
What are you?

Chapter 44| What are you?

Saif smirked as Tristan missed the perfect score of the board he was aiming for with his arrow yet again, getting a 9.

He grunted, throwing his arrow on the ground agitated even as Saif stood up and hit the perfect score, a lazy proud smile on his face.

"I did tell you, that going to that infirmary is making you weak and all soft, didn't I?"

He glared at Saif, then sat down next to him, on the wooden bench which he had returned to after making his point with his arrow and buttressing it with his mocking tease, his eyes on the sky.

"Ever wondered why we are rulers of the realm where there are witches, demons, fairies, Yet somehow Indiosia whose primary occupation is farming, is Lord over this lands?"

Saif glanced at him, "I'm supposed to be the one asking you that. Did you ask Abba?"

Tristan nodded.

"What did he say?"

"Because we are fighters at heart. Skillful and daring."

"You don't think that answers enough?" Tristan gazed at Saif momentarily, "It didn't strike me like the Truth. We ain't as skillful as the witches who could burn our arrows with strings of incantation or the human eaters," he mumbled, referring to the Kingdom of Asheerat, the vampires, "Who are truly warriors at heart. So posed for a war they are ready to leave the portal to get games to satisfy their want regardless of the turbulent travel,"

Saif shrugged, "So why did you think Indiosia is respected and reverenced above the others?"

"Both of us."

Saif gave him an amused smile, "I'll love to feel honored but even for me, that is just plain arrogant and almost impossible. We weren't even born when Indiosia became the crown colony of the realm."

Tristan rolled his eyes, "I mean, this bond. The ones the peasant farmer has for the next who is his neighbor. The love and kindness that can't be seen in anywhere but Indiosia," Saif gave him a doubtful look.

"Not seen in this palace," he added in clarification. No matter how painful the truth was, it couldn't be denied besides how much love could coexist in a palace where the two queens are in some sort of silent tussle?

"But I see it in the infirmary, every day and trust me, almost every native of the realm visit the infirmary but it is never the same affection exhibited," Tristan shook his head, "A poor farmer willing to sell his land which might be the only property he has to save another fellow's life. That is what we have that they don't, Love."

Saif stared at him thoughtfully nodding, "Besides what manner of sorcery could invent love and what level of strength could force it? that's why we are a United force. That's why we seem unconquerable."

"Or not," Tristan added shrugging.

"Or not," Saif repeated.

"I should leave you to sharpen your skill," Saif taunted standing up, "Besides how will you be King when you can't even shoot an arrow properly, with love?" He gasped pretending to think about it for a while, "But you have never fallen in love before."

Tristan flicked his hand playfully forming a tiny flame of fire, he sent Saif's way, "Perhaps like this,"

Saif ducked, smirking even as he hurriedly left the courtyard.

Tristan stared at the bow on the floor, tired.

"You know just staring at it, won't make it shoot itself?" He didn't need to look, to know who owned the soft voice that could disarm a man and make him lightheaded if he wasn't cautious.

A voice made to lure and tempt. One that had him imagine more than once, regardless of how hard he tried not to how she would sound as she moans his name in the throes of passion.

"Why are you here?" He sharply asked.

The last thing he wanted was for the human to think she was welcomed into butting herself into his life whenever she was bored.

She brought out the envelope from behind her, raising her brow at him, "To return this. I'm done signing." He nodded and stood up, taking his bow and grabbing a handful of arrows from its sack.

He poised, making to aim yet again while she waited for him to take the brown paper from her.

"You are doing it wrong," she found herself mumbling.

He huffed, "And what do you know about Archery, Human?" He asked mockingly, releasing the arrow which missed the target completely.

Not knowing what she was doing since she had never touched an arrow before in her life, she walked towards him, her perfume wafting into his nostril and forcing him to take a peek at her.

As usual, the more he gazed at her, the more he realized that there was something different about her looks. They weren't in any way similar to the look of any drop-dead gorgeous woman he had met on Earth, hers was something more compelling, something more beguiling, Robs you of your senses momentarily, throws you off guard, and forces you to acknowledge her beauty, almost like forcing you to worship her Ethereal body which was a work of art.

"What are you doing?" He asked surprised as she grabbed the bow from him, her lips in a tight line.

"Making you remember that my name is Kimberly," she took an arrow from him even as he watched with amusement.

She was stubborn if she thought that she could become an Archer just by observation. A skill he and Saif had spent most of their childhood mastering and perfecting.

She aimed at the target and he was shocked to find out she could wield the bow well because even though she did get some sort of lessons on Earth that taught Archery, the bow used on the realm was different and complex.

But he realized that his mere shock was just a tip in the iceberg as he stared at the dent her arrow had made right at the middle of his target, splitting the arrow Saif had planted there previously into two.

He gazed at her stupefied and at a lack of what to say exactly, even as she waited for him, a bemused smile on her face. He could bet his mouth might just be hanging open.

"What are you?"

She stepped close to him, open his palm, and then dropped the envelope in it.

"I'm Kimberly."

Then she was striding out of the courtyard utterly confused and flustered that she had not made a fool out of herself and yet again not knowing why it seemed that she had shot an arrow before, countless times even though this was the first time she had seen one.

As she entered her room, Tristan's word came back to her, "What are you?" And she realized she didn't even know anymore.