

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasia
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59 Chs


Walked into the class room as usual, questioned for her presence. Jamaine stopped Oliva, side with Mariana instead. Jamaine took Mariana so close to himself, making other female students wonder.

Meeting the cunny of them all, Delancey. Oliva spread the news; she said a lot of nasty things. Like wanting to mess Mariana up, and all manner of trash. That she wants to get rid of her. So, theirs 17 crew came together to make a devious plan. Whispering done, Anita eavesdrops, but didn't get full details, ignored and walked away.

Mariana sitting down alone, with no one to talk to. Drinking her water, Jamaine sat next to her. She was surprised, staring at each other for a while, burst into laughter, for no reason. He started a conversation, gradually she started blushing, sharing enough connection.

Speechless for a while, lost in his identity. Gain himself sooner on, left to meet his friends.

The care he shows to this one girl 'Mariana' has never been seen, ever since previous heartbreaks, the hate they all developed for girls. It was almost like they share a very strong intimate relationship.

Frequently, Jamaine drops her home after school, and spoils her with lots of gifts by weekend, quite unusual. Being ignorant they felt like it was a mutual feeling, but deep down, you could see the unconditional love, burning for Mariana.

His friends didn't have a say in this love, as the case maybe he did as he pleased. Not knowing the cause for his recent action, Oliva, Delancey, and their entire friend got even more jealous and curious, so they decided to execute their plan.

Her life had just begun, five years back, not to end 'Killing her means killing him' normal caring and showering of gifts, she was restricted from walking alone, all else with two to three guards by her sided order by Jamaine. Mariana wasn't so comfortable worth it, but had to adjust.

Perfect day to execute their plan, in the absence of Jamaine and his friends. Mariana was already getting bored, she decided to take a walk while classes were on.

Trap set, the place she walked pass was part of their plan, big conspiracy. The hit on her head, so hard, blood dripping down as a flowing water, down to the floor.

Eyes opens, hospital, all her friends beside her, fear in their eyes, struggled to get up. So many injections, with one word to say

"Why am I in a hospital".

The only thing I could see was that their blood samples have been tested and confirmed that their blood samples match, and they both needed blood.

Sooner than expected, the argument between parents and children. "They are related. How! She was in the jungle with us".

Already set our mind, that we won't ever forgive our parents...

"How are we possibly going to kill this one".

The rejection, we all walked away. A crack on our friendship. She had to go to her family

A quick flash back on the recent incident.

Walking with her friend, just coming back from school, so late at night, waving hands, walking backward, looking straight at us. Seeing the upcoming vehicle. A loud voice, screaming that she's down, the vehicle quickly reverses and drove away. .... Coughing blood slowly, eyes, close slowly

"Mariana.................................". she screams aloud, Pricilla took off her eyes patch

"What's wrong".

"I.... I...I ... Mariana!". She jumps off her bed without answering Pricilla's question. She ran to Mariana's room, she opens the door, saw both of them sleeping, she knelt close to the bed crying, knowing fully well that her dreams have strong impact.

Walking round the house, lost in thoughts, countless prayers, for Mariana's safety and for their friendship. One call, cut everything

"Anita". Pricilla called out for her, she wiped her tears, turn around


"You're crying". Pricilla said

Tried to deny, but she couldn't say anything, she explodes in tears, Pricilla hugged her.

Arrived at school, Anita was so curious, knowing if things go according to her dream it won't be good. She kept a close eye on Delancey and her friends. She made it her number one priority to eavesdrop on every little conversation. She also observed Jamaine, if he cared that much, as it was in her dream.

It was of much relief that Pricilla's words came true anyway 'it was just overthinking' not until weekend. On Friday after school, dismissed. They decided to stay back to watch the boy's play basketball, also trying to sign up too. After hours of chi-chat, they left for their various home.

Jamaine, enjoying the comfort of his room, they laugh and talked about a lot of things as she clutches his hair, lie on her laps.

Skipping down the road, mistakenly left the pedestrian way to the main road. Being slow to come up back, she kicks a stone, trying to gain balance. It was dark all vehicle has their front light on. However, the bright light, saw past Mariana as she tried to gain balance. Struggled to get up, she couldn't move fast. Quickly the van hit her and she flew past the lane they were to the other side of the road, hitting the road light, with her back, down to the ground. Serious commotion that day in the road. The driver came down from his truck and he ran away.

A lot of people came out to see the incident. Her friends rushed to her. Started crying, watching her cough and her eyes slowly closing.

"Someone help, please....". they screamed for help

Jamaine, in his own comfort zone.... Started coughing blood, marien got so shocked, screamed for help, maids rushed in. she picked up her phone, so much restlessness, she called Mena asking if Richard was all right and he was.

Quick attention, immediate treatment.

"Take care of my son, nothing must happen to him". Marien said crying

"Calm down he would be just fine".

