
Who said happiness isn't free?

Chapter 29| Who said happiness isn't free?

Kimberly touched the strand of her blonde hair that escaped the band, her eyes on the mirror, as she touched the wisp of hair still wondering what the hell had happened with her brunette.

"You shouldn't mess up your hair, milady," one of the women muttered though Kimberly could tell she was merely restraining herself from raising her voice.

She didn't know why but every one of the helpers treated her with utmost respect almost like she was royalty and though she didn't like the way it made her feel like she was handicapped since that robbed her of doing simple things for herself like combing her hair and she still argued with the maids so she could bathe herself, it felt nice being treated like a princess.

Feeling guilty, that she might have ruined the styling handwork, she had spent time doing, she withdrew her hands immediately.

Her blonde hair was twisted into a fine braid and pin with luster red flowers granting her an Ethereal kind of appearance. A look she knew they hoped to achieve going by the white strapless gown with side slitting she had on.

"You are beautiful," one of the women gushed behind her, almost teary.

Realizing that the air was getting awkward, one of the women was already sniffing, she straightened in her chair posed to get her act on roll.

The last thing she wanted was to keep a Prince waiting. Yes, he might not be Charming, and his brother was ill-mannered and more like Darcy than Romeo but they were Princes and she was going to make sure, she accord them their full respect.

One of the women pushed a jewelry case into her hand, she looked up meeting her gaze. Her eyes shone with excitement, "open it." She urged.

She did and gasped at the diamond stud that stared right back at her with an equally mesmerizing neckpiece made with precious stones.

Her hands were shaky as she closed the case, not knowing why it felt so wrong dressing up in clothes that were so expensive, exquisite, yes it was not modern and what she would have loved to wear on her own for a day to day routine but yet, she was grateful. She didn't know how the tailor who had made the dress had known her perfect measurement or why they have even bothered, but allowing herself the royal treatment only made her feel like a thief.

She was an imposter. She had seen the hope in Chrystal's eyes, in the women's eye. They wanted her to be queen, to stay and that's why they accorded her such respect, love she was undeserving of because not only will she not stay, she had agreed with the Prince not to even give him an heir.

She was a fraud and instead of being punished, they were giving her precious stones?

"Take it, Please." The jewelry box was pushed right back into her hand.

She didn't make any move to open it or even wear it as guilt nipped at her gut.

One of the women shook her head and soon she felt the weight of something precious on her ear.

She stared at the mirror astonished at the beauty of the gem and how they made her even more different, almost like she belonged like she fitted even though her conscience taunted her and reminded her that she would rather be in a law firm that overworked her than in a palace where she was pampered.

Rather be in Bryan's arm than deal with two princes who had bodies that were deserving of male modeling catalogs but while one was a playful softie with a big heart, the other was a rude, arrogant, egotistical, dressed wall also known as the man she was supposed to give an heir.

She'd rather be in a pub with Scarlett where they sang trashy songs that make you want to puke than have a head maid. Chrystal was nice and all, but she was obligated to be courteous. For crying out loud, she was an illusion. Her age was at least.

She missed the warmth of her small cozy home, dumping her things lazily on the sofa and allowing Nana to clean after her ass, shamelessly.

She missed the annoying whistle of the kettle and the smell of thyme that never left Nana's kitchen.

She missed Earth, her home, and won't trade it for the hugest diamonds or cloud floors. She wanted her simple life back so desperately and that made her feel ungrateful.

But everyone was so mean or was paid to be nice. All except Prince Saif.

She sniffed, her body trembling, seems like she won't even need to be putting on a show anymore she thought as a tear slid down her cheek exposing just how vulnerable, miserable, and alone she felt.

From her peripheral vision, she saw the look of alarm on her waiting maids' faces before they formed a single file line and left her room, their faces pale with worry.

She didn't move immediately they left, instead she stayed in the position she was in for a few more minutes. She didn't shed any more tears, but the peace and quiet had done well to the turmoil of emotions she was feeling.

Feeling that she was collected enough since she absolutely won't want Saif to know she had been really crying because that will not only paint her as an ingrate, who didn't appreciate the effort he was making or how he was going out of his way to make her feel welcome but will also dampen his enthusiasm to show her around.

Standing to appreciate the beautiful woman that stared back at the mirror unsure, she took a pause, squared her chest, and with her chin up in the air, she strode out of her room hoping that even though she did get lost, she should end up not seeing the woman with the snake, or the man at the table or even the goddess who had flipped in rage because of her.

Tristan's mother.

Saif's father.

It was still a bit amusing and would need a lot of getting used to but she was sure going to try, believing, and wrapping her head around the fact that they were parents.

She took a corner after counting the stone and as she counted the precious gem on the narrow path, she wondered if they had no need for diamonds here, they deposit it wherever they deem fit and give it to strangers as pieces of jewelry?

Because she couldn't understand their obsession with just flaunting such gemstones. Was it a show of splendor? Glory? Wealth because if it were, they need not waste their time. Their aura depicted every single attribute of ego, glory, fame, and vast beauty.

Her footsteps echoed against the floors she could see her reflection on, they were Pristine.

"Finally." She saw broad shoulders that were facing her and sighed in relief.

She didn't lose her way after all.

"What took you so long?" Saif turned to look at her, fading exasperation on his face.

She opened her mouth to explain but he already had the biggest smile on his face, "You know what forget it. I'm pumped about our day out already." Then he was grabbing her arm and like a child, waltzing all around, grinning.

His goofiness was contagious because soon she was grinning from ear to ear like a fool too.

Who said happiness isn't free? They were right by the way. It costs being a Prince and having your life all sorted out for you.