
You Are My Woman, Remember That!

"Don't lie to me, or you will die very badly!" Anthony's voice was a little higher.

"I was at the Atomic Market... I fell and accidentally destroyed one of the clothes shops, and they wouldn't let me go..." That bit of honesty finally came out.

"Wait for me there!" Before Natalie could answer, Anthony had hung up.

In less than 20 minutes, there were several luxury cars parked in the mall parking lot. More than 30 bodyguards wearing sunglasses rushed in, their faces and eyes cold. But there is one person who looks the most terrifying, he is Anthony Stefano.

When she saw Anthony's face, Natalie was both nervous and excited.

"Master… Anthony, I'm here!"

Anthony turned his head and saw Natalie's tiny figure.

The woman's face was pale, and the shop floor was littered with glass and falling objects.

Seeing his hand hidden behind him, Anthony frowned slightly, and pulled his hand directly.

Natalie screamed in low pain. "Ah!"

His handsome face immediately turned gloomy, his eyes bloodshot and filled with hateful fire.

"Master, do you know this woman? She destroyed the contents of my shop and has no money to pay..." The shopkeeper came to explain.

Seeing Natalie hurt, Anthony's heart was boiling. And now the shopkeeper's words burned his heart even more.

He turned, raised his leg and kicked a row of mannequins. Then angrily he said. "Noisy!!!"

The shopkeeper was very scared. Then he saw the bodyguards destroying his shop in a terrible way... He could only scream and back away.

Not long after, all the high-class clothes were thrown and trampled on on the floor. The shopkeeper could only crouch in the corner shaking.

Anthony's arrival left a strong and frightening impression. The shopkeeper really thought that his life today would end. All of his employees also huddled in the corner of the shop. dared to call for help or the police.

This incident continued until the whole store was destroyed.

After that, Anthony just threw a few piles of banknotes on the floor and strangled one of the employees.

"Listen, tell your boss that the shop was destroyed by Anthony Stevano . Tell him to come before me in 3 days or I will kill his entire family for daring to touch and hurt my woman."

After the words fell, Anthony turned and hugged Natalie as he walked out of the shop.

All the employees there could only stare.

Oh my goodness, the moneyless woman is actually the famous Anthony Stevano's partner?

It looks like they really stepped on a mine.

Walking down the mall aisle, Anthony walked while hugging Natalie. Along the way, many people stopped, pointed, and marveled.

"See, isn't that president Anthony? Oh my god he's so handsome!"

"That woman is his girlfriend? What a joy!"

All the girls looked at Natalie with envious eyes.

Natalie wasn't used to this stare, so she curled up in Anthony's arms and pursed her lips.

"Can you let me walk alone? My leg isn't hurt!"

Anthony hugged him exactly the same as the last time he sprained his leg. Isn't it only his arm that is hurt now? Why is he hugging him like this!

"Shut your mouth, if I'm late, you won't even be alive!" His handsome face was dark and looked even angrier than before.

"I'm totally fine, ah!"

"If you're going to buy clothes, why don't you ask David or talk to me? Didn't I tell you that there are a lot of bad and perverted people out here?"

Anthony scolded him all the way.

Natalie could only accept this lecture, but she laughed a little when she said that there were bad people and perverts everywhere.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor immediately took action and was about to take a piece of glass from his palm.

Natalie has been afraid of taking drugs and injection needles since childhood. He is also afraid of doctors. When he saw the impending tweezers, his face turned pale.

She screamed in terror as the doctor just held her hand.

Anthony saw this and whispered. "Sir, how long have you been working? I don't mind retiring you if your work isn't good enough."

Hearing that sharp and cold tone, the doctor was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Oh, no problem. It's just that I've always been afraid of going to the doctor!" Natalie was a little embarrassed.

He quickly waved to Anthony again.

David who was guarding outside had a worried look on his face.

He had not seen his young master's worried face for many years.

Some people say that love is a kind of disease… He is afraid that the young master will catch this disease again.

After the minor surgery, Natalie discovered that her doctor was more nervous than she was. And the hand that was holding the glass shard was shaking non-stop.

Obviously, he also knew the power of an Anthony Stefano and was afraid.

As he left the hospital, the guards formed a circle and left Anthony and Natalie in the middle to avoid someone accidentally running into him.

They're just visiting the doctor, there's no need to be so vigilant right?

Or are rich people who like to show off everything like this?

After leaving the hospital, they went to a restaurant.

This was the first time Anthony had taken her out for dinner. In a fine French restaurant, Natalie stared at the steak that had arrived and at the same time looked at her right hand. The bandage wrapped around his palm is so thick, how do you eat it!

Why must his right hand be injured? Eat, write, and even brush your teeth all using your right hand!

When he raised his head, Anthony's gaze had been staring at him for a long time.

"If I didn't call you, would you spend your whole life in that shop?"

Natalie then thought, if Anthony didn't call her, how long would she be stuck there?


Natalie hesitated for a moment. At that moment, he really thought about the figure of Anthony.

Because apart from Anthony, there was hardly anyone else in this world who could help him.

However, he thought that his current relationship was only based on a contract. Will he really help her?

What Anthony needed from him was his body, and what Natalie wanted was the promised 10 billion.

"We're just a couple under contract..."

As soon as he spoke, Anthony reached out and squeezed his little chin firmly.

"Whether it's a contract or not, you are now my lover!! Remember that you are the only woman who can stand tall in this city, never let people underestimate you, understand?"

His words were arrogant and arrogant.

But it made her heart tremble lightly.

The person he had loved for four years had never said that.

His heart warmed and his eyes began to grow heavy. He suddenly felt a strong sense of happiness rising from his heart, which made him want to shed tears.

"Why are you crying?" Anthony's brows furrowed slightly, and his hands loosened unconsciously. She thought that he pinched her chin too hard and hurt her.

Wiping away tears, Natalie smiled, and casually said. "So much delicious food in front of me but my hands can't move, it makes me feel sad."

This answer made him very satisfied, his lips curled slightly.

"A man like me has never panned for a woman!"

He lifted his chin and said proudly and confidently. Then she came closer to him. "However, if you are willing to take the initiative later in the evening, I don't mind helping you cut the steak! I'm even willing to help you clean every part of your body when you get home..."