
Chapter 42 It's a Taboo

Rory didn't think much and kicked hard at the door.

With a loud bang, the office door was kicked open, and Rory rushed in.

When he rushed in, he immediately saw a balding man in his fifties, who was short, fat, and had an appearance like a toad, pressing Mya under his body and caressing her with both his hands.

"You f*cking b*stard, do you have a death wish? How dare you molest my sister-in-law!" Rory was furious. He rushed forward, grabbed the guy's collar, and pulled him away. Then, he punched him hard in the face.

The man screamed, fell to the ground, and rolled to his side like a bowling ball.

Rory wanted to punch him again but he was stopped by Mya. "No, Rory, don't hit him anymore."

"Mya, what are you talking about? Why are you still protecting him? He was about to f*cking rape you!" Looking at Mya's torn shirt which exposed her creamy white chest, Rory couldn't help feeling another bout of electricity coursing through his body.