

THE LAST PLAGUE. "You can never be as strong as us; you can never be as smart as us, but you can be you and still be special. *** Jixo bent his head, and tears streamed from his eyes. who was he? what was he? why was he different? suddenly he felt a hand lifting his head up... *** Millions soldiers came down from the spacecrafts armed with different futuristic blasters. There eyes reflected bloodshed, and their bluish skin folded in a frown... THE LAST PLAGUE: ALONE.

Cybre_Frost · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


A humanoid structure stood behind a glass window which showed a chaotic world. His eyes were on the lifeless bluish humanoid creatures that were scattered outside the building.

Then immediately, the door slid open, and another creature which looked like a man, but with four ears, and a bluish skin color, walked to the first.

"Lord Siao, We have received no word about the cure. For now, we are helpless," he said, slightly bowing down to Lord Siao.

Lord Siao turned to him. "We have waited enough. Everyone of our race will die if this plague continues and there's no cure. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT THAT!"

There was silence. After sometime the silence was broken.

"With time we will surely find a cure, I promise you."

"You better keep your promise," Lord Siao said in a cold voice, and then gestured him, and he left the room.

Lord Siao slowly walked to a door, and pushed it open. He walked inside.

A lady with a bluish skin, and 4 ears, stood in the room, staring at an infant of their specie, who lay calmly on the bed.

The ladies eyes were overwhelmed with tears as she continued staring at the infant.

"How's he doing?" Lord Siao asked as he walked closer to the lady.

The lady only bent her head and wiped off the tears as it streamed down her face.

Lord Siao walked closer to the cradle in which the infant lay in.

The infant was motionless. Its once vibrant blue face turned green.

"He's dead," Lord Siao said, trying to hide all the emotions. "It was too late to save him."

The lady continued sobbing. Lord Siao walked away, but the lady held him back.

"Our son is dead, will this disease kill us all, too. Promise me you'll find a cure and stop this plague from killing more innocent people," The lady said with a face soaked with tears.

Lord Siao was reluctant, but he nodded, and said, "I promise you, no matter what it takes I shall find a cure.