
The Last Step To The End

The Great Galactic State, known as the Alliance, once ruled the vast expanse of space, but suddenly it all came crashing down. An apocalypse swept away the technologies, the knowledge of Eden, and even the rulers of the cosmos, transforming the world beyond recognition. Humanity, weakened and having lost its former glory, attempted a revival by creating mechs—guardian robots of the past. Yet, on the outskirts, mech pilots slowly restored Eden's technologies, hoping to regain the former splendor. However, the price of this ambitious goal proved to be too high. Arlok Carnage, grand admiral and defender of the human race, returned from the depths of space devoid of memories of the Frontier—a mysterious realm that remained elusive to many. Here, in the abyss of the Frontier, lay the promised power for humanity, capable of altering the course of space and time. However, the path to this power was shrouded in mysteries that proved challenging to unravel—even for him. Arlok's return shattered not only hopes for a peaceful future but also unleashed internal conflicts. Having forgotten everything that transpired in the Frontier, he felt horror at the demise of the Alliance, longing for the lost connection to the world and uncertain of his purpose. Each failure struck a heavy blow to his rekindling hope, stirring his inner turmoil. In this "new" cosmos, everyone decided to forge their own world. Each viewed everything from their own perspective and with different opinions. Each was ready to destroy another—be it their own or someone else's—all for their own aims. With Arlok's return emerged not only the danger of a new apocalypse, which once devastated the Alliance, but also the intertwining of two forgotten elements. This became a catalyst for a new order in the world and a challenge to humanity itself. Now, Arlok Carnage must uncover the causes of the catastrophe, reclaim the lost memories of the Frontier, and understand his role as the Lord of the Forgotten Sea. He must discern who among all are enemies, who are allies, who are deranged, and who are just human. With Arlok Carnage, we will witness the "the last step to the end" of humanity, where the past collides with the future, and only the strongest will survive and fight to the end. To stand atop the "new" world. ---------------- Daily update at 9:00 GMT+8 ---------------- Every 800 PS and/or 50 golden tickets = one extra chapter ---------------- Join our Discord, there will be plenty of interesting things: https://discord.gg/WxKrmpjARG P.S.: By the end of 02.2024, you will receive an exclusive role that will stay with you forever!

PRAEEX · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs


The sound of the air tearing and splitting accompanied the titans and Lephions. Many, including Lucy, moved towards the crater. When the titans crashed into the earth, the roar reached even Arlok, who was quite far away.

Tired crimson eyes looked at Dietrich; the man couldn't understand why the boy who fought so desperately decided not to kill Carnage. Arlok himself didn't quite understand his motives.

"Why did you help me?" coughing, he managed to ask Dietrich the question that bothered him.

"I…" He hesitated in response for several tens of seconds, then opened his mouth and finally said: "I felt the approach - of that?" He himself was surprised, looking at the sky, but he indeed felt the approach of the battleship.

Sensitive people are capable of such, but they are rare and can be called innate sensors.

Arlok tried to say something else, but the wind only exacerbated his chest pain. He tried to continue speaking but couldn't; he could only hear his titans getting closer.

Machines, about 6 meters high, some reaching 10 meters, approached and surrounded Arlok and the two boys. Their color was black-red, with black dominating. Each titan had its own emblem, the emblem of the unit or corps, and the most important - the emblem of the golden eagle, the symbol of the Order of Treon, the executioners, and researchers of the Alliance.

From one of the titans, a girl quickly emerged. Her black hair pondered with the gust of wind; her raspberry eyes flickered as soon as they saw Arlok breathing heavily. She didn't want to believe the Titan's equipment, which had long shown her Arlok; she simply couldn't believe that the perpetually strongest would barely breathe sitting on the ground, all covered in blood.

"Request to activate the physical Eden Shield - these wind gusts threaten the lord," Aria began to convey her words through Lucy's Eden Crystal Class A - Kai.

Immediately after, the girl performed the task given to her. Two huge oval objects with an Eden crystal in the middle flew out of dozens of titans. They dispersed at incredible speed along the edges of the crater, forming a visible cube - the Eden Shield.

