
The Lazy Man

This story is confusing as hell, Don't ask me, I don't even know what I write If you managed to complete this Light Novel then you are a very weird person. You can Interpret this Light Novel just like you want.

monmon_on_top · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


In the wake of their final confrontation with the malevolent force that had threatened Rosak, a profound transformation occurred within Malas. The echoes of unity that had guided their journey had not only strengthened the bonds among friends but had also catalyzed a deep internal change.

As the days passed, Malas noticed a subtle shift within himself. The different identities that had once fragmented his personality began to merge into one. The remnants of Tipu, Takut, Jahat, and even Rajinna seamlessly integrated with his core self. It was as if the pieces of a fractured mirror had finally come together to reveal the complete reflection of his true identity.

With this newfound unity within himself, Malas felt a sense of clarity and purpose that he had never experienced before. It was as though the fog of his past trauma had lifted, and he could finally see the events that had led to his dissociation.

Guided by the echoes of unity and love, he embarked on a journey of introspection and self-discovery. It was a path that led him to confront the trauma from his past life, the feelings of failure, and the moments of despair that had haunted him.

With Rajinna by his side, their bond stronger than ever, Malas delved into the memories of his previous existence. He revisited the choices he had made, the challenges he had faced, and the burdens he had carried. It was a painful process, but one that was essential for his healing and growth.

As he confronted the traumas and failures of his past life, Malas began to come to terms with them. He realized that his previous existence had been marked by a relentless pursuit of success and perfection, a quest that had ultimately led to his undoing.

With Rajinna's support and the echoes of unity as his guiding light, Malas forgave himself for his perceived failures. He understood that true success lay not in external achievements but in the unity of self, in embracing the complexity of his own identity, and in the relationships he had forged along the way.

In a moment of profound realization, Malas whispered, "I accept all of me—the fear, the darkness, the failures, and the love. They are all a part of who I am."

As he uttered those words, the echoes of unity resonated within him, reaffirming the transformation that had taken place. Malas had not only healed the fractures within his own soul but had also come to terms with his past and embraced his imperfections.

Their journey in the ever-enigmatic world of Rosak had become a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance—a testament to the enduring power of unity within and among friends.

With a newfound sense of wholeness, Malas and Rajinna continued their exploration of Rosak, their legacy one of profound transformation and the unwavering belief in the enduring power of unity. In the world where magic and mystery intertwined, they understood that unity of self was as essential as the unity of friendship and love, shaping not only the world but also the very essence of who they were.