
The Last of Dawn

The stars were gleaming like diamonds in the horizon. One star seemed to glow more brightly as time passes by. It did not take long for Frederich to realize that the star was the Sun growing ever larger and rising from the bottom. The moon was slowly fading away from his sight, and a golden edge had formed around the Sun, appearing from the horizon and slowly influencing its neighborhood until all the stars submitted and the sky turned into a light blue from its original pitch black. Frederich sighed. Stars are not Suns, and no a star can hope to challenge the might of the Sun, unless the star transformed into a Sun, or the Sun broke its dominance through overextension in their vile pleasures of manipulating other stars. Either this or they break themselves through internal fragmentation. But then darkness would swallow everything up, and the stars left without the guidance of a Sun would be too fragile to resist.

WhereSomebody · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


"This pretender Jan had claimed the regency of Rosenia for his own, when it should have been mine, by right."Frederich clenched his teeth together and slammed a fist down the table, knocking over a few goblets and spilling wine over the place, a demonstration of his sheer anger towards the pretender's action. "I will not tolerate this insult, nor shall I seat meekly here and wait out this matter. Jan would be immediately dealt with, for only my claim is legitimate and just, and I must succeed as the Regent of Rosenia, for my responsibility is to guide my nephew and assist him in decision making such that he will not be misguided by his pagan court. He may rule his realms with more experiences and less burden should his time comes." He genuinely disliked displaying his colors, as he found the effort exhausting with his temper long been extinguished through leeching, but he felt it necessary at times to show his determination regarding certain matters.

"We are yours to command, Your Grace." His vassals went to their knees in unity and responded.

"Very well. Arise." Approved Frederich as he observed the nobles get onto their feet, "I am grateful that you will all lend me your strength, and for that loyalty you serve me I shall well reward you after my campaign is finished and the foes are crushed," he watched the faces of his lords as he flexed his fingers on the wooden table, feeling the skin rubbing against the rough texture of oak planks, "however we desire to put this pretender to the sword, we must discuss the tactics for this war. New is received stating that Jan had gathered a relatively well-sized host, consisting of fifteen thousand men and an additional four thousand veteran mercenaries, as well as almost two thousand knights, adding up the total to twenty-one thousand soldiers. This massive host of his had already run over the border garrisons of Rosenia. Only then did he officially issue a declaration of war on the Kingdom of Rosenia."

"Such an unchivalrous act," a noble condemned scornfully, "and yet he receives support from the Supreme Holy Pope," the speaker continued, "yet neither supreme, nor holy, nor the only pope." He was a man of a massive figure, characterized by wide shoulders and his famously long and untrimmed beard, grown on his round face. A head taller than everyone, he bore a greatsword as his weapon, which he now grasped firmly within his hand, displaying the broadside of the sword as the weapon stood on the ground, its edges sharp and cold and gleaming.

"Duke Wolgard von Tiro," Frederich addressed, "you might want to monitor your choice of words to make your sentences more bearable to the ears of the many a devout believer of the Holy Supreme Cross among us, me being one of them," he glanced around the vicinity, "and you will benefit nought from angering them by insulting the leading figure of their religion."

"Bah," Duke Wolgar answered unhappily, "Your Grace knows the location of my possessions. They are settled extremely close to the Rosenian border, and that didn't benefit me too much in preaching the ideals of your Holy Supreme Cross."

Frederich did not miss the usage of 'your' in Wolgar's speech, yet he remained silent to hear von Tiro's talk.

"A good portion of my population is merchants," the Duke complaint, "they consider the location of my port suitable for gaining their profits, and they don't seem to have a habit of practicing the exercises of our faith. Oh, and with my lands closer to Rosenia then to that of Your Grace's Archduchy of Kustilz, I could imagine that there would be a hefty amount of immigrated Rosenians, whose faith is, well, considered heretic. My folk approached these people with revulsion initially, but as preachers and priests moved to educate the true meanings of faith-"

"Enough word, von Tiro," commanded Frederich III, his annoyance made clear in his speech as his speech troubled his mind, stirring and mixing his thoughts. Wolgar had not been a disloyal person, but his overly talkative and charismatic nature had earned him a poor reputation among Frederich's vassals, and his late speech had also created an unnecessary existence during important conferences such as the one he was currently hosting, "we have more urgent and important matters to discuss then your problems with converting your folks. You might save your amusing tales and appeal to me later."

