
Reconciliation between the Devil and God

Chapter 17| Reconciliation between the Devil and God

The sound of her footwear startled her, even as she was led by her right handmaid Chrystal, every turn they took made her take a sharp intake of breath in anticipation of what was to come.

She held her breath waiting for some ugly toothless monster to spring forth. Maybe Tristan had ditched his disguise and will be the king of them all but yet her legs made contact with Pristine marble floors that although from the interior she knew the building had seen better days yet every little antique, even a cobblestone that looked ancient, walls and everything else her eyes had gazed at were spotless.

Advantages of having maids who stay in all fours and scrubbed the hell out of everything, polishing it with such diligence. As they crossed the hallway, her fingers grazed pictures of men with crowns on their heads.

Their eyes were Bright, not a smile was on their face and their expression seemed almost Stony.

Kimberly couldn't help thinking of a mistress with white gloves touching each painting and if she spots any speckle of dust, the maid who had done the bad work will start all over again with her hair being dragged by the bad bad witch.

She blinked, watching Cinderella more than a hundred times have done more harm to her than good. She couldn't even believe she was admitting that, but who else could she pin these crazy delusions on?

They turned another corner and she clucked her tongue, to prevent asking one of the women behind her if the dining was in another world altogether but knowing that serving a human was bad enough, she didn't want to add tantrums to it.

Her reflection on the bronze sculpture reminded her of her unexplained change as she touched her hair self consciously wondering what the hell had happened and how the heck, she looked like this.

The two maids looked at each other as they reached a curtain. An ominous minute of silence