

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasia
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59 Chs


Standing next to her…

"You care for".

"What is that". She said collected the drink, opened it and started drinking

"This feels good, really good".

"Okay!". He said walked away.

Walked in, scattering their things

"What is wrong with you Juliana, can't you see". Mariana said

"Are you talking to me, huh…. do you have any idea who I am". She said, getting really violent. Mariana got up, sniffed her

"Are you drunk". She yelled they all get up, holding Juliana

"Am not drunk… I would show you". she said staggering. Anita collected the drink from her hand, read the content.

"Alcohol! She's drinking alcohol". She said. Saucy drag the drink and she squeezed it

"Juliana who gave this to you". she asked. The boys walked in

"What are they doing there?". Richard asked

"Don't know don't care, just want to go out". David said

"That cute boy, cute, cute, cute boy". She started laughing, she went to Justin, held his hands

"His the one".

"What did I do?". He asked

"He gave me that sweet drink". Chuckle

"You gave her alcohol". Saucy yelled

"Wait jarad that drink you gave to me was alcohol!".


"I gave the damn thing to her… am so sorry I didn't know".

"Sorry! No need for that. We're going out right, she would enter your car... come on let's go". She said… they all walked away. Looking at Juliana, so drunk

"Shit! Wait for me".

Entered the car

"What if she does something stupid?".

"Deal with it". Saucy said

Juliana opens the sunroof, brought her head out

"Come on cutie lets ride". She said. Saucy entered Andy's car and they left.

"Am a dead man". He said, entered the car

"Come down".

Calm for a while, looked at Juliana, looking at each other. She tried to drive the car

"Heyy what are you doing, they can't be two captains on one boat". Justin said. Trying to take her hand off the steering.

"I want to drive". She yelled. Upcoming vehicle, quick turn.

"See because of you we would have die". He shouted at her and she started cry

"Okay sorry am sorry".

"You are a wicked person, I hate you". she pouted, tried to open the door

"Where do you think, you are going to?".

"Am leaving!". Held her hand, looked at the back sit. Gave her another alcohol

"Here stops cry". She started smile, grabbed it quickly, she gulped everything

"Let's drive". She said

"Oh shit, hopefully she falls asleep". He said drove on

"What took you so long".

"It's a long story". They enter the club

In for a while, moving around

"Take put on this mask so no one would know that it's you". Anita said

"Take your cheap mask away". Richard said

"Wait… is that not Delancey". Juliana said

"I've been looking at Juliana for a while now, you gave her more drink".

"I had too".

"Guys, that's really Delancey, quickly let's move that way, so she won't see us".

"What is she doing here". Anita asked

"That too with a boy".

"Girls!". The boys said unison

"Let me go and ask her". Juliana said. They held her back… she tried to call her name; Justin held her mouth. Gave her another drink. Surprise looks on all their faces

"There be a good girl". Touching her hair

"I pray when she feels puckish, she pucks on you". saucy said

"Wait a minute, she's not the only one here, she's here with her friends too". Melody said

"What… something is going to happen. We need split up and find out what. David and i… and the rest of you… you know your number right".

"Seriously" melody said

"Of course!".

"But wait".



"She's your problem so deal with it".

...Started following Delancey and her friends

"Oh my God are we going to watch…. Life porn". Pricilla whispered

"You're crazy. They are not doing anything yet". David said laughing

"Are they… Prisca is taking her shirt off, juice…"

"Okay this is weird, why are we even here, watching this two make love". Looking at Juliana

"She's so cute". Said within. Juliana looks at him, focus on Delancey and her lover. Juliana move closer to him, smiling.

"What do you want?". Justin asked. Pointing at Delancey and her love

"Them!". She nodded

"I don't get you".

"Aren't you a man, let's do the same thing. Or don't you have that thing, that his putting inside her, making her to scream like that. Let's do it".

"Juliana you are drunk, please".

"Ain't you a man".

"No am not".

"Well I hate you am going to look for a real man to do it for me". she got up and walked away

"Where do you think you are…. Huh your friends would look for you". continue watching Delancey and her lover ride on each other.

"What are you doing Pricilla?".

"I need to take a picture".


"What is what, I would not leak it, I would use this for my advantage. Let's go somewhere else, they are not under the anointing again". She said

"Is she even okay". He said followed her

"Aah!". They came out laughing

"You need the see the way Sonia was scream". Mimicking her

"Going out was a good idea". Ony said

"I know right, thanks to saucy".

"Where is Juliana"

"Mm she left".

"Left! To where".

"She wanted us to have sex". They gaps

"We didn't! so she got angry saying she would look for someone else who would do it for her".

"She's drunk you fool".

"Look that's Juliana on that table in the midst of those men". Lusiya said

Going to meet Juliana, they saw Delancey and friends coming out, they rushed back to their hide out as quick as they could.

"That was a close one". Annabel said

"They are done". Everyone started looking at her

"They don't have stamina. They would have continue for like 6-8hours".


"Do you have such stamina". Saucy asked

"Why do you have to ask".

"Answer the question".

"Please go away".

"What kind of weirdo is that". Selina said

"Only one person has such shape, and that hair… Juliana! Oh my God what is she doing here". Delancey mocks her. Making a video of Juliana making a fool of herself

"How dare these stupid girls. If I see that video on the internet I won't think twice before I post the video of her acting like a dog, because some casual fool is having sex with her". Pricilla said

"You have a video of them".

"From the beginning… making that weird sound oh... ah… oh… baby, calm down, I love it, ride on, you're so good…. ooh…". she mimics Delancey and her friends moaning

"Pricilla, you are so good" Nina said

"Is that how you are going to scream when you are having sex with David".

"Are you crazy, David and I are just friends".

"That's what they say, till you find them under the duvet performing under the anointing". Aso said

…bereft of words.

Dancing seriously, getting more drinks. She felt puckish couldn't hold it any longer, she throws up right there, on their faces

"Ehew! This girl is so disgusting". Sonia said

…..They pushed Juliana down

"You stupid man if you touch me, I would kill you". still very drunk

"What is she even saying let me go and teach her a lesson". Delancey said, walked up to Juliana and slap her, Juliana slapped her back and throw up on her face

"What! Arrh". She screams

"I told you". babe said

"Dirty middle class". Selina said

"Oh that was a good one… that's Delancey". She said

Entered their car, drove away. Friends came out from their hiding place

"That was a good one Julie, lets get you clean". Niso said

Back home, reminisce of how Juliana throws up on Delancey face

"Am definitely going to post this video #hastag slap me slap you, puck on you". Pricilla said

"Can you be sensible".

Later that day, Juliana woke up saying she's hungry.

"Baby, what do you want".

"Am hungry". Making a face

"It's late".

"I want food…. Food". She yells

"Okay". They brought food for her.

"Juliana you were drunk".

"What! How? Who gave me alcohol".

"Justin did". Looking at him. Finds that surprising

"It was a mistake".

"Did I do anything stupid?". She asked

"Yes, you asked me to have sex with you". Justin said, she started choking. Gave her water

"What's wrong with you?". Emma scolds

"Why would you tell her now…".

"Wait… wait…. wait… did you do it".

"You really want to know". Coming closer to her. Juliana fidgets

"No I didn't do it". He said smiling. Big relief

"Enough of that, watch this video #hashtag slap me slap you, puck on you".

"What a stupid #hashtag". Juliana mocks her

"Oh please!". Watching the video, laughing at Delancey

"That was a good one, ahh! What a day".

"Yeah…. now we can call this a day… everyone to bed, okay up! Up…. up". Saucy said

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