
The Last True Demoness

Life is a mystery... Death can be a misery. The fight for survival after death can be your worst nightmare. No one is there to help you. You are all alone. Your fears become reality. Will she survive all those challenges? Will she be helped? Read more to find out...

PicatrixPuff · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


The steps were getting closer and closer to the throne room. I felt the presence just a couple of metres away from me and I decided to slowly open my eyes. To my surprise there was Asmodeus dressed in a white white long shirt that was complimenting his muscles and a pair of black trousers. His long hair was perfectly framing his face giving him a mysterious vibe.

"I didn't expect you to come so early! Since I know you so well, I was expecting your arrival in a couple of days," I said while I slowly got up.

"I promised you I will come as soon as I finish my duties," he said in an authoritarian tone.

"How intriguing that you found my temple so effortlessly."

"I didn't even know that you reached such a high rank in a hierarchy that now you sit here like a Goddess." he said while he took a sti on the verge of the wooden table placed on the left side of the room.

He was visibly tense for some reason. The tension from the room started to rise drastically. I could see how his body was getting tense. He was looking for answers that I wasn't sure I was able to give him. I took a deep breath and finally I said to him:

"After The Forbidden War I trained intensively in order to get my frustrations out. I spent days in the field and took missions so I will stop feeling any emotion. Then I enrolled myself in the Strategic Forces and as people said 'I was one among thousands.' and I succeeded. I got promoted over and over again until I found a way to gain a position in the Council in order to find out what happened in The Forbidden War. When my application for documentation regarding the war was denied, I was furious and I left Da'ath and went to Human realms. Now I am back to pay my so-called debt for The Council. "

After I said that I felt like something lifted from my chest, yet his expression was still rigid. He started searching my eyes with his view, but it was too dark for him to properly see me. At that moment the last thing I wanted was to meet his gaze. I didn't want to become emotional. I hate the thought of being vulnerable in front of anyone.

"I am glad that you are safe and well," he shortly replied to me without leaving any kind of emotion in his words. I felt how he wanted to get up and just leave this place, so I stopped him. I needed answers and I needed them right at that moment.

"Is that it? After all this time? Is that it? Are you just going to leave me without any explanation, again?" I furiously said while I raised my voice.

"What do you want me to say?" he asked without no hesitation.

In that moment I felt how my blood started to boil and my heart started to race. I was fuming. I felt betrayed again and not from someone I expected. I took a few steps towards him so I could properly face him. He was standing still looking at me.

"Are you serious? After all those years you have no explanation to give me? I waited for you, I waited for my parents to come back and none of you did. When I found out that they were dead, I still had hopes that at least you will come back! And I waited and waited. And I sent you billions of telepathic messages and no answer. You never came back for me! You didn't even bother to know if I am still alive, you just assumed that I was already dead!" I said while drops of water started to form in my eyes.

Tears started to drip from the corners of my eyes, fall along my face and in the end met the hard floor. My heart was pumping faster than ever before. My view started to get blurry so I could not properly see him. I could hear his heavy steps across the floor while he was getting closer to me. The moment I raised my hand to wipe away my tears, I felt how he pulled me into a strong embrace. He was pushing me so tight against his chest that I almost remained breathless. I slowly moved my hands and positioned them around his neck. I waited for so long for him to stop running away each time something like this happened. His fresh smell of santal wood with citrus made my body so relaxed. I hear how he is breathing heavily and after some seconds of complete silence he whispered:

"My Lady, you are so brave and smart, yet you lack understanding of male behaviour. If I would have come back I would have stopped you from achieving so many things. I would never allow you to do the dirty work for others, so I had to stay away in order to control myself and my instincts. You have no idea how hard it was."

His words and his deep voice made my body shiver. I never knew that he felt that way or that he had such thoughts regarding me. He slowly started to lose the embrace and with his right hand lifted my chin up. He started to analyse my face. I could feel him staring at my lips and I froze. I didn't know what to do or how to react. A part of me wanted him to go ahead and kiss me and another part wanted to push him away. He placed his thumb against my lower lips slowly spreading them. As his lips were getting closer and closer to mine I felt a weird sensation that someone was watching us closely so I hurried to take Asmodeus' sword that he wore with him and threw in the direction I felt the presence.

The sword flew across the room hitting the wall. Asmodeus looked surprised yet he quickly felt the energy and positioned himself in front of me.

"Spying on us wasn't the smartest move, Beelzebub," said Asmodeus with an angry look on his face.

"Hahaha. You could not keep your hands away from her after all. I mean if she wasn't that hard to deal with, she would have been my queen a long time ago, maybe we would also have some children by now," he said with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Watch your filthy mouth, you prick!" Asmodeus said with a growl in his voice ready to attack him.

"Easy Master . We don't need to spill any blood today. I am here only to deliver a message to Our Lady and to tell her that she is also requested to attend the Council meeting." he said while he got closer to us to deliver an envelope.

After he gave me the note, he took a few steps back and disappeared in thin air. Asmodeus analysed closely the entire interaction.

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