"Bah," tilting his head, von Tiro quieted himself, unhappily went to his seat and leaned back to find a cushion for himself, but instead fell onto the ground. A ring of laughter echoed around the hall and more men were soon to join in the amusement. Even Frederich could not help with his clumsiness and sigh and chuckle. It took a while, but the laughter eventually died down and as Frederich watched the careless Duke climb back to his seat, silence prevailed and he cleared his throat to address his vassals again, "This is unneeded drama, but we shall move on after we laugh it over. Do you lords have any counsel to provide me with regarding the ongoing Rosenian War?"

"I believe that from Jan's relatively smooth progress, he would be besieging the Rosenian seat of power by now," a man rose from his seat to speak, "The Boy's to believe just had attended his father's funeral and accomplished his coronation, and with his vassals all by his side to witness the scene, they would be as well trapped within the fortress. The Rosenians would have a hard time rallying an efficient force comparable of Jan's strength, and even the minor landowners managed to gather their men without instructions, the rallied force would be short a competent commander, as the highborn were oft most trained in the arts of war, and they had taken vacation to attend the Boy's ceremony, therefore the Rosenian cause would be left largely rudderless, lacking a concentration of power with their units dispersed all over the region. Jan would be pleased to hear it, no doubt, and he could crush these soldiers with ease."

"What do you think of it?" questioned Frederich. He was beginning to grasp the Lord's plan but decided to leave it unrevealed and to his explanation, "how would we take advantage, or even, benefit from such a situation?"

"Well, we can't," confessed the Lord, his green eyes rolling mischievously, "but since Jan and his army of pious believers are besieging the Rosenian capital of Crague, we could as well march in our armies into their undefended mainland to take them off surprise, if not cutting off their supply lines through Your Grace's possessions in Zimouthia. Should we laid assault to Jan's seat of Kraukow, he would have no other options but to abandon the siege of Crague to relieve the siege on Kraukow. Before his army arrives, however, we could quickly retreat into our starting positions, performing scorched earth tactics on the way through. The population there had no love for us, so it wouldn't cause much of a problem by further increasing their hatred. Meanwhile, however, Jan's army would suffer attrition problems while he attempted to chase us, and therefore his army should no longer represent a threat and his ambitious campaign would be spoiled entirely by us, and we would not lose a man."

"The plan of a genius," Frederich expressed. He had not anticipated it. "The risks are there, however. The Pope would not be pleased by our involvement in the war favoring the side of a heretical nation. This matter could be dealt with, though. Your name, please, if you will, my Lord?""Maximilian von Luterberg, and I am only Lord by name, Your Grace, a poor landowner of several small and poorly managed towns I recently inherited."

"It's a pity. A great mastermind like you should be positioned higher. Do remain after the conference is done."

"I thank you with all my heart, Your Grace," von Luterberg bowed humbly and seated himself.

Another Lord rose to offer his speech, this time a man of nobler birth. "Your Grace, this is Lenxinger von Derezink," he introduced himself, "although von Luterberg had strategized such an amusing plan, warfare is not the sole option. Goals can be achieved through ink and paper, through the arrival of a raven, carrying words of darkness and threats, as history would prove accurate."For a moment Frederich almost thought he talking about diplomatically insulting Jan and forcing him to withdraw with threats of warfare, but then he understood otherwise. "Do continue."

"It is heard and rumored that the daughter of Frederich II is recently betrothed to the newly crowned Boy King of Rosenia."

