
What do you want from me, Kimberly?

Chapter 49| What do you want from me, Kimberly?

Kimberly couldn't understand what had happened one minute she was wondering why Tristan was giving in to her when it was more than obvious that Saif was so close to them and was going to close up on them anyway. Else why was his voice so loud and his footsteps heavy?

And the next she was sprawled on her bed, in the same position she had been on Tristan's.

He had used his powers to move her? She sat up wondering why he had not moved her anyway even when she was proving to be a tough cookie as his brother advanced?

Why had he waited for her agreement? She pondered. Was he so honorable, he didn't want to take an easy way out of talking to her or his power couldn't function without express permission.

She pursed her lips, even as she scoffed, remembering how ungentlemanly he always was to her, an opposite of the Charming Prince he always paraded himself in front of others.

She would be betting on the latter since she doubted that the rude Prince she knew had an honorable bone in his body.

A few minutes later as she brushed her hair, taming her appearance so that nothing was amiss in her get up when her waiting maids comes back, she smiled at the mirror remembering that she had achieved what she had set out to anyway.

The terrace by dawn.

She turned, staring at the window. She still had enough time to make out where the terrace was.

Excited, she hit the button under her antique dresser which Saif had replaced the pink vanity mirrors with, calling on Chrystal. She was the one person she could extract that information from without sounding suspicious.

Besides she had sworn her loyalty to her and it was perfectly normal for them to discuss locations in the palace right? What better way can a mistress and her personal maid bond rather than that? She thought with an enthusiastic nod.


She rubbed her cold body, wrapping the shawl she had taken with her on second thought while hurrying out of the room, tightly around her body.

She had been so scared she'll keep Tristan waiting because of the time she had taken to locate the terrace of the palace.

She knew that although he had given her a location in a haste, that was another thing that made him so different from Saif. While the latter was considerate the former was just well Tristan.

There was something about him that should send her running the other side and avoiding him till this crazy stage in her life was done. The darkness, the cold piercing stare, his icy demeanor that was both mystifying and scary, and his looks that were almost surreal, god-like even.

He should be a splitting image of the devil. He harbored all his features anyway. Dangerous yet he lures.

And Tristan's allure wasn't lost on her no matter how much she might want to deny it. She was physically conscious of his roving eyes on her and his big masculine hands she would die before admitting she daydreams on how they would feel on her bare body.

His lips haunted her and she had to chant again and again that she had a boyfriend, again and again, to remember not to lose focus when he starts his sexy drawl that made her girl parts tingle.

But she knew this wasn't real. Yes, they existed but they weren't part of her real world. This was some kind of vacation, an unlikely, not ideal type but a leaf of adventure, a holiday from her boring, secluded life.

Nonna was real, Scarlet was real and Bryan was the main deal she tried to tell herself again and again.

Of course, she would remember Saif when she was back home, twenty years after she was married to Bryan, and tell her children tales about the underworld people and use him as an example, because he was the only good one. Quirky, fun, smug Prince Saif. It was a tale that would never get old and the memories they had shared were in a chest in her heart she would never let go of.

She felt a cold hand on her body and was about squealing in fright but palms muffling her mouth stopped her.

She made muffled noises, trying to free herself from his grasp but to no avail.

"Can you calm down?" Her eyes widened it was Tristan, which made her shoulders relax.

He might be a scumbag but she trusted him as far as killing her was concerned, he was screwed if that happened too. He needed an accomplice, she didn't know why but knew she was important to him in whatever elaborate scheme, he had planned.

He removed his hand from her mouth while eying her almost like he was ready to place it back if he suspected she was about to scream.

She rolled her eyes at him, she wouldn't have screamed to start with if he had not sneaked up on her like some spooky creature.

Staying in a dark terrace only illuminated by the sky stars could give you ideas, she thought to herself even as she shook her head at the first thought that had come to her mind when she had noticed that someone was beside her. She had thought him a werewolf prince who had found his way into the palace using some sort of special portal travel, nobody has been able to unravel.

Sorry Cinderella, she apologized mentally knowing she was also going to pin her crazy top-notch imagination on the Disney cartoon even though she knew that the plots of her crazy imagination had no alignment with evil stepsisters and an orphan.

She hit him on his chest and retracted her hand groaning while also glaring at him noticing the smirk on his face. It was all bulging rock-hard muscle underneath his clothes.

"You are late,"

"I didn't give a time so I'm not late. You only arrived earlier than I did perhaps because you were so excited to see me."

She gave him a look borne of pure disbelief and utter mortification, like where had that even come from? She pondered.

"Why had you sneak up on me like that?"

"Sneaking up means putting an attempt into catching you completely off guard but that wasn't what happened here, so you are wrong."

She closed her eyes wondering why she had thought it possible for both of them to have a discussion that will unravel the mysteries that bothered her without entertaining the idea of stabbing a fork into his mouth. Anything to make his lips less prominent, less noticeable, tempting, and perfect.

"Why are you always so sullen. Give answers like you are a Hi-Tech robot. Give me expressions, ponder on answers for crying out loud!"

She looked away not liking that she was having a mini-meltdown while he looked at her like she was a nagging wife and he would rather be in any place in the world right now than with her.

"Do you want answers or expressions?" He conveyed his question with a snarl.

"I just want to feel like I'm talking to a person. It is kind of creepy when I talk to you."

"I'm not a human,"

She gasped, "Wouldn't have guessed," she sarcastically said, "You know Saif is not human too, right?"

"I don't have time to indulge spoilt humans,"

"Neither do I a spoilt Prince."

"What do you want from me, Kimberly?"