
Sick Prince

Chapter 61| Sick Prince

Kimberly stared down at how close they both were and how her head was caressing the side of his cheeks while her lips were so close to his, he would only have to lift his head off the ground a little and their lips would meet.

Springing up to her feet and giving Saif her hand, he stood up beside her even as she averted her gaze at Tristan's accusing stare. Great! Now he would just think she was on a mission to seduce his brother because of the compromising position he saw them both in.

"Tristan, why are you here, done with what you were doing?" Kimberly could hear an underlying meaning to his words she couldn't, as usual, fathom even as Tristan looked at him like he was bored.

"Abba asked me to summon you."

Kimberly looked at him alarmed, hoping he wasn't in any sort of trouble because of her especially as Tristan's gaze remained at her even as he spoke to Saif.

Saif shrugged and grinning, he sauntered out of the courtyard where they both were to go answer the King.

Tristan took a step towards her and she took another backward, her gaze narrowed.

"What are you up to?" His eyes were locked into hers and she gave him a confused yet exasperated look.

"Would you believe me if I say nothing?" She took a step backward even as he took another forward.


"Then why ask?"

"I like it when you lie."

Her eyes darted to his face wondering what he was talking about, even as he took a step closer and she gulped as she looked backward, noting there wasn't much distance between her and the wall. He was going to corner her.

"What is this about?"

"You know what this is about. Don't act coy." He took a step towards her but she maintained her stance and he raised his brow, grinning while she gulped again, rubbing her hand and suddenly grateful that she was still wearing her full fighting gear.

She didn't know Tristan and he hadn't with his earlier actions given her reasons to trust he didn't hit women, though deep down inside of her, she knew he didn't. He was too refined for that, way noble regardless that he was a cocky, insensitive jerk.

But yet, she jerked still scared as he finally closed the distance between them and she cowered in fear closing her eyes not knowing what she was expecting but certainly not a peal of laughter. Manly, husky, warm laughter that made something in her lower tummy flutter.

She opened her eyes fearfully, her eyes bulging as she saw Tristan doubled over, clutching his tummy while laughing hard even as his dimples made an entrance, making her heart halt and reminding her of one fact she had forgotten while describing him. Man was he something! The manly scent of him, his angular jaw, and the emptiness of his eyes made calling him beautiful sound like a joke.

But yet his lips, God those Cupid full red bows, his long lashes that she had noticed when he had first cornered her in the cubicle, his striking blue-greenish eyes that were less hollow now and she could see a bit of mirth in them, made anything less than gorgeous an understatement and it didn't help that his hair was not packed but braided. He was dangerously good-looking, he should be ilegal in many countries.

She eyed him just noticing that his knee was bloody and there was dust on his clothes.

"What is happening?"

He grinned, "Come to the main fighting courtyard, Abba had called on Saif to beat my ass. I haven't been myself lately during practice and well Abba isn't happy."

He held her hand and she snatched it back, shooting daggers at him, "What do you mean by you haven't been yourself lately and Abba called in Saif to beat you up. How do you know that Saif would hit you when__" she gasped, realization dawning on her, "You have been sabotaging your practice so you get beaten up knowing that, that'll provoke your father to call in your younger brother to wrestle you?"

His eyes widened then he grinned, "Smart and beautiful. Let's go the show is just getting started. You can't miss this."

"You are a psycho," Kimberly muttered underneath her breath taking back everything she said about the royal therapist just being an opportunist cashing on the Royal family's need for unwarranted services. "You're a sick Prince,"

"I've been told worst," then he grabbed her hand, and this time she didn't even feel the need to pull away wanting to see what this was about anyway and get it over with.

Naked torsos glistening with seat was the first thing she caught sight of, different men with drool-worthy impressive bodies.

Some of them sitting down on the bare ground, panting, few were lying on the ground wounded while a strange like creature muttered incantations, going from one to the other strangely closing their wounded skin and Kimberly could tell she was a healer especially since her hair was also braided into conrows like the alleged powerful witch that Saif had called Tristan's godmother.

The wrestling ground was a large piece of land, acres, and acres that just spread out of her sight. She left Tristan's hand even as her eyes caught sight of a little shed at the sight.

She craned her neck, wanting to take a peek at what was inside and not seeing anything wanted to close the gap between her and her fascinating new project when a scary thin low yet powerful voice stopped her in her tracks.

"What is she doing here?"

Her head whipped backward and she caught sight of the Abba who by the way provoke didn't begin to explain the maddening rage in his eyes but she was glad that his gaze was at least fixated on Tristan who had a sick smile on his face making her yet again wonder what the hell was wrong with him for setting up this ruckus.

"Maybe she is here for us to snack with during our recess," one of the men smugly muttered. A statement accompanied by a deep manly Chuckle.

She blinked noticing Saif rushing for him but Tristan was faster, landing him a punch that made his eyes almost bulge out even as he doubled over in pain and pass out making Kimberly bite on her lower lip to prevent her from shrieking as the man fell limp on the floor.

There was silence in the courtyard and uncomfortability reared its head at Kimberly as she felt the gaze of every man in the courtyard gawking at her like she had two heads including Abba and Saif.