
The Lazy Sword God

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 38 -Shock of many

Chapter 38 -Shock of many

Swift rushed rapidly towards the location of his organization, with Sandro easily keeping pace with him.

Within a matter of minutes, they came upon a scene of ruins and countless corpses strewn across the ground.

Sandro was taken aback, as it was his first time witnessing such a massacre.

On the other hand, Swift was filled with disbelief, seeing the Assassin House reduced to this state.

"What happened here? Master, where are you?"

Swift cried out, his face etched with despair.

He had known that the organization had been using him, but his master had been like family to him.

He knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

Sandro felt a deep sympathy for his companion, even though he didn't know the full story.

He understood that Swift must be experiencing immense pain.

Placing a comforting hand on Swift's shoulder, Sandro said, "We should leave this place. If whoever destroyed this returns, we'll be in danger."

Swift wiped away his tears, gathering his resolve as he surveyed the desolate scene once more.

In his heart, he swore to avenge his master.

Realizing that his master was likely already dead, he rose to his feet with Sandro's support, and they swiftly left the area.


Just as they had departed, a woman emerged from the wreckage of a building, coughing up blood, her face pale.

"Hah! Thankfully, I had my life-saving treasure. Otherwise, I would undoubtedly be dead," she muttered.

This woman was Rena, the second-ranked assassin and the sole survivor of the attack.

She still trembled with fear, haunted by the lingering presence of Sword Devil.

'That was a close one. Sword Devil is terrifying.'

The memory of his sword slashing through the air and the overwhelming aura it emanated was enough to make her faint with terror.

Luck had been on her side, as she possessed a one-use treasure capable of reviving her as long as even a drop of her essence remained.

Rena had intended to use it after reaching the pinnacle of the ninth star, using it to kill Morris and rid herself of the curse that plagued her body.

However, she hadn't anticipated having to use it so soon.

Her original plan had been to kill Morris, seize his wealth and forces, and return to her clan.

Sadly, Sword Devil had ruined those ambitions.

She knew she stood no chance against him and could only sigh in sorrow.

"Well, I must return to my clan and inform the patriarch of what happened," she murmured to herself.

Suddenly, her beautiful and alluring face transformed into a strikingly innocent visage.

With long green hair and blue eyes, she began her journey north, eventually finding a cave where she could rest.

Physically and mentally exhausted, she needed time to recuperate.

Even though she was weak right now, Rena's strength was still sufficient to overpower those below the seventh star.

She had found a temporary place in the form of the cave, where she planned to regain her strength before continuing her travels.

'I must recover!'

Unexpectedly, she sensed the presence of a strange young man who stared at her hungrily, as if she were a delicacy.

His face bore the marks of numerous beatings, but she could tell he was still quite young.

"Hey, miss, are you lost? Come to me. I can help you," he called out.

If Cris and the other students had seen him, they would have recognized him as Harley, who had gone missing some time ago.

The assassins had beaten him severely, and he had taken the opportunity to escape during the chaos when Cris and the others were engaged in battle.

He had run without consideration, intending to reach his clan and implore his father to avenge him.

Unfortunately, a powerful explosion had rendered him unconscious.

When he awoke, he found himself in the nest of a colossal bird, beside three two-meter-tall eggs.

Realizing that he would become the hatchlings' food, he had managed to escape the nest.

However, he had unknowingly jumped from a colossal tree, expecting certain death.

To his luck, he had landed in the excrement of a massive creature, which had softened the impact. Nevertheless, the fall had left him with several broken bones.

Disgusted and eager to cleanse himself, he had stumbled upon a lake.

Yet, his luck was bad as a colossal crocodile had nearly devoured him.

He ran and endured his injuries, he had fled into the forest, eventually becoming lost and feeling hopeless and fatigued.

It was then that he encountered the beautiful woman. He hadn't anticipated such luck, as her appearance rivaled that of Odette.

Harley had felt the urge to attack her, hoping to satisfy his final desires before he died because he felt that there was no more hope in his life.

However, his hopes were shattered when she delivered a powerful kick to his groin, obliterating his chances.

Horror washed over him as he hadn't expected her to possess such strength.

Though he wished to beg for mercy, a thought crossed his mind – perhaps she would save him from this predicament.

Yet, to his dismay, she delivered another forceful kick, sending him flying like a rocket, causing him to lose consciousness once more.


Rena watched as the young man flew away from her after she kicked him fiercely.

She hadn't expected to encounter a pervert, but luckily for her, he was weak and easily subdued.

"Humans are truly dangerous," she remarked, venting some of her frustration towards the unfortunate young man.

Having said that, she quickly dismissed the incident from her mind and decided to set up camp and rest.

She knew she had to return early to report everything to the patriarch.


The next day, Dwight and the other students had safely returned to the academy.

The dean gave them time to recover and sent healers to tend to their injuries.

In addition, as compensation for what had happened, everyone received 10,000 credit points.

The dean personally sent letters and apologized to their families, feeling a sense of anguish over the situation.

He had expended a considerable number of treasures and money to appease their anger.

The encounter with the clan head of the Starlight family had nearly cost him his life.

Despite both of them being ninth stars, the vast difference in power had instilled fear within him.

David was angered by the dean and had wanted to kill him for failing to protect the students and his son is included in the accident.

Fortunately, one of the old founders of the academy had been present and asked for forgiveness in Eric's place.

David snorted in response but respected the founder's wishes, because they were acquaintances.

Fortunately, nothing had happened to David's son, Dwight, thanks to the appearance of the Sword Devil, who had protected him.

Otherwise, the dean would have faced the wrath of the Starlight Clan.

Although he wasn't afraid of retaliation, he knew that clashing with such a colossal clan would result in immeasurable losses.

All the dean could do was curse the Assassin House.

However, that morning, he received news that the Assassin House had been completely eradicated from the face of the world.

The news spread rapidly, shocking everyone who heard it.

They also learned that it was the Sword Devil who had emerged and eradicated the organization.

The Sword Devil, who had once brought terror, had made a shocking move.

Many were aware of the Assassin House's strength, but the Sword Devil had razed them to the ground in a single night.

Rumors circulated that he was relentlessly pursuing the organization's leader, as numerous sightings of the two had been reported.

The news quickly spread throughout the world, capturing the attention and curiosity of people everywhere.

The Sword Devil's actions disrupted the balance of power, leaving many wondering about his ultimate goal. 

Within the academy, students whispered among themselves, speculating about the Sword Devil's motives.

Some admired his strength and audacity, while others feared the chaos and uncertainty his actions had brought.

Regardless of their individual opinions, one thing was certain – the Sword Devil had become a legendary figure again, his name etched into the annals of history.