
The last Loud (A LitRPG story)

The specific day was December twenty-fifth, or as it was more commonly known, Christmas Eve. Up until then, nothing out of the ordinary. It was just another festive day like any other in the Loud house, or at least that's what Lincoln Loud thought. After waking up from a terrible nightmare he had after sleeping for nearly ten hours (he died and didn't even know it), the white-haired boy entered the living room. But instead of finding his family gathered around a well-decorated Christmas tree full of presents, all he found were his parents and his sisters dead on the floor of the living room, their bodies all torn apart, as if a creature with sharp claws and teeth had committed that horrendous act. After running out of the house with a look of despair and tears on his face, wishing that it was all just a dream, all he saw was his neighborhood completely destroyed, with many trees around as if he were in a forest, and those creatures, small and hideous, green in color, attacking everyone they saw in front of them. *** After living through numerous adventures, saving countless lives, and experiencing several incestuous or non-incestuous romances, the young man, now in his 50s, reached a true impasse. But when he was on the verge of death, something incredible and strange happened. Lincoln Loud not only went back in time to when he was still a child but also to a few days before all that shit happened. This time, will Lincoln, possessing his nearly 50 years of experience from the future, manage to prevent it from happening again, or will he lose his loved ones again? --------------------------- My works are also posted on the Webnovell and Royalroad websites. https://www.scribblehub.com/series/1054906/the-last-loud-a-litrpg-story/ https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/75238/am-i-falling-in-love --------------------------- If you like the story and want to see more, take a look at my Patreon, where you'll find several chapters ahead of the public. And you'll also be helping me reach my dream of being a full-time writer. https://www.patreon.com/Natsuki_

Natsuki_ · Outros
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41 Chs

Silent Hunt

After reading what was written on that screen, I was actually glad for a moment, since the mission was literally forcing me to capture the goblins. So, I would do the obvious thing in that situation: I would combine the useful with the pleasant and, if I succeeded, I would even get a PC to upgrade one of my skills.

"Great! I was just going to do that."

I commented to myself, while wearing an indifferent smile on my face.

With the 'Stealth' skill activated, I began to sneak through the shadows, approaching the goblins while concealing my presence.

As I approached the first monster, I realized that there weren't five goblins, as my Skill had identified, but six. The sixth was a little further ahead of me, and in front of it was the fifth.

"Shit, now I'll have to kill this one without attracting the attention of the other four ahead."

I whispered almost imperceptibly to myself as I thought up a strategy. But out of the blue, I remembered something.

"But wait a minute, what if I end up failing the mission? What could happen?"

As I stood there, thinking about what might happen if, by chance, I failed the mission, the system appeared in front of me, as if by magic.

*SFX to something appearing*


[Failure to complete the mission will result in a penalty].

After seeing that, I raised my eyebrows slightly and, without understanding anything, asked.

"What do you mean, penalty?"


[% ˄%@ $% @ $˄% $% ˄% @ @ $]

[Failure in this mission will cause you to lose the system permanently.]

When I read that, I almost screamed.

"Is it only now that you warn me about this?"

I asked with a little anger in my tone.

After that, the system simply went silent, as usual. I didn't receive any more information, so I decided to carry on without your instructions.

"Thank you for answering my question."

I said in a sarcastic tone.

Without any information, let alone instructions, I decided to move on. That's when I noticed that the goblin ahead, the one I would have to kill, started to move. I decided to take advantage of the chance that had been created.

As soon as the goblin moved away and I saw that I wouldn't run the risk of being caught, I put my plan into action. I walked up to the small, green monster and, without it realizing my presence, placed my hand over its mouth. Before it could react, I took out my sword and pierced its throat.

"Problem solved..."

Before I could finish my sentence, I was taken by surprise when the same goblin I had just killed not only disappeared, as I thought he would, but left behind a purple stone.

"What the fuck is that?"

I asked myself, as I picked up the stone from the ground and waited patiently for an answer from the system.

But as usual, it didn't answer me.

After I realized that he wasn't going to answer me, I decided to try a more polite approach.

"Could you please analyze this for me and give me an explanation of what it's for?"


[... ...]


[You've found the 'Item: Teleport Crystal'. Would you like to buy it?]


"I asked you to analyze it, not to ask me if I'd like something that I've literally already taken."

I said this, somewhat dissatisfied with my system, because it always answered me with what I already knew.

After I said that, for some reason I sensed a tone of dissatisfaction in her voice. After all, she hadn't answered what I'd said and only continued.

[Item: Teleport crystal]

Rarity: Rare

Type: Usable

Function: By imbuing MP into it, the user will be transported to a nearby safe location.


(The usefulness of this item is very practical for extreme situations. I'll save it for a riskier situation).

I thought with an indifferent look on my face as I stared at the item.


I called up my inventory and then put the stone inside.


I whispered with a serious look on my face as I turned towards the goblins.

"Let's get down to business."

After killing that goblin, which I couldn't identify with my 'Skill', I carefully approached the other five and captured them one by one. To be honest, I really thought it would be an easier task, but I was completely wrong; and I narrowly missed being caught.

"Whew! I'm glad I managed to complete the mission without a glitch."

I commented to myself, as I stared at the unconscious goblins on the ground. Suddenly, the same sound I was used to echoed in my mind once again.

*SFX to something appearing*

[You have completed the 'Secondary Mission: Silent Hunt']

[The rewards for completing this mission have arrived. Would you like to receive them?]


*SFX for something appearing*

[You will receive the following rewards].

"What do you mean? I thought I'd only get two rewards."

I asked, staring at the screen in front of me with a confused look on my face, not understanding anything.

*SFX to something disappearing and reappearing*

[Mission Rewards]

Statistics point +1 Skill Point +1 Skill: 'Gravitational Touch'

[Would you like to receive all the rewards?]


"Wait a minute, what do you mean? A new skill wasn't just supposed to come with points."

Because of my new skill, I had even forgotten about the points, which were actually my priority. But that changed when I saw that. After all, it's not every day that I get something this good, and above all: for free.

After pondering for a moment, I decided to accept all the rewards. After all, a stat point, a skill point and a new skill were too tempting an offer to refuse. With a satisfied smile on my face, I confirmed my choice on the golden screen in front of me.

*SFX to something being squeezed*

I couldn't hold my curiosity in any longer.

"Check reward 3."

I ordered the system, a little curious about the skill I had gained.

If you like the story and want to see more, take a look at my Patreon, where you'll find 12 chapters in front of the public. And you'll also be helping me realize my dream of becoming a full-time writer.


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