
The last Guardian

Ethan bent his knees forward and leapt unto the balcony, the panicked shouts of the girl behind him drawing all the attention in the room towards him. He turned to face them and with a wink to everyone he fell back, and off the 80 stories tall building with a smile on his face. The wind whipping into his eyes, his body streamlined to fall faster. The ground ominously glaring at him,ready to accept another puny suicidal human.but just before he went splat like a piece of gum on the sidewalk, he disappeared into thin air. The people who hadn't stood up when he jumped, now rushed to the balcony to see the vanishing jumper for themselves. As they lined the balcony trying to make sense of what happened, Lorenzo swam to the edge of the infinity pool hoping to see what they had seen too, when suddenly he was dragged under by a blur that came from above in colors of white and black. His lungs screamed for oxygen, his thoughts became a blur. Just as he was about to die, he looked up hoping to see his killer's face at least,and what he saw shocked him. A minute later, Ethan jumped out of the pool soaking wet,mission completed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ethan Pierce is a highly trained operative for the department of paranormal defense, and has a life that's going pretty great. But when he and his girlfriend get posted back to his home in Forestville, California. His secrets are brought to the limelight. Will this be the end of their relationship and can they work together to save Ethan from the plans of a mad, manipulative character in the shadows

DamonKane20 · Ação
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17 Chs

Chris Donovan

Ethan's POV

Ok I admit that punching him was a mistake but come on, wouldn't you do the same?

Kris and I sit outside the pack hospital as Rodney and his oaf get treated inside. My dad finally comes out and he looks really mad.

"Do you have any idea what you've done" he screams at me

" If it makes you feel any better I'm really sorry?" I say as I try to gauge how angry my dad exactly is.

"Is that a question or a statement? You punched the next alpha king and your sister's new mate in the face." He screams at me

" Technically they're souls only become intertwined when they get married and she decides to revoke any other mate in favor of him" I explain in an attempt to rile him up even further

" Oh I see. You're just pushing my buttons but it's not going to work" he says with a chuckle as he runs his right hand through his hair repeatedly with a crazy look in his eyes.

"I would never deliberately try to rile you up father" I say with mock honesty which draws a little laugh out of Kris.

"And to be honest I didn't hit him that hard" I say in an attempt to smooth things over

My dad pauses in his tracks, comes back and gets right in my face "you hit his bodyguard's jaw so hard that when his wolf healing kicked in his jaw healed and felt like a bag of bricks. We had to break his jaw again with a monkey wrench just so we could set it properly. And the doctor is still trying to set Rodney's back after you wrapped his back on that tractor with that punch" he screams at me

My dad eventually gives up and takes off his tux jacket "you know what? Fuck this shit, if anyone needs me I'll be at the bar thinking of a way to get us out of this mess" he says.

As he leaves I turn to Kris and see her holding in her laughter at the whole exchange.

"You didn't have to frustrate him further you know" she says with a smile on her face

" Yeah but it was fun though" I say as I smile back at her. At that moment Kat walks up the stairs with Hermes in tow.

"There you are babe. I got a little worried when you left so suddenly" she says as she walks up to me and wraps her arms around me and places her head on my chest.

"I'm alright Kat, I just had to help my dad look after two idiots who got into a drunken brawl outside" I say to her as she places a kiss on my chest which is now visible thanks to me loosening up my bowtie.

"Doesn't stop me from worrying babe" she says

"I know but there's nothing to worry about so you just go join the party and mingle and I'll be down there in a second" I say and place a kiss on her lips before she lets go and starts down the stairs

"I love you Ethan" she says as she walks down the stairs.

"I know" I reply and then turn to Hermes who finally speaks

"Well it's been interesting Ethan but I have 6 chicks in the limo and a hotel room with a king sized bed waiting for me so bye" he says as he gives me a bro hug and leaves.

I turn around to face Kris who is looking at me like she wants to rip off my head

"You haven't told Kat that you come from a family of werewolves, why? " She asks clearly angry about something

" I didn't think it was relevant. I told her what she needed to know and if there is eventually another threat on your life I'll tell her" I say as I clearly don't understand the source of her anger.

" Ethan you have to tell her. She's your girlfriend and keeping secrets destroy relationships, you should know that better than anyone after what happened three years ago" she says with a lot of gesticulating to reinforce her point.

I grab her arms and put them by her sides and looking into her eyes I reassure her "nothing bad is going to happen"

"I sure hope so" she says as if she's still not convinced

" Why don't we go back to the party" I suggest. She nods and we start for the stairs when I remember something

"I think I left my phone back there but you go ahead and I'll catch up" I say and she nods and goes ahead. I walk back and after making sure there's no one around I sneak into Rodney's room and find him m alone and awake. His eyes fill with panic and he's about to reach for the panic button when I materialize right in front of him and snatch it up first. I then proceed to you with the bed remote forcing it up and down and produces the desired results which is evident from Rodney's girly screams. I then grab his jaw and speak as menacingly as I can "if you ever grab my sister again like she's your property I'll break all the bones in your body with a meat tenderizer, suck your insides out and then turn your skin into a pelt for my front door. Do you understand" I spit out.

