
The Last Monarch's Wishes

"The one to stop the Great Cataclysm shall be you." This is a story about a defective, corrupted 'character'. Elgin was an anomaly to the world. He was an alchemist who lived in the town known as the Player's spawning point. Batches of humans would come through a spatial rift formed in front of the town's gates, calling themselves Players and bearing a mission to subjugate the last floor of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Origin that stood in the middle of the world. Elgin was not one of these Players, but he was special. The world he inhabited had a special trait that only he was aware of. Every time the Players fail to reach the apex of Yggdrasil, everything would be 'deleted', and then 'updated' into a newer copy of the world. A new group of Players would then descend upon their world once again, and Elgin was powerless to do anything except for watching and hoping that the current Players would finally be able to clear the fated mission. That day never came. No one succeeded, no matter how many versions of the world was created and destroyed. One day, while awaiting the next reset, he was pulled into a different dimension where he met an angel named Regis, who told him that he was the key to unlocking the world's secrets and breaking out of the cursed loop. The angel gave him powers, and liberated him from his status as a 'character' in exchange for a grim task. He possessed the body of a Player, and was given a similar mission with the others- to climb Yggdrasil. For him, another task was added on. To stop the Great Cataclysm with his powers. _______ What happens when a puny character is given freedom, enormous power, and a grand mission to complete? Watch the journey of the alchemist who began his rise to glory to inherit the most powerful being- the Monarch's legacy! Will he fail to destroy the endless game, or will he wield the power and rise to greatness? Read to find out!

ErbluhenZero · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Slow Growth

Cecily didn't know whether to tell him this information right now or not. She felt like Elgin's cautious mindset could come in handy one day. If she just revealed everything right away, Elgin might grow out to be a not-so-great person.

She had seen many cases of strong people falling down because of their perception of strength. When one knows that they are strong, they are more susceptible to underestimating the adversities they face.

Elgin didn't seem like someone who would do such a thing, but there was no guarantee of it.

She had to watch over this man a little bit more before making a decision.

Elgin sat down, leaning his back against a tree trunk as he chugged down a bottle of water to quench his thirst. He then pulled his status up.

Elgin | Level. 6

Race: [Human]


- [Player]

- [Angel's Proxy]

Job: -

EXP: 127/ 15000

HP: 1021/1021

MP: 50/50

System Points(SP) : -

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Dexterity: 10

Remaining stat points: 25


- [Soul Link Lv. MAX]

- [Dominion Lv. MAX]

- [Limit Break Lv. MAX]

- [Limiter Lv. MAX]

The only direct increase was his Health Points. He hadn't allocated any stat points yet, but his HP had spiked up by nearly a thousand points.

Cecily told him that the five stats could be influenced by other things rather than just levelling up. For example, magical or enchanted items. His current weapon was a cheap, basic longsword that didn't have any effects added to it at all.

This meant that when Elgin struck down at an enemy, the damage all came from his own strength in addition to the boost the Player interface gave.

Magic items were not rare, especially in the inner cities closer to Yggdrasil. However, legendary magic items that truly changed oneself was the thing Elgin longed for.

He knew some of the places of these items. Even though he lived in Ulya, news about heroes' victory and achievements still dropped by. From legendary swords, bows, armor, and so on.

He desired them. Items that could turn the world upside down.

Since it was just his starting point, Strength and Agility seemed to be the most viable choice. In the beginnings, those two areas could take care of a wide range of challenges. Including his hunting.

He allocated ten points to Strength, ten to Agility, and five to Vitality.

It was an instant power up. He was brimming with strength. A mystical feeling that could only be possible to experience if you are a Player.

True denizens of this world wouldn't be the same. To gain power, they had to train day in and day out. Defeating monsters polished their skills, but didn't give a direct effect towards their base stats.

This was what it felt to be strong. It was almost euphoric for him.

