


A legend across history. . .


Emperor Astraeus Olympus Asgardem. His name was so famous in a bad way, all over the world, as it was even a fixed answer to one of the most disturbing questions one can find.


Nothing was very much known regarding the mysterious Emperor who seemed to have popped out of nowhere, but how he had announced his presence according to history books, was one of the flashiest way possible.


Over 500 years ago, when the Sky Empire had yet to be founded, a war between a major kingdom and a military advanced empire were waging war against each other. The world, at that time, had expected that if any of these two were to come out on top, then the world would see a new unified world once more.


However, when the two opposing forces clashed, a third person suddenly appeared. . .


. . . and murdered all the soldiers from BOTH sides other than the kings.


He arrived alone, within an unusually large armour that was impervious to magic, and it had brute force that overpowered even the giants. Wielding various never-seen before weapons, and a series of powerful explosions that came out of nowhere all over the battlefield, he murdered them all.


And he succeeded.


And from then on, he  committed countless atrocities such as burning the secluded Elven Sanctuaries just to see if they would remain ' detached from the world' , he cut off the wings of countless dragons and only gave the explanation " I wanted to see these arrogant lizards how they crawl on the ground " , and there was also the part where he indiscriminately murdered the population of an entire kingdom just because he didn't like it.


And absolute tyrant.


That was the only way to describe him, and he had the power to back his whims.


And now, Fahren was on his way to the Tindalerose Territory to take the remnants of this power.


• • •


" How long till we reach there?" Fahren asked one of the operators of the Warship.


"About 40 minutes, My Lord."


Fahren put a hand beneath his chin: "  Hmm.. . . That's too long. Make it 20 minutes."


"But My Lord, we are already moving at the fastest authorized spe—"


" Didn't you hear me?!" Fahren snapped as he slammed his fist on his seat's armrest: " Sooner enough I won't need to follow such pointless rules! So hurry up before I blast your head apart!"


" Y-Yes sir!"


Fahren then felt the increase in speed as his body was left behind for an instant, leaning him backwards. He smiled. The faster he reached to his destination, the better.


He grinned. It was only a matter of time before he discovered the inheritance of Emperor Astraeus. He didn't doubt anything that suggested it wasn't there.


There was no room for doubt, as he once again recalled the events earlier.


° ° °


Fahren was in a bad mood for being the one who was dumped with the work of suppressing some random. Rebel again. It was a work with no glory on it, and no fame to gain. Perhaps that was the reason why the job was pushed onto him.


But it can't be helped. After all, despite being a commander of a battalion, he was just a puppet without backing. So it was pointless to argue.


However, the moment he arrived at the city of Armael, he was shocked. The once thriving and second center of the entire empire. . .


. . . was now no different from a massive burning pile of steel and whatever things that wasn't destroyed.


" W-What. . . happened.." he muttered. "Who would do..   something like this?"


Fahren's heart fell as he paled. What exactly happened. How about the population of a million than lived here?


A bunch of questions entered his mind, but it was answered the moment he zoomed in his visual scanners on the ground.


Corpses. . .


Corpses. . .


And more corpses. . .


It was a nightmarish sight, but Fahren forced himself to calm down. He was a soldier, and this much would be enough once the ceasefire ends. So he ought to take it as experience.


"Yeah. Get a hold of yourself. Fahren." He muttered to himself.


However. . .


" U-Umm..! Please take a look at this!" one of the assisting operators suddenly called out.


A video panel then appeared as it showed a certain figure. It seems like it was an Ark, however. . .


" A. . . beast. . ?"


. . .it was closer to a beast.


It was already battered. That much they could tell, but the fangs on the helm portion of the Ark, had some metal chips on it, as if it was really used to bite on some arks. Its claws on its arm were dyed in blood, as well as its tail. It's posture was also a bit crooked, as if it was a wolf that gained ability to stand on boy legs.


And the mountain of Arks beneath its feet. . .


Everyone who saw it, paled. But it was weakened, so Fahren took his chance. Suppressing the panic I'm him, he brought his arm forward: " Shoot! Blast that thing with the main cannons!"


" Y-Yes, My Lord!"


The Warship shook, as a mana-filled explosive she'll was fired. It flew straight to its target, and landed a solid hit.


Flames and smoke covered the area where the beast used to stand, however. . .


" I-It. . . . . . It's not destroyed. . ." someone muttered as he saw it.


It was indeed not destroyed. The shell had landed the hit, and was able to deal considerable damage, but it was far from being destroyed.


Fahren's eyes widened. " This is. . ."


No one knew, but his chest began to race as excitement welled up inside him.


Could this be the legendary Arks that the Emperor Astraeus once used to conquer the world?


Ever since he was little, Fahren had always loved the stories about the Emperor.


 He loved how cruel his methods was. He never took any prudence in his actions.


He loved how unforgiving he was. He spares no one the moment the moment they become his enemy.


He loved how free he was. He did everything as he wanted, and got away with it.


And he loved how equal he was. Everyone was subject to his rules. Other than himself, everyone was equal. Whether they live, or whether they die.


I want to be someone like that. He thought.


A small grin formed on his mouth, as he lowered his head in order to prevent enyone from seeing.


" Bombard him."


And so, about an hour later, he was on his way to Tindalerose Territory as he captured and found out the identity of the Beast Ark's pilot.


° ° °


Even till now, Fahren still couldn't supress the grin on his mouth, as he muttered to himself: " Everything he had. Soon, it will be mine. . ."


He then giggled to himself inaudibly. However. . .


" Everything who?" a carefree voice suddenly came from beside him. "I didn't quite hear you."


Fahren abruptly stood: " Who's there?!"


However, when he looked around. There was no person in sight.


Did he imagine it?


• ?? Third Person POV ?? •


From the never ending dark world, she floated as she analyzed everything she was meant to. However, her role was now done. There was no need to calculate any possible deviations in the plan anymore.


After all, 'he' was already here.


She opened her eyes, revealing lustrous green irises reminiscent to fine emerald. Her long silky black hair then cascaded down her knees, as she suddenly felt the pull of gravity beneath her. It seems Unit 001 Beta was doing her job well.


She smiled, as she then walked, as a passage appeared before her. It was time for her to leave.


But before she did, she made a final broadcast to all the active Units within the entire Research Center.


"Behold the Emperor."