"It is known and verified." replied Frederich, before realizing that his vassal was attempting to lure him to reveal more details. He remembered that daughter fondly, a slender, delicate and beautiful girl with the shyness required of a maiden. And the Rosenian Boy King isn't hard to look upon either. With his lean figure and a clean-shaven face, bolstered by fine and straight blonde hair that ran down beneath his shoulders, he was attractive to the local folks and highborn ladies alike, with his dark brown chanting eyes, always charming and warm. No wonders Dorothea was willing to be his companion and share his bed in their later days, away from his cold and uncaring father, who seemed to have spent little interest in mending the broken relationships with his wife and children. It is known that he prefers to spend time ruling the devastated realm he owns, spending days and nights in court with his advisors.

"Indeed, and now the Boy King's Queen-to-be must be close to his side, shivering with fear as the siege engines and cannons of Jan's host fired one after another, sending waves of volley down crashing onto the curtain walls of Crague. The Boy King might piss himself in his breeches, but let's hope he would gain some strength in warming his girl's bed, perhaps even find the opportunity to prove his manhood lusty and willful in these difficult times." By the time he had finished his speech, half of the hall was engulfed in laughter, some Lords so amused that they snorted out wine in their nostrils. Fredrich found himself smiling as well. Von Derezink rose a hand to halt their laughter, "And, therefore, Your Grace," he announced, "the Elector of Pracanburg would not sit idly and wait while the fortress of Crague, where his daughter was located, remains under siege. As distant as the father and daughter are, Frederich II cherished his reputation and would loathe to lose it. He might loathe the fact even more, that when the castle walls of Crague fell, no mercy would be shown towards the inhabitants, even a highborn maiden like his daughter. Speaking of maidens, a gorgeous girl like Dorothea might find herself consumed by several commanders, that's it if the God is kind enough. Most likely she would discover herself being climbed on top by some savage lowborn levy hungering for her maidenhood, before an entire gang would fall upon her, enjoying her flesh like beasts fell in human skin."

"I am certain our dear Elector of Pracanburg would direly dislike some bastard born out of her after all these plundering and madness. Most likely his alliance with Rosenia is to end as well." A faint smile played across Frederich's lips, "Are you suggesting that I urge Pracanburg into this war while we spectate the entire scene and benefit the most when all belligerents battered themselves into blood pieces and tire themselves in this mad bloodshed?"

"Yes, Your Grace," replied von Derezink respectfully, "Now with the concerning matters of the Holy Supreme Pope His Dearest Supreme Grace." He presented a parchment and gave it to Frederich for inspection, "it might be a bit difficult to cope with originally, but no longer. I had freshly received news from one of my servants that the newly ascended Pope had received certain difficulties...several contestants to challenge his place, the very wealthy and powerful Duke of Kivian amongst them, putting his most precious person in a rather precarious position. He could hope to fend off other challengers, but this Duke of Kivian is a stubborn one, and he would not consent to any of the generous offers His Supreme Grace had offered, insisting that the position of Pope should belong to him and him alone."

"Amusing," Frederich replied, "I shall pray and wish his Supreme Grace good fortune. We should all seek the God's counsel regarding this sensitive affair, best left unspoken," he paused to take a sip of his wine, "I must ask my vassals within the Empire on their opinions regarding this issue. How long will Crague withstand a ferocious siege like that of Jan's?"

"Depending on the situation, it may last varying from two weeks to two months, ideally, although we could not expect Jan to perform a stratagem of warfare which involves some cunning tricks, or the castle garrison to perform bolder than as usual, perhaps the city itself being well reinforced and fed in the first place..."

"It is common knowledge that the Electors of Pracanburg spend their entire reign waging war in Vomerania," note von Luterberg.

"And so be it. The more wars they participate in, the more undeveloped they remain. Perfect. A good reason for me, as Emperor, not to intervene upon the Electors' own decisions that might hinder the development of their own realm, their own territory." He grinned, "Besides, Pracanburg's involvement in the war might help amend the distant relationships between the father and the daughter, and thank me for it they shall."

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