
The last Loud (A LitRPG story)

The specific day was December twenty-fifth, or as it was more commonly known, Christmas Eve. Up until then, nothing out of the ordinary. It was just another festive day like any other in the Loud house, or at least that's what Lincoln Loud thought. After waking up from a terrible nightmare he had after sleeping for nearly ten hours (he died and didn't even know it), the white-haired boy entered the living room. But instead of finding his family gathered around a well-decorated Christmas tree full of presents, all he found were his parents and his sisters dead on the floor of the living room, their bodies all torn apart, as if a creature with sharp claws and teeth had committed that horrendous act. After running out of the house with a look of despair and tears on his face, wishing that it was all just a dream, all he saw was his neighborhood completely destroyed, with many trees around as if he were in a forest, and those creatures, small and hideous, green in color, attacking everyone they saw in front of them. *** After living through numerous adventures, saving countless lives, and experiencing several incestuous or non-incestuous romances, the young man, now in his 50s, reached a true impasse. But when he was on the verge of death, something incredible and strange happened. Lincoln Loud not only went back in time to when he was still a child but also to a few days before all that shit happened. This time, will Lincoln, possessing his nearly 50 years of experience from the future, manage to prevent it from happening again, or will he lose his loved ones again? --------------------------- My works are also posted on the Webnovell and Royalroad websites. https://www.scribblehub.com/series/1054906/the-last-loud-a-litrpg-story/ https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/75238/am-i-falling-in-love --------------------------- If you like the story and want to see more, take a look at my Patreon, where you'll find several chapters ahead of the public. And you'll also be helping me reach my dream of being a full-time writer. https://www.patreon.com/Natsuki_

Natsuki_ · Outros
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41 Chs

Killing and Upgrading


[Silent Steps (Nv. 2)]

[Would you like to activate this skill?]


*SFX to something being squeezed*

[The 'Silent Steps' Skill has been activated.]

[You will have the ability to move quietly, becoming discreet and imperceptible to the eyes of enemies.]

While taking advantage of the effects of his 'Silent Steps' skill, Lincoln began to move through the dark streets of his neighborhood in search of some monster that would help him level up faster, but trying his best not to attract anyone's attention in the process. However, as he passed by an alleyway that, due to the huge trees and advanced vegetation that had grown up because of the collision phenomenon, the place there looked more like a forest than anything else.

After using his 'Energy Detection' skill to sense the presence of how many enemies were around him, Lincoln ended up feeling some non-human presences coming from that place. When he got a little closer to investigate the origin of these energies, which until then had been unknown, he could see a total of five small, green silhouettes with long ears coming towards him.

"Shit, even I know that hand-to-hand combat against five at my level is suicide."

Whispered Lincoln, still crouching, as he looked for a place to hide. Then, a little further on, he spotted a bush.

"That'll be you!"

After literally jumping into the bush, he waited patiently for those creatures to pass by. As they moved, he was able to identify a little more clearly what they were about; in fact, they were a group of Goblin.

The first three goblin, who were coming forward, were using wooden clubs. The fourth, on the other hand, was carrying a small club made from a tree branch, not very effective and much less suitable for combat, and the last, who by his authoritarian posture and the short sword he held in his hand, could have been the leader of the group.

As soon as the five goblins passed by him, Lincoln waited for the right moment to attack them. Then, cautiously and with his Skill activated, he sneaked up on them.

After approaching the one with the sword, he quickly covered the monster's mouth with one hand and, with the other, took out the knife he had put in his inventory and quickly stabbed the goblin in the throat, who then began to struggle and convulse due to the loss of blood, after a few seconds of struggling he ended up dying.

Lincoln, realizing that no one had noticed either his presence or the small noise the monster had made, placed its lifeless body on the ground, which then disappeared.

*SFX for something appearing*

[Experience points gained.]

[You've leveled up!]

[You've leveled up!]

(So, you really weren't a normal goblin.)

Lincoln thought as he deduced the level of the goblin he had just killed, since he had just leveled up two levels in one go.

Continuing what he was doing, Lincoln picked up the sword that the goblin had dropped on the ground and, with it in hand, approached the monster that was a little further ahead of the leader he had just killed. Without giving it a chance to react, he cut it in half. However, as he hadn't died on the spot, it gave him time to scream, which alerted the other three who were further ahead.

[Experience points gained]

[You've leveled up!]

The goblin, who had been in front, heard the shouts of the other two and quickly turned around, still on guard. After turning completely around, both they and Lincoln stared at each other for a few seconds, until, in a state of fury, they started shouting in his direction.


That deafening sound was the only thing Lincoln could hear before the goblin, with a furious face, started running towards him.

Realizing that they were coming towards him, Lincoln, in one swift movement backwards, said the following word in his mind.


After saying those words, he quickly picked up two pebbles that he had picked up before entering the alley and, without the monsters being able to react, he threw them in their direction. After being hit, they ended up being dizzy for a few seconds, seconds that Lincoln didn't waste. Without hesitation, he advanced towards the nearest one and, with the mastery of a true master, he didn't cut off the head of one of the goblins, but the heads of both, with a perfect vertical cut while using his sword and knife together.

[Experience points gained]

[You've leveled up!]

[You have acquired the common skill 'Twin Cuts'].


Thought Lincoln, with his hand on his chin, as he stared at the message that he had gained another Skill.

"Skill screen."

After opening the screen where all his 'Skills' were, Lincoln clicked on that option and then on the Skill he had just acquired.

*SFX to something being pressed*

[Twin Cuts (Nv. 1)]

MP cost: 0

[Activation condition: The wearer must be in a direct combat situation against multiple enemies, being surrounded or outnumbered. In addition, for the 'Skill' to be activated, the person must have a sharp weapon at hand, such as a sword, and a secondary weapon to execute the blows simultaneously].

"Great! You'll be a great help in the future."

As soon as he had said those words, Lincoln closed his status window and once again turned his attention to the things the goblin had dropped.

"Let's see what you left for me."

After that, Lincoln crouched down and began to collect the items that the monsters had left behind, which were: three daggers, a wooden club, five soul stones and an eye.

Because his 'Danger Sensor' was activated almost around the clock, he was able to sense, in time, the presence of something large behind him, about to attack him.

When the monster was about to hit him, he, with a quick reflex, managed to dodge it, jumping backwards. After doing so, a huge club hit the spot where he had been standing a few minutes ago.

If you like the story and want to see more, take a look at my Patreon, where you'll find 12 chapters in front of the public. And you'll also be helping me realize my dream of becoming a full-time writer.


Natsuki_creators' thoughts