
Wants and admissions

Chapter 11| Wants and Admissions

He raised his brow at the maiden who walked past him, her face flushed as she looked shocked to see him before she schooled her expression, and with her head down, she quickly made a run for the door.

He groaned, his little brother has been up to no good with the staff... again.

"Hope you are dressed in there, Saif?" He barked and not waiting for a reply he walked in pissed.

"Oh, judging by the grumpy look on your face, you saw her."

"Do you even know her name?" Tristan arched his brow at him.

"I don't and I don't feel guilty for not remembering," he tightened the knot on the robe he was wearing, "Don't give me that look. You don't seem to have a perfect track record of remembering all the women you have sex with at your convenience."

Tristan huffed, not believing Saif was about pulling the ole little trick and turning the table on him, "This isn't about me, Saif. This is about you willing to shove your manhood into anything that wears corsets."

"You sound like your father."

"I was trained to be like him."

"You are nothing like him," Saif stood up, his face towards the wall, "You are more fun and you should relate to things like this. She was available and she is beautiful."

"She can also be cunny and just another gold digger seeking to entrap you with a bastard child so she can crawl her way into royalty and its privileges."

"So what'll you have me do? Get entangled with various women of social standing and have to contest your place, as a royal heartbreaker and player. People have never been so wrong by classifying you that when I get the most action. The secret is, the more you mingle with nobodies, the more under the carpet your affairs remain."

"Trust me, women like this shouldn't be trusted. You shouldn't have anything to do with a woman ready to give her body to a man who is so above her social standing and agrees so readily to sex with no strings without an official affiliation."

"You make everything sound so long, boring, and like a chore."

Tristan nudged his brother playfully, amused at the pout on his face as he complained, "That is to make sure regardless of the title, the people know all the women I was involved with knew what they were getting into. They had signed to my conditions which included no love. It isn't my fault they all think they will change me. I think the novels they read should be faulted."

Prince Saif shook his head in disbelief, "No. I think it is the brooding Look. It's the mysterious I need to be figured out expressions."

Tristan chuckled, "And you heard this absurdity from where this time?"

"Town. It is true though. Everyone knows girls are attracted to the big bad man who has never fallen in love with anyone yet also one of the most dashing men in the land and soon most powerful too.

"I just don't feel ready with them or even Anabelle."

"How about the human? Does she make you feel ready?"

Refusing to answer that question, not knowing the answer himself and more frustrated that he didn't answer no without missing a beat. The silence was answering in its form.

"Oh, I did see it coming!" He snickered while his eyes shone with amusement.

"I'm here because of her actually."


"I want her to be the one. Wants Abba to give her to me as the bearer of my heir."

"And you were saying you ain't enthralled, weren't you?" He snoffed, "Now look who is desperate to have her in his arms. You."

"I'm not desperate to have her in my arms__"

"So what is this then?" Saif's eyebrow was raised in mock amusement.

Prince Tristan have never communicated his plan to Saif on how he wanted to make him King and doubted now was the right timing.

What if he vehemently refuses the idea and consequently doesn't want to help him?

"Let's just say she is more bearable than most of the human," he shrugged as Prince Saif gave him a look, "She is wearing articles of clothing that cover her body!"

And though that wasn't the only reason, Kimberly was the only one who was almost completely cladded in her halter top and pair of trousers.

"I don't believe you, there is more to this." Prince Saif insisted.

"Whatever makes you sleep faster at night."

"But at least you can admit that you want her pinned beneath you."

Prince Tristan chuckled, "I can have any woman I want underneath me and you think I desire the fragile human?"

"Yes, because I recognized the look." At Tristan's confusion, he rolled his eyes, "The look you have when you want to get something. The same look you've given Alexa before you had her in your cabin the next week. I didn't sleep that night at all because of the screams."

Although the royal wings of both princes were far from each other if they concentrated just a little using their magical abilities they could hear all that went on in the other's room.

"That'll teach you to mind your business and keep your nose off people's businesses."

Prince Saif smirked, "That didn't teach me that, but It did teach me that you want this human too, writhing, screaming, and moaning."

"It isn't weird that we are discussing my sexual life," Tristan replied sarcastically with a wry smile, "Yes. Maybe I do want the human a little bit." He narrowed his eyes at the grin that grew on Saif's face.

"But that'll only be possible if she signs the contract."

"That has never been a problem for you."

Tristan gave him a little look, "It'll be with the human." He didn't know why, but he doubts nothing will be the same with her, not only because of her specie but because when he had stared into her eyes, he was assured she'll be trouble.

"So will you help to make sure I get her?" Tristan asked not believing he was still going through with this after admitting to himself she was anything but loads of problems he doubted he could handle.

"And go against Abba?" Prince Saif's eyes widened humorously, "Of course. I'll just mess with the placement of the petals."

Tristan nodded convincing himself this was all just a step towards his own goal, even though his mind bugged him, reminding him that this was the second time in a day he was going against Abba directives because of the human and even more frightening, the realization he was ready to go out of his way in a split second again if it meant keeping her beside him.

It was all for his purpose, he thought and then nodding he stood up. He smiled at his little brother and telling him, he'll be listening in on every of his conversation, an underlying warning that he shouldn't call any maiden back in even though Tristan knew that has never stopped him before, he left the room, walking out of his brother's wing of the palace.