
Scar you

Chapter 47| Scar you

Tristan leaned against the door frame, watching his mother and making sure she wasn't lurking in a corner even though she had stormed out of his presence, upset.

Once he was sure she was too enraged to pull any of her stunts and she had gone to her wing, he rushed towards the closet, opening it wide half pitying Kimberly who had been inside there for minutes.

He had expected her to quickly rush out of the closet short of breath and thankful that it was all over but she remained in there, legs folded, lips parted, her eyes wide almost like she was lost in some trance.

"Kimberly," he muttered for the sixth time now scared of her frozen-like state.

Her body jerked and she stared at him like he was the one in her god-damned closet and not the other way round.

"Hello, can you come out now princess?" He waved his hand in front of her, noting that she wasn't making any move to stand up from the spot she was curled in, inside his closet.

Taking his hand which he offered hesitantly she stepped out of the closet, a dazed look still on her eyes even as he saw fear and uncertainty on them.

"Why are you here, Kimberly?"

"I'm losing my mind, Prince Tristan,"

He raised his brow not believing she was being courteous and serious. The haunted look on her face even as she met his gaze only made him even more convinced, something was up with her.

"I don't know why but I'm seeing things, I hear things, and incidents that occur around here make me remember an unfamiliar memory of something similar happening to me a long time ago, even though I'm sure I haven't had any of those experience."

Tristan waited for her to burst into fits of laughter then see Saif probably hiding in the hallway finally poking out his head and saying that they had got him real good because they had but none of that happened.

Kimberly gave him a look like he has just confessed to Killing her pet goldfish, even as a strangled sound left her lips, frustration in her eyes, "You think I'm crazy right, I'm losing it? Maybe the severity of all I've experienced and how much it had changed my insight on life as a whole is so impactful is messing with my brain!" Horror flashed through her eyes and the urge to bawl her eyes out even as she fisted her hand on Tristan's shirt, "Do you think I'm crazy? Do you think I'm seeing things? God, by any chance, before your chosens are drafted, is a mental health test carried out?"

"Oh," the sound left his lips as he gaped at Kimberly not knowing what had happened to the smug human who he had hidden in his closet and who this flustered Kimberly in front of him was.

"Kimberly, if you are playing a prank, with that good for nothing brother of mine, this is where you laugh and I'll admit you are truly good at the art of lying and sounding really convincing,"

She scowled at him, her eyes closed in momentary irritation, "What makes you think I'll joke around with something as severe as this? I mean everything I'd said some minutes ago."

He blew out a sight making a mental note to ask one of the professors who had been available during the drafting process if mental health assessment had been made even as he sat down on his bed too shocked to keep on standing.

"Why are you here Kimberly? Why are you telling the most annoying chauvinist of a Prince about this rather than your best friend?" He spat out, both confused and angry. Two emotions he had tried to avoid for most of his life. Confusion means not being in the know, being vulnerable, and anger? That was the tool of the enemy to make great wise men make foolish costly mistakes.

"Isn't it obvious?" She threw her hands up in the air "Saif is the only good thing that had happened to me here. I don't want him thinking that I'm a total nutcase."

"Oh, sure. So I'm being served the drama then," Tristan drily whispered.

"I need to know something," she continued not in any sort of mood to entertain Tristan's sarcastic comments.

"What now?" He mumbled.

"Castro lumintus saquire, Abba Lucius, consro,"

His nonchalance was gone, his body now rigid, his eyes brimming with an emotion she couldn't figure out but dispelled the cold aura and expressionless presence he always embodied.

She could tell almost immediately that he had answers or knew someone who did.

His eyes for the first time since she met his mirrored feelings she knew he tried to keep on wraps and this time red fury burned through his dreamy blue eyes, "Was Saif using my wand to play godmother with you even after I warn him never to touch it?"

"Tristan he said you both used to play with it when you were younger, you must have read the word on it and understand its meaning right?" She took a step close to him, her eyes on his, "I'm not crazy Right? The words on your wand hold the answers to the questions I seek right?"

"I don't know what you are trying to say, that is just a mindless carving by an artist."

"Just a mindless carving?" She chuckled a bit, "Just a mindless carving yet you are breathless, your mask ditched and the alarm in your eyes is frickin so obvious. Jesus, I'm not a damn idiot!"

"Kimberly you shouldn't be involving yourself in matters like this. You'll be back on Earth soon. There are things about this realm that'll scar you if you keep on digging."

She rolled her eyes, "I wish it was so easy to do all you have so wisely suggested. That is the sensible thing to do, but my brain doesn't seem to be on the team reasonable wing. I need to know what is happening, I need clarification and I ain't leaving until I get that." She stomped her leg on the floor to enunciate her boldness and word, noting that he didn't even budge at the threat.

But seconds later she could tell just how childish her bold movement had been.