

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasia
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59 Chs


Back to the class-room

"Sup class mates". Meyan with the first impression, which sounds weird

"No reply fine". She sat down. The rest of her friends walked in

Door opens

"Oh, my world! What a surprise". They hugged each other, took her sit

"I thought you would never come back ever, when you said you were leaving". Mena said

"I know, I didn't want to come back, but I changed my mind". Marien added

"That's good, spend time with your friends".

"I know, I want to go and see me baby". She added

"Sure, guard, go with her". She instructed

"Okay, be right back". Marien added

"Or wait! Let me come with you, I want to give this, to Stella's baby"

"Ok fine then let's go".

..... they left the office

Walked into the class room

"Wow! How lovely

"Mom, heyy mom". Jamaine went to embrace her

"What are you doing here, I wasn't expecting you to come back so early, but am happy".

"Oh yea...". breathing deep, so fast.

Palpitation of heart, she couldn't get a grip of herself, immediately she saw Mariana, she got frighten

"Mom! Mom!". Raised his head up, saw Mariana in front, all her friends, not sitted

"It's because of Mariana". Mena whispered

"Wh-wh-wh-who ar- are y.... you, why, why, wwwwwhy are you, why do you look so much like my son, are you trying to mock me". She came closer to Mariana, pushing her behind, while they tried to calm her down. She kept one wondering why, without uttering any word, minutes after the whole chaos, Marien fell unconscious, she was taken to the hospital.

Everywhere, still very calm, Jamaine walked in an hour later, left in a hurry, back for his things

"Heyy, Mariana am....".

"You know my name". surprised

"Yess... I do, anyway! I just want to apologize for what happen am really sorry".

"It's fine am use to it already".

"Okay if you say so, gat to go, she needs me". Talking to his friend, walked away

Entered her room

"Who was that girl, Mariana is dead, why do she look so much like my baby, why". She cried bitterly as she remembers the painful incident of how she lost her daughter, she screamed so loud, Jamaine, held her close, trying to make her eat

"Please mom, don't do this, please, nothing should happen to you, please".

"Why! Just answer me, why, does she look like you, like you... so much, no difference, why".

"Come on just forget about that okay mom, you are hurting me, stop crying ok, please, please, be strong mom, please".

"Haven't I been strong all these years, why does she have to look so much like you, your nose, lips, eyes, everything Jamaine, why". She screams louder

... he did all he could but she kept on asking why. Called the entire family members and the all made her calm, get her to see Mariana differently.