"What happened to you…" She took Arlok by the shoulder, and her eyes quickly ran over his body.

"I…" He couldn't speak; as soon as he uttered a word, an endless cough began to pursue him.

And in one of the coughing fits, he coughed up blood again. Lucy's eyes widened; it was agitation, she couldn't find a place to focus, when suddenly her eyes shifted to the faces of the two injured boys and the pile of corpses around.

"Are they to blame?" She barely touched the sword, and both seemed to be pressed by something. It wasn't solely due to excitement that she couldn't control and might harm Arlok.

Both didn't understand her speech; she spoke in Alliance, while both spoke in Oltresk. Dietrich was trembling but still took a step in front of Johannas, showing his readiness to protect his childhood friend.

The girl's eyes flickered when the trembling hand, which hadn't touched her smooth skin for so long, touched her. Arlok shook his head, denying something.

At that moment, Aria began to connect to Kai, conveying information about the language and events of the past time. After what she saw, the girl bit her lip. She was angry with herself and also with Klaus, who assured her of Arlok's integrity.

"I was right; you, like us, lost some strength…" She touched his cheek.

"Let's go, our lord needs help," she inspected all the titans, and they nodded. At the same time, outside the Eden Shield, about a hundred and ninety small warships flew, guarding the airspace, as a sharp signal reached all the knights of the Order on Endoria.

"We're heading to the battleship!" It was a command from the Mother of All Titans - Lucy.

She carefully picked up Arlok, holding him in her arms, and looked at Dietrich and Johannas.

"Detain these two, they will face trial in the 'Golden Hall'!" said the girl, turning to her titan.

She quickly found herself in its palm, and shortly after, she placed Arlok in the pilot's cabin, remaining standing on the hand.

The two boys were quickly apprehended; each soldier of the Order was many times stronger both physically and in terms of Eden quantity.

The second moon of Endoria, thousands of red lines created the most beautiful pattern of roses, extinct plants, and mythical dragons. It was a massive dome that fell with a crash onto the moon's surface.

"You nearly killed me, Kali!" Werner assumed a humanoid form.

"Don't worry; the main thing is that everything went according to your plan," the girl smiled, and all the threads and lines evaporated.

"Do you think this is normal? You attacked in a way that genuinely wanted to kill me; I had to change shape!"

"And do you think 'Do' sent us together for no reason? I thought she finally allowed you to be killed," she closed her eyes and continued to smile.

Werner pretended to sigh; at least his habits stayed with him over time.

"Do you think he fell for such a game?"

"I don't know; I didn't follow him."

"Still, you tried to kill me?"

"Yes," she didn't hide her dislike for Werner but didn't use the power of Melody at all.

"But still, I want to hear something useful." He looked at Endoria.

"I can assure you that even if he didn't believe, we've done enough for 'Scripts' to follow suit," she smiled at Werner. "We have the second 'key,' and that's more than enough."

"How I want to believe your sweet words, but..."

"Don't worry; 'Do' took all the steps long ago; we just have to wait for 'C' and 'Me,'" she spun in place, watching how her dress reacted strangely to space.

"Have they taken their step? Does that mean all seven Notes are gathered?"

"Don't make me laugh; who would gather together knowing your goals?" She opened her palm, and the red threads that appeared on Werner's neck cut them off.


"I don't know anything, just like you," a small black dot appeared in front of them, then grew to the size of a small person. It was a girl with an umbrella.

"We're leaving immediately; we have a lot of work," the girl with the umbrella said in a serious tone and appeared next to the two of them.

The darkness of the black umbrella engulfed the three Notes.

In a strange place where the ground changed color every time someone stepped on it, and from the sides and above, it seemed like all the colors that the eye could see were in one place and incredibly stretched.

"We're starting to collect the 'fragments'!" said 'Re.'

"That's wonderful news," Werner said contentedly; Kali simply nodded.

The movement ended. The Troia stood on a strange moon with a pile of ruins. They were greeted by a girl in a dress, whose eyes were unusually arrogant. She was the violinist, and behind her stood Yui with another face.

"You have arrived..."