He wanted to do more. He knew he could do much more. Stopping didn't satisfy the adrenaline rushing through his veins right now, still excited from his first grand victory.

"I want to stay here and hunt some more before I reach my limit. Is that reasonable?"

[Huh? Uh, yeah.. Of course it is. You're still far from your maximum reach for today!] Cecily snapped out of her thoughts and responded.

"Okay then.. Let's look for more packs!" Elgin stretched his body out before standing back up and going to the next location.

He wanted to get as much as he could on his first day.

Silver Wolves would form their own packs, which usually consisted of their direct or close family members. This entire area was home to multiple packs that lived separately, guarding their own territory without crossing the others. Of course, fights between packs could occur, but it was rare and usually triggered by mistake.

The packs did not have any direct relations to each other, so when one pack in the area was attacked, they won't seek others for protection.

Thanks to this pack division, Elgin would find it even easier to slay them. The packs consisted of twenty members at most. Considering his current powers, it was an easy task for him.

Until the day descended into night time, Elgin continued to hunt down monsters, and leveled up until 11 by the end of the day. He had visited six packs in total and gained five more levels. It was great progress, but he noticed that the experience points he harvested from the wolves lessened drastically from when he first started.

The points he got from the grinding was distributed evenly this time, courtesy to Cecily's advice to make him a little bit more well-rounded.

Elgin didn't exit the forest, but instead found a nearby body of water, cleaned himself, and slept inside a cave. All of the locations were found through casual exploration and the help of the map, and he ended the day just like that.

The next morning, Elgin freshened himself up by washing his face.

"It's time to hunt some more~ I hope we can get to Level 15. Also, is it really fine? I'm killing all of them in a short span of time, won't they go extinct..? At least in the Rudis Forest, that is."

What if he accidently obliterated the Silver Wolf too much, and they're now forever gone?

[Well, they will eventually respawn since this is a designated area for those monsters. I'd say it is safe.]

Cecily explained that each area had their own specific inhabitants. These inhabitants didn't appear merely due to reproduction, but could also be the result of nature spawning them into existence. These creatures' numbers was controlled by a population percentage. When the percentage drops, then more of the monster would be spawned.

In other words, even if Elgin killed every living thing in this forest, nature would eventually respawn them and let them reproduce back to their estimated life percentage.

"If you say so.. Okay, then." Munching on a piece of stale bread as breakfast, Elgin withdrew his weapon out from the item box and headed towards the next wolf pack site.

[1 Silver Wolf has been successfully killed.]

[Experience points increased by 620.]

One helpless wolf was taken down by Elgin's casual slash. He didn't even know swordsmanship, he just ran wild slashing at the creatures. That alone was enough, not much strategy was involved other than aiming at the vitals for a clean kill.

"Wait- 620 points... Let's see, quick maths.. I need around 47000 to level up, so.. What?! I have to defeat 76 of these guys just for one level?!" Elgin shouted.

He knew the experience yield had decreased, but at this rate, when was he going to level up?

It would be too slow. Yesterday, to defeat four packs, he had to spend approximately two hours. Although, most of the time was spent walking around the forest locating the packs.

In this case, one level would require two hours to pass.

"Hey, Cecily, what do you think about this? Do I continue..?" Elgin was unsure, so he turned to Cecily.

[Hmm.. It certainly is impractical. This experience curve is most likely due to you killing wolves a little bit too much. I don't think it's your level's fault.. Not yet.]


Certainly, she wasn't wrong.

[There are other monsters in this area. Why don't we go pay them a visit? If it's the current you, you'll be able to take them on with no problems at all.]

"I'll do that." Elgin cleaned up the rest of the wolves in the pack with ease, spending less than thirty seconds on each wolves' head. Hunting them had gotten so efficient.

Too bad he couldn't continuously farm these guys.

He shoved the corpses into his seemingly limitless item box, then looked at the map.

From there, Cecily and him picked their next target: the Crystal Rabbits.