To the nearest hospital. They manage to get in, no one helped and Mr. Dunne was out of reach

"Please emergency, mm, my friend, is dying, please you have to help us". Juliana rushed into the building, causing a scene

They request that they pay part of the bills, before commencing treatment, but they didn't have any penny. Continue pleading, till they lost interest in their case

"Ma'am, his fine, his out of danger now, so feel fre...".

"Doctor". She rushed in

"What is it".

"It's Jamaine, his bleeding again, it almost like we didn't operate on him, his so unstable".

"What". Rushed in to ICU

Mariana bleeds her way to death, while Jamaine continued to get treated, over and over again

"What are we going to do now, they don't even want to listen to us, what about her, she will".

"No, no! nothing would happen to her, you guys stay here, I must get her treated". She enters the hospital

"Mena am losing it, what, what about Jamaine, my baby, my love".

"Calm down marien".

"How can I calm down; this is the eight time". Marien screamed at Mena. The boys rushed in

"Mom, what's going on?". Justin asked, marien cries

Doctors from far and near, ready to attend to his case with absolute care. Series of operation, blood transferred

"He is stable now ma'am".

"You're sure". They rushed in, shocked to see that he is still bleeding

"You said his fine, does he look fine to you". marien scold

"If my son dies... I will kill myself". She broke down to tears

"No, don't say that". The boys consoled her

"No, I would just die, yes, I would kill myself, no doubt".

"Nothing would happen to him".

"What are you saying to me 10 times now, all doctor, no cure, no remedy, can you see my baby, bleeding!".

"Mom, you have to calm down". Jackson added

"Doctor please! Please, doctor you have to help my friend, she've been struggling, please". Anita said holding his hands, running after him

"You are causing a scene, miss". He called security to drag her out.

Walking into exile

Pushed her out, crying, lean on the wall, watches her friend bleeding so bad

"Oh god please, she's suffering". She rushed out.

Behind, sat on the bench, weird feeling. "Why is this place so quiet all of a sudden". She said looking around

Cool breeze, shivers. Thin light from her right

"Am seeing things, but why? no! Mariana needs me, I caused this, if I didn't dream, none of this would have happen, now look". She said to herself

Calm for a minute, till the entire place became so empty, totally empty and different, could only see a wall, standing on its own, curious to know, she moved further.

Walked into exile

"Oh my god, where am I". looking around, she couldn't see anything, everywhere so dark". Light came up

"Who, who, who....". she fell unconscious

Open her eyes slowly, 7women surrounding her, got up in shock

"Who are you?". she hurried up, clean herself

"What do you want from me, tell me".

"You are the one who wants something from us".

"Me, you, who are you, I don't know you, and what am I doing here, what is this place".

"Too many questions, well welcome to exile".

"What! No, no, my friend needs me, I have to go back to earth".

"Calm down".

"I can't, Mariana is dying".

"She won't die, his parent hasn't and would never give up on him.".

"What are you talking about?".

"One question my dear. Now, to who we are, we are 7rings".

"What, why?".

"That's our name, we used to be like you, but not anymore, we got here, exile".


"Don't you want to watch your friend survive".

"I want to".

"Let us brief you, she won't die, go back and get noticed, the problem is from your friend, go". The yelled

She found herself sitted on her chair, the right spot, she touches herself, she hurried off, back to the hospital. Beat security, following the doctor.

"Doctor please help my friend, please".

Going to jamaine's ward. Hearing the voice. Anita increases speed, she was able to meet up with the doctor, blocking his path. He got pissed, shouted at Anita

"The hospital is a place where we treat people who can afford to pay their bills, not church rats like you, now get lost". He pushed her

His words made her weak, but she didn't give up. In front of the entire family. Anita rushed in holding his shirt.

"You have to help me or my..."

"Anita". Jackson called her name; she rushed to Jackson and hugged him so tight

"What's going on doc?". Jackson asked

"You, you know her, this thing".

"She has a name. Anita what happen to you, why is your shirt stained with blood".

"Oh no! my dream, my...".

"Anita talk to me, say something, look at me". Tried to make her talk

Pricilla rushed in, crying.

"Pricilla, what, wha, what, Pricilla please, what happen to her". Anita tried to force her to talk as she rushed out of the building, Jackson followed her

"Mariana, Mariana, is she, no, Mari, Mari, wait, please don't do this, wait, Mariana please wait".

"She's the reason, why...". he staggered, tried not to cry

"How long have you guys been here". He asked

"2hours, the doctor, didn't answer us, they said we need to pay first." Juliana said crying, while his friends rushed out with Pricilla

"Shit, she needs treatment". They rushed her in quickly, to the same ward

"Wait I have a solution, treat Mariana, he would be fine, just do as I say okay". She told the doctor

Staring at marien for instructions

"Fine, do as she say".

Operation successful

"They are fine, but still unconscious though". Big tears of relief, hugging each other

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