[ Courtroom Creation has been activated.]
[ Summoning Executor]
[ Summoning Prosecutor]
[ Item: Gavel {Level 3} has been equipped ( Added effect of raising the power of Executor and
prosecution by 20 %) ]
[ Item Judge's robe {Level 1} has been equipped (All abilities are raised by 10% when worn)]
The hard wooden chair of the judge felt hard as he sat and the perfect set up wooden courtroom put off a constricting feeling. and played off the fear ingrained in any and every member of the Recrwer. Ajax looked down and found a document in front of himself as he awaited the summoning of the executor and prosecutor.
[ Skill Information processing has been activated.]
Information rushed into his head like a tidal wave and he was quickly able to learn about the current case.
[ Criminals: 6
Crime: Attempted Rape & Murder
Suggested Sentence time: Two years in level two Re-education Rooms.
Variables: Victim was the executioner,
Solution to the variable: Two days in Executions room]
[ Executioner and prosecutor have requested access to the courtroom. Do you give permission?]
[Yes] [No]
Having learned from the previous time Ajax pressed [Yes] and watched in fascination as the two materialized. The first was a rather tall guy who was around Ajax's own age in a well-fitting suit with an earpiece and mic attached to his ear who looked rather annoyed. He returned Ajax's look for a minute before turning and looking at his surroundings.
What was weird was that Ajax could somewhat see his expressions but could not see his actual face. It was like he would see his face but would forget it right afterward. Ajax wondered how this was done, but still in the determined mindset to think of all of this as a dream, he didn't really question it.
" So you're the judge?"
His voice was deeper than expected but still matched his stature. Ajax nodded in response.
" You are?"
The guy finished looking around and finally introduced himself. Ajax could tell by the strain in his voice that he was definitely unhappy with this situation and was sure that if he could make out the guys expression for longer than half a second would be shown an enraged expression.
" Prosecutor…..Are we supposed to use our real names or should we go by the titles?"
Ajax shut that down immediately, refusing to associate this place with reality in any way.
"Let's use our titles. We don't want the Criminals looking for us later. Call me Jardon"
The Prosecutor was somewhat taken aback by the apathetic looking man's quick reaction but still nodded in agreement,
" Accusatoris. Call me Toris. Do you know anything about what this is?"
Ajax shook his head and began to detail everything that had happened since he had arrived in the courtroom.
"I actually just arrived here myself but there was this on the desk when I got here. I think we're supposed to put these guys on the trail."
Ajax passed down the document he had found and waited for Toris to read it through. It was during this wait that another person appeared. A delicate looking girl in a rather…...Well fitting suit and holding a scythe almost as tall as she was. She looked first at Ajax then at the prosecutor then quickly walked to her spot and began to speak in a strict and defensive tone.
" Can I assume you two are the Judge and Prosecutor?"
The two boys, still slightly stunned by her appearance nodded and introduced themselves. Ajax tried to calm himself down and spoke as slowly and calmly as possible.
" I'm the judge, call me Jardon."
At this point Ajax had decided that even if it was a weird dream it was worth it to be on the same side as this dangerously attractive woman, however, Toris seemed unaffected as he spoke with a dry and unaffected tone.
" Prosecutor. Call me Toris."
She nodded and began to introduce herself as well,
" I'm the executioner, call me F-"
Toris cut her off here.
" We've decided to use the titles instead of our real names so the criminals don't come after us in the future."
An eyebrow raised but she complied and changed her introduction.
" I'm the executioner. Call me Alasotor."
[The Criminals are ready to be put on trial. Is the court ready]
[Yes] [No]
Ajax looked at the other two for signs that they had received the same notifications but was greeted with blank expressions.
" The criminals are ready...do you guys know what to do?"
Alasotor nodded in a short and crisp manner, but Toris only shrugged in a cool manner that showed how un-invested he was in this whole thing.
" I'll do my best at least."
He shot a quick look at Alasotor,
" Are you going to be okay? It says here that there is a personal relation."
Her gaze suddenly sharpened and her giant scythe was slightly raised but she said nothing and nodded.
Ajax nodded and clicked [ Yes] and a message popped up n the middle of the room for the three to read.
[ Rules of the courtroom:
The Prosecutor and Executioner must abide by the Judge's final ruling.
The Executioner cannot act before the Prosecutor.
If requested a defendant may be appointed by the Judge.
The Executor may act only if the criminals show aggression first.
Skills used out of turn must be used with permission of the Judge
All judgments must be fair.]
A mechanic voice read out the rules.
[ Report to your positions. Criminal transport in 10s]
[ 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.]
The [Criminals] were dressed in identical full-body blue suits and were handcuffed and they walked to the table. They looked around dazed and confused.
It came unbidden but a feeling of absolute disgust rose up in the usually apathetic Ajax as he recalled the case he was judging and it showed in his tone and he spoke to the [Criminals] from the podium
"You are permitted to have an appointed defendant. Would you like one?"
A bulky man looked up at Ajax and was entirely freaked out by the whole scenario. All of a sudden the girl that they had already caught had suddenly become a terrifying monster and then they had all been trapped in a weird black space and harshly forced to change into these weird clothes. now were suddenly on trial with three weird people whose faces were giant blurs.
He didn't know what was going on, but after a quick scan of the two slender but clearly male figures and the single...well developed female one that looked down at them from their platforms the bulky man suddenly regained his confidence and began to speak to them In a loud and boisterous tone.
" Where are we? And what do you mean a defendant! Listen, kid, if you let us go I promise you'll be able to go home with most of your limbs intact."
He looked around and his eyes finally landed on Alasotor who was dressed as she was and smiled in a such a repulsive was that Ajax got the impulse to leave his chair and brain him over the head with his mallet but he resisted. However, Alasotor did not.
She raised her scythe high and began to move however she stopped and looked intensely at a blank space in front of her before looking at Ajax.
[ The Executor has requested to use her skill on the criminal. Do you grant permission?]
[ Yes] [No]
Ajax didn't even have to think twice before clicking [Yes]
[ Skills Daunt and Fear have been activated by executioner]
However almost immediately another notification popped up,
[ The Prosecutor has requested to use his skill on the criminal. Do you grant permission?]
[ Yes] [No]
And once again Ajax accepted.
[ Skill Intimidate have been activated by prosecutor]
The loud man who was now under the direct influence of the three skills tried to continue his threats but found himself unable to speak. The rest of the crowd who had stayed quiet in their confusion began to heavily sweat as they watched their leader being crushed under some sort of mysterious power.
Caught up in the mood Ajax decided to do something as well and raised his gavel in an imposing manner, letting the criminals feel the full effects of his power and then smashed it down.
[ Item Gavel has been used: Power of Prosecutor and Executioner raised by 40 %]
kekeke, this was so fun to write but I really had to restrain myself here since its for a general audience ~ sorry if the impact falls a bit.