
The Last of Zeraldo

The story centers around a group of students at Gerald's University who prepare to visit Gerald's Forest as part of a club event. They have an annual tradition called the Explorers Club, where they participate in various activities and explore new forests. This is an opportunity for them to expand their knowledge and experience while adventuring with friends.

Killer_Hunters · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3 - Decision that Must be Taken

After guessing that what they had just heard was nothing more than the sound of animals in the night, each of them decided to wait until the rain completely stopped and then return to their seats under the big tree.

"We'd better go back now, before the rain gets heavier."

They finally returned to the place where they first sat with Angga.

Angga walked over to them after previously just remaining silent with an angry look at Andy and not doing anything to help them regarding the problem of someone's moaning.

"Where have you guys been?"

Hearing Angga words, who suddenly came and didn't provide any solution, made Felix very angry.

"Why are you suddenly asking about us?"

"Wasn't it before! You didn't care about us at all."

"What are you talking about, Felix?"

"Why is your tone so rude to me? I'm your lover, right?"

"So why even though the two of us have been dating?"

"Isn't it natural that you, as my lover, fully support my decision."

"After all, I'm worried about all of you, because I'm the leader of this group."

Without thinking about the future risks, Felix felt annoyed with the arrogant attitude that Angga showed and walked away from the group in the slightly drizzly weather in the forest.

"So that's it! If that's your answer, I'd better leave this group."

"Hmm....! Indeed, a girl like you dares to leave this group and walk through the forest alone."

"I'll show you, if I can do it."

"Hmm... that's a shame, you should have stayed here with me and accompanied me as my lover."

"You should have listened to what you were told, not forced your stupid selfishness because you could die in a matter of seconds if you walked in the forest alone?"

Felix finally left the group, he was disappointed and angry with the attitude Angga showed towards him as his lover.

Angga just smiled faintly, seeing the woman he had been dating for almost half a year walking into the pitch black forest alone.

"Hmm... so that's your decision, is that okay?"

Suddenly Angga gaze shifted to pay attention to his other friends around him.

"Then! who else wants to leave here and die in vain in the middle of that dark forest?"

Hearing the reaction to Angga question, like someone who was threatening, made their courage to answer it drop a little. In the end, no one tried to answer his question, so Angga assumed they would all still be loyal to him.

"Alright! If none of you want to answer, then I'll assume you all stay with this group."


Felix, who was walking alone in the forest where it was currently raining heavily, suddenly felt dizzy and fainted in the middle of a very dark forest.

In his semi-conscious state, Felix suddenly felt someone was carrying him before completely losing consciousness.

Felix regains consciousness and finds himself in an old hut.

Felix tried to use his remaining strength to just stand up, but his body still felt weak and in the end he fell.

What place is this! Where am I now, I have to get out of here immediately!.


Felix fell from the wooden bed.

Right after Felix fell, someone's footsteps suddenly came walking closer.

"You! What are you thinking?"

"Right now your body can't move, so it's better for you to rest first!"

The person helped hold Felix back up on the bed. Felix, who was curious, tried to look at the person by looking at his face and it turned out that the person was Andy, the person he really wanted to meet.

"Haa...! Andy, it turns out you're here?"

"Hmm... judging from your expression! You seem to have just realized that it's me."

"Were you the one who helped me when I fainted in the forest earlier?"

"Yes, that's right! I happened to find you lying unconscious on the way to your place."

"Why do you want to go back there again?"

"I think I was wrong about the incident earlier, so I intend to apologize to Angga."

Andy sighed, admitting that he was in the wrong, which made Angga angry and very angry. This was not without reason, my fear at that time was triggered by the appearance of a large black figure that I saw next to the large tree where we took shelter even though it could have been that the figure was just a shadow of my imagination.

Felix, with a worried expression, forbade Andy to go back to Angga's place.

"I don't think you need to go there."

"So what? Isn't Angga your lover?"

Felix told the chronology of the events he experienced until he was able to walk alone in the forest, as well as the change in Angga attitude after Andy left his group.

"A lot of things happened after you left there."

"Angga has changed, into a completely different person from the one I used to know."

"He became very irritable, selfish, and also sensitive to issues that could be considered very small."

While reminiscing about the past with Angga and shedding tears.

"The Angga I knew, used to be a solid and friendly man who wouldn't get angry over trivial things like that!"

Hearing this from Felix, I became very concerned about what happened to him. Furthermore, because this concerns his lover problem, I can only keep quiet and think about not saying anything about Angga while thinking about a solution to the current problem.

"In my opinion, we should immediately get out of the forest and stop continuing this activity."

"Because I felt that since we first entered, there were a lot of strange things happening in this forest."

Felix wiped away the tears that came out and nodded.

"Okay! then I agree."

Andy nodded with a faint smile looking at Felix.

"Okay, if you agree."

Suddenly I remembered something very important, that I didn't know which way to go to get out of this forest.

"I just remembered that I don't have a clue about the location of this forest, how are we supposed to get out of here?"

"You're right! The only map that knows all the paths in the forest is currently held by Angga."

"Then, Andy! Is there any other way besides taking the map from Angga's hand?"

I thought again about the solution to get out of the forest, after thinking very hard, I got an answer to this problem, I remembered something before entering this forest.

When I first entered the forest, I saw Agung always dropping the packets of snacks he was eating in certain places as he entered the forest, therefore I immediately told Felix about this.

"Felix! I realized something, when we first entered the forest?"

"What's that?"

"I happened to see Agung carrying a bag full of snacks before entering the forest. he ate them one by one, then threw away the package and went into the forest together."

Felix laughed out loud at Andy idea, which he thought was very ridiculous.

"To me! That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Are you really serious about what you said?"

"Ha... do you think I'm joking."

"Listen to my explanation first? In other words, if we follow the path the candy wrapper took, we can find our way out of this forest."

Felix furrowed his brows, he didn't believe that Andy's idea would actually work.

"However! snack wrappers can be lost in the wind when it rains, or carried away by water currents."

I was worried, I wanted to confirm whether the wrapper and snack were still there or had disappeared where I had seen them before.

"Your explanation is correct. I'd better check it now at the place where Agung last threw it away, I'll wait when the rain stops a little."

"I'll come with you."

"You'd better stay here. It's very dangerous to be in the middle of the forest in a weak state."

I was worried about taking Felix to come with me, because his body condition was still very weak.

"Don't worry! I'll be back as soon as I finish checking."

"Okay! I'll wait here."

I'm pretty sure the old hut is a safe place, so I don't need to worry about leaving Felix alone here for a while.

Besides, I've been here alone since before Felix came, I've also checked every nook and cranny of this hut. As a result, there is nothing suspicious or dangerous in this place.

I came out of the hut alone just to confirm the clues I got from Agung's snack wrapper because that was the only clue I could think of to get out of this forest.