
Ready to take on the world

After the battle, both Lucian and Bernard were very tired and exhausted. "Good fight, Bernard said excitedly even though he lost, he was surprisingly still very excited because he wasn't someone who fought to win and one unique thing about werewolves was the fact that they seemed to grow stronger after fighting a tough opponent and putting themselves in difficult situations and could feel himself getting stronger in multiple occasions only in this fight.

"Yh, I'm happy that there are strong people in our group. But let's have a battle royal to see who what everyone in this group is capable of".Rafa suggested with his signature excitement. Hearing this everyone got excited except Lucian and Bernard who were exhausted. Don't worry we will be doing it in two hours but for now let's

catch up on everything that has been happening to each of us.

After half an hour of talking, laughing, consoling and other stuff it was Bernard's turn to talk about his life.

"Well how do I put this I was mostly an orphan, due to the fact that when a werewolf is born with a female human the lady does not live to see the baby to put it simply. When I was born, for the first five years I was a weird werewolf because I wasn't able to control my energy. Normally werewolves are able to summon their beast energy and transform into their werewolf form. However it was proven that my body couldn't even sense that energy so I was beaten half to death before a single one carried me out of there and saying my life.

Later, I realized that the others had killed him because he showed a sign of weakness.

I've a special trait that allows me to grow stronger the more I eat. So I hunt beasts kill them and eat them. I normally do this at night because my powers are at it's strongest at that time. "How many beasts have you eaten"? Lucian asked. Well just five mediocre beasts. Bernard replied and shrugged. Lucian was shocked by this because if five had made him this strong I wonder what a hundred or even a thousand could do for him.

Of all their stories Acier's had intrigued him a lot because she mentioned how in the underworld there was knowledge about how the devils had conquered other worlds making Lucian wonder whether put there in the grand universe there were beings that were like humans

'Well, let's just focus here right now all things will come later he thought to himself with a sigh.

Well two hours is up lazy bones time for our battle royal Rafa said excitedly because he wanted to see just what everyone could do and test himself against himself.

Well we plan to take on the world so I think we should prepare ourselves for the task ahead Rafa said while cracking his knuckles

In a cleared area Lucian and his friends had gathered to undertake their battle royal.

Well may the best win Bernard said while his arms and feet were growing larger

Lucian smiled and lightning bolts were running up his hands and his eyes had a silver glow in them matching his hair.

Acier and everyone were preparing to show everything they have in them