
The Last Starfarer

The novel is set in a distant future, in a galaxy far away from our own. Captain Jonathan Pierce travels through space aboard a starship, visiting different planets and encountering various alien species.

NarrativeNinja · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 8: The Hunt for the Corporation's Base

After the attack on Zorin Prime, tensions between humans and Zorin were at an all-time high. The corporation's army had been driven back, but they were far from defeated. We knew we had to act fast to prevent another attack.

Our team was tasked with finding the corporation's base of operations, where they were manufacturing and storing their weapons. We knew it wouldn't be easy, but it was a mission we had to undertake.

We scoured the planet, searching for any clues or leads. We followed up on every piece of intel, no matter how small, and eventually, we struck gold.

We discovered that the corporation had set up its base on a remote moon, hidden from prying eyes. The location was heavily fortified, with advanced security measures and a small army of soldiers guarding the perimeter.

We knew we couldn't take them head-on, so we had to come up with a plan. After hours of strategizing and debate, we finally settled on a plan.

We would infiltrate the base under the cover of night, taking out the guards and disabling the security systems. From there, we would work our way through the base, searching for any information or weapons we could find.

It was a risky plan, but we had no other choice. We prepared for the mission, gathering our equipment and double-checking our plans.

As we approached the base, we could see the security measures in place. Motion sensors, laser grids, and heavily-armed guards patrolled the perimeter.

We waited until the patrols had moved away before making our move. We darted across the open ground, our hearts pounding with adrenaline. We managed to make it to the perimeter fence undetected.

Using our tools, we cut through the fence and made our way inside. We took out the guards silently, one by one, and disabled the security measures.

As we moved through the base, we found evidence of the corporation's true intentions. They were building weapons of mass destruction, capable of wiping out entire planets.

We knew we couldn't let them go through with their plans. We set the charges and prepared to destroy the base, wiping out the corporation's weapon stockpile.

We made our escape just in time, watching as the base exploded in a brilliant fireball. We had accomplished our mission, but at what cost? The corporation was still out there, and we had only delayed the inevitable war.