
Unfamiliar scary feelings

Chapter 97|Unfamiliar scary feelings

"Okay, I think I have allowed you both enough time for this affectionate display and I wish I can allow you both more of that because you did just save her life but we can't waste our time with such unnecessary activities."

Kimberly couldn't hide her smile as she left Chrystal's arms at how serious and stiff he looked when he in fact had been the one to give her a chance to save Chrystal's life. He was trying hard and failing to keep his cold prince facade up though one thing was for sure, her eyes were probably seeing things when she thought she saw anything than scary indifference in his eyes.

"We'll need to leave the palace and now. Me leaving the palace is not an issue but with Saif's wound, we can't possibly risk teleporting. The force might be too much and portal travel is out of the question since...."

"Your godmother's spell." Kimberly finished off.