
The Power of a Mother!

This feeling is very similar.

When she was lonely and desperate, it was this hug that also protected her.

It happened a long time ago. At the funeral of his father and mother, several journalists trying to find the truth took a camera to take a photo of her and wanted to interview her.

The sharp question drove her crazy. At that moment, Reynold rushed out and blocked the group of reporters with his own body.

At that time, she had good feelings for him.

Yes, her relationship with Reynold was wonderful.

After re-awakening from memories, she heard Kenny shout angrily.

"Cindy, are you fucking crazy?"

Cindy was crying loudly, and her face was already a mess. Her make-up was smudged and her eyeshadow lines made black streaks across her face.

"Kenny, I'm not crazy. Please explain to me clearly. You've been ignoring me on purpose and not answering my calls lately. Are you not in love with me anymore? Have you fallen in love with Natalie? it hurts so much."

Kenny raised his hand and gave her two slaps in the face. "Cindy, you are blind. What else can you do but spend money, show off, and abuse your power? You idiot, from now on, our relationship is over. Don't bother me anymore!"

After that, Kenny ignored Cindy and walked over to Natalie. He then said apologetically. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I'll accompany you to the hospital just in case."

"It's just sprites!"

Reynold took off his coat and showed the back of his jacket, which was already wet with foam.

Kenny poked it, tasted it and concluded that it was indeed a sprite.

Natalie looked at Reynold deeply.

Reynold might have passed out by now if it wasn't the Sprites that Cindy splashed on but sulfuric acid.

She didn't know why but Natalie thought Cindy's current behaviour was vaguely related to Erlyn. Isn't this one of the hallmarks of Erlyn? Go quietly and let others hurt her?

Cindy was still blaming Natalie and yelling at Kenny. Natalie herself wasn't interested in continuing to play with her.

Kenny insisted on sending her to the hospital for a checkup, but she refused.

On the way back, Natalie felt a figure following her for a long time.

Natalie stopped and turned her head.

The slender figure stopped under the street lamp. That figure was Reynolds.

"What do you want?"

Reynold took a few steps forward and walked in front of her. "It's okay, I just wanted to walk you back to your apartment since it's getting late."

"Reynold, our relationship is over!"

"I know, but I can't let myself not care about you!"

After walking for less than 2 minutes, Natalie arrived at Nia's apartment. "It's here. Get lost!"

Reynold nodded and then retreated to the side of the road.

Natalie rushed upstairs.

After entering the door, Nia, who was sitting by the window immediately looked out.

"Natalie, why did Reynold drop you off? You two are back together?"

Natalie shook her head, unzipped her skirt, hung up her dress. After changing her clothes, she sat on the sofa and slowly took off her earrings. "No! He's been following around quietly from behind!"

After being silent for a long time, she added. "How do I know that he didn't collude with Erlyn to trick me? If the relationship has lost trust, they will never trust each other again."

Nia nodded in agreement. "Well, that's natural. Hey, since when do you have diamond earrings?"

"This was sent by David. He's so kind that he lent me a piece of jewellery..."

"Does that mean you still have a place in Anthony's heart?"

Natalie frowned slightly. She couldn't believe Anthony would let her go so easily this time. She always felt that there would be trouble.

The following day, Kenny rushed over to Nia's place, and the three of them renegotiated, intending to open up cooperation.

Kenny has more experience doing business, Natalie has a unique vision in design, and Nia is good at attracting popularity.

In order not to let Kenny bear too much risk, the initial investment of capital is only 10 million!

After a week of preparation, Nia and Natalie's online shop is finally ready to do a live broadcast on social media to attract customers.

They chose to start at 8 p.m. on weekends for this live broadcast because there should be more people to see.

Natalie was very nervous. In reality, she had already practised saying the few lines she wanted to say on her small note. She placed the note on the table in case she forgot the words.

"Hey, Natalie, you're too nervous! We've been practising all week, there's nothing to be afraid of! There's nothing wrong with that first step, the important thing is to be brave!"

Nia patted her shoulder and laughed.

"Haha, that's true! I don't know why, but I was a lot more nervous now modelling my own clothes back then."

"Oh yeah, it's even broadcast on TV, you know, obviously it's nothing! Ah, well, time to start!"


Natalie gets the first viewer, user id: Warrior of Love.

"Hello, love warriors, welcome to my live broadcast. My name is Natalie..."

"Hey, hey, you don't have to greet me. I'm standing behind you!"

Love Warriors sent a text. Natalie couldn't help but laugh, apparently it was Nia! Because of Nia's pranks, Natalie is much calmer and shows a beautiful smile for the camera.

In the first half-hour, people came one after another, but most of them were students.

There weren't many people, and Natalie handled this very easily. She talks about how to match clothes to the current style and of course marketing her clothes!

This two hour live broadcast is coming to an end.

After that, Nia saw the result and it was really beyond expectation.

"Natalie, we really found a great way to get rich! In just two hours, we managed to sell 50 clothes! The net profit of each outfit was about 25 thousand. Today we managed to collect over 1 million, amazing!"

Natalie held her cheeks in her hands, slightly confused. "I don't think so many people bought just now!"

"In fact, you are the key to our success. You managed to combine these clothes that we sell well. Even though not many people see our broadcasts, you interact and educate them so it's only natural that those who see it buy. After all, you're right - really beautiful just now! Just imagine you live for 8 hours, a month we are really already rich!" Nia suddenly became ambitious.

"But today's results can't be counted. Most of them are classmates. Maybe they also came because Kenny asked them to. Let's do this slowly first."

Natalie is actually very confident. She doesn't flaunt her female assets or act mischievous to attract an audience, she's purely charming in her own way.

Natalie lowered her head and jotted down today's data in her notebook.

However, this live broadcast was only the beginning. She needs to continue to accumulate capital and popularity, she is also trying to create her own brand and start a company in the future!

Having been separated from Anthony, she must rely on herself to find other ways to succeed.

She closed her eyes while placing one hand on her stomach. It looks like her baby brought her good luck!

Don't worry, I will work hard for you!

Nia takes out meat to grill to celebrate a good start with Natalie in the evening.

Halfway through, there was a knock on the door.

Who's looking for them in the middle of the night?