
Who are you and what have you done to my Kimberly?

Chapter 54| Who are you and what have you done to my Kimberly?

Kimberly's eyes were wide open in astonishment even as she heard the fine tone the piano produced, her hands confidently hitting on the keys like she wasn't fumbling just yesterday with them.

She felt the disturbing familiarity run down her spine and it was almost like she have done this before but in front of a larger audience. A tear had dropped from her dad's cheek and her mother's face was flushed with so much joy.

She blinked just noticing that Trevor was in front of her, his eyes concerned even as she noticed her fisted hands.

She stood up and ignored him calling her name repeatedly, she ran for her room.

"Milady," Chrystal looked around her in alarm, wondering why she looked so flustered and tensed.

Kimberly had to restrain herself from cursing out loud and asking her to get a life. It was disturbing how the maid was almost her shadow following her wherever she goes or automatically appearing next to her. Didn't she have a boyfriend, no scratch that Kimberly thought remembering that her age was just an illusion.

She could be a wife, a mother, or even a grandmother yet it seems like she has dedicated her life solely to service in the palace.

"Are you okay, my lady?"

Kimberly directed at her a Stern look just like she imagined a real princess would give when about to chastise her maid, "Do I look like I'm not okay?"

Chrystal not expecting the snappy tone even while her head was lowered peeked a stare at Kimberly wondering why she was acting so differently today, almost like she was a real lady.

"I'm sorry milady,"

Kimberly's gaze soften as she restrained herself with great effort from apologizing to Chrystal who might very well be her Nonna's age mate as her gaze softened.

"It is fine Chrystal, can you tell Sir Trevor that he can head back to his residence and his service would no longer be necessary?"

Chrystal have her a concerned stare, "But milady, you do know that the pianist is mandatory so you can know the basics of using the __"

"I think I have a hang of it already," Kimberly interrupted with a forced smile, "So can you please relay my message now to Sir Trevor or would that be a problem?"

Chrystal shook her head fervently, "Of course not."

Kimberly watched Chrystal's entreating figure for long before turning to meet Saif's confused gaze.

He must have listened on, to their conversation because he walked towards her, staring at her bewildered.

"Who are you and what have you done to my Kimberly?"

She chuckled, a finger on her forehead as she massaged her temper already feeling the stir of a migraine even as she ignored the palpitation and warm fuzziness in her heart that followed as Saif called her his.

She knew he didn't intend to or didn't mean it literally but it felt like he was buttressing the point that she belonged here, right in the hallways, within the walls of the castle and she deserved the comfort and security that comes with it. It made her feel like she was at home, freed the momentary unrest she had felt even when she was a child, something in her almost making her believe she didn't belong.

She never belong in her English classes, Calculus was not for her and literature made her sleep just the same way the city was too noisy, too boisterous and the rural areas she had visited for some peace of mind once in a while, had been creepy quietening along with the uncomfortable standard of living.

She had only felt alive when she was close to a body of water: Pond, beach, and then the sea. The Waves, the ripples in the river, they call to her, they know her. It was home.

She doubled over in pain as it felt like her head was protesting to her thought like it couldn't take it like it was preventing her from thinking further about the absurdity of her complex philosophy. Saif's arm was around her, his eyes widened.

"Kimberly, are you okay?"

Her head felt light, her mouth dry and her legs would surely give out and she would be on the floor if Saif left her.

"It isn't Kimberly, remember it is Human?" She raised her brow and then she felt the forceful blanket of darkness covering her and no matter how hard she fought, it covered her yet again and again even as she heard the frantic muttering of her name until it was just pitched darkness.


Tristan's eyes harden on Chrystal, "What do you mean by clothes fitting? Can't you see that it is the strenuous activity that comes with this foolish ceremony that had put her in this condition!"

Saif's surprised gaze met Tristan as he uttered yet another word that sounded out of it, strange.

The poor maid looked away torn in between making sure she conveyed the message and being concerned that her lady was unconscious.

"I just need you to tell her once she gets conscious,"

Tristan narrowed her gaze at her and she gulped realizing she had made the wrong choice to convey the message of how important it was for Kimberly to try to fit into her dress. The dress was as important as the ceremony if not more.

It was called unveiling for a reason, everyone was coming to gaze at Indiosia chosen so she had to look her best and for that to happen she had to fit into her dress with her clustered schedule, she didn't have time to spare lying down and resting. Something the two intimidating princes were failing to grasp.

"Is there something else we can help you with?" Saif politely whispered. Chrystal didn't dare look up knowing she would meet Tristan's glare, even as she shook her head, swallowed hard, and scurry away.

"You shouldn't be so easy to lose your patience with the help," Saif muttered softly.

Tristan rolled his eyes, "She was going to shake her awake if we let her so she could fit into some gown!"

"I guess it is understandable that women are concerned about dresses over an unconscious person." He had an amused smile on his face even as he lowered himself on a seat finally realizing that pacing around won't make Kimberly wake up faster.

Tristan stiffens a yawn and Saif felt bad. He knew that Tristan had not come back home for three days straight and had slept at the infirmary, something about surgical procedures, and knew he was sleep-deprived. He felt bad that he had disturbed him when Kimberly had fallen unconscious.

But In his defense, he had been so scared and confused, unsure of what to do.

"I'm sorry," Saif muttered, standing up to nudge Tristan who was slightly resting against his room's door since they had figured out she won't get enough rest if she was lied in her room.

"For?" He muttered. Sincere confusion in his eyes.