His frantic nodding assures me that he understood me so I leave and go downstairs to catch up with Kris.

"You look very happy. Should I be worried?" She asks with a smile as she's clearly enjoying the party.

"No. But I do have a question to ask you" I tell her as we step out of the range of prying ears.

Her face turns serious as she notices how serious this could actually be "what is it?" She asks

"I have some info that might help us catch the person who's after you but I need to go to L.A and it'd be too suspicious if I go alone so do you want to come along? " I ask her as I hope her answer is yes.

"Why not ask Kat?" She says as she tucks her hair behind her ear.

" Well if we do this right we'd be saving the lives of a mother and her child. As much as Kat and I understand each other this is just something I can't share with her" I say to Kris who weighs the options in her head before saying "fine I'll go but I want you to take me to the Santa Monica pier when you're done with your James bond shit" she says in a mock angry tone

" Deal " I say and we shake on it before going back into the party and dancing the night away with friends and family.

I wake up early thanks to my nightmares. I roll over to find Kat fast asleep so I decide to go downstairs for a snack catching the time on the clock as I leave, 2:19 am.

'great,only slept two hours. At least this is the most sleep I've had in a month' I think to myself.

I get to the bottom of the stairs to find the refrigerator open and Kris stuffing herself very unladylike with a giant black hoodie on and nothing else.

"Help yourself to some food" she says with her mouth stuffed full of food as she takes a seat on the sofa in front of the gigantic TV. I grab as much food as she does and join her on the sofa to watch Adam Sandler movies because there is nothing funnier than an Adam Sandler movie. We talk and laugh about Rodney and some other stuff. At some point we eventually fall asleep because we are woken up by the sound of camera shutters clicking. We open our eyes to find mom and dad standing above us with their cell phones out, taking pictures of us sleeping. I stretch my arms very carefully so as not to wake up Kris whose head I had just moved from my shoulder to my lap.

"What time is it?"  I say to them as they continue to take pictures like they've become paparazzi or something.

"1:36pm" they reply in unison as their cameras continue to capture us.

I wake Kris up and we rush around to get ready for our excursion to LA. I step out of the shower to see Kat awake sitting on the bed.

"Hey Kat, why the long face" I say as I plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I waited for you and you never came back to bed last night babe, why?" she says with a straight look.

" Look babe I was just watching movies with Kris it's not that big of a deal" I say with a chuckle as I try to lighten the mood.

"Ethan we've barely spent time together since you've been back, the longest time we've spent together is when we're having sex. You're always doing something with your family and leaving me out" she says as she starts to tear up.

I rush towards her and place my arms around her as I try to comfort her. " Look babe you know how stressed my relationship with my family is, I'm only trying to reconnect with them. I promise we'll spend some time together soon" I say which seems to cheer her up.

" Okay why don't we go on a date this evening" she says so giddily that I already feel bad knowing that I'm blowing her off.

"I can't babe, I'm going surfing in LA with Kris" I say slowly while monitoring her facial expression to see how mad she is but her face goes completely blank.

"Oh. I would like to be left alone now" she says as she turns away from me and curls up into a ball.

" I promise I'll make it up to you"  I say and place one more kiss on her forehead before leaving. I walk down the stairs to find Kris at the bottom waiting for me.

" Let's go" she says while placing her hand in mine and giving me a smile which I return happily.

2 minutes later Kris is on a tour of Los Angeles while I decide to track down Chris Donovan who apparently is the deputy director of the assault squad in LA. I check by his office but find out that he's not in although I eventually find out where he is going to be so I go to get Kris so that we can meet him and maybe make some headway into finding out who wants to kill her.

We go down to the Santa Monica pier to pass the time and to also get some lunch/breakfast and try out some of the attractions. As we take a walk in the beach hand in hand I look at the time and notice that it's time for our meeting with Chris Donovan. We walk back to the jet ski rental and get a jet ski with my credit card. We collect the keys and walk down to the beach to find it. We get on and head straight for Chris Donovan's yacht where he seems to be taking his leave days. As we close in I get a seriously bad feeling which is justified when his yacht blows up causing waves that knock Kris and I into the water. I grab her and teleport us far away from LA and into the treehouse we used to play in as kids.

She coughs up water for some seconds before finally asking

" What the hell is happening?" She says clearly disturbed by the fact that a man just died because we wanted to ask him a few questions. I'm about to reply when I notice something stuck in the front pocket of Kris's currently see through white shirt. I pick it out and notice that it's a black card with a silver logo printed right in the center. I flip it over and see the words 'you'll never be safe' printed in bold silver print.

"What that?" Kris asks, curious to what it is and how it got into her pocket.

"A reassurance that the threat on your life is still very much alive and that they have the resources to kill you anytime they want" I say as the blood drains out of her face at the prospect that her life is even more in danger than we originally believed.

And the fact that we no longer have any leads as to how to catch this sick psycho who clearly craves control truly terrifies me.

'like I said before, we are so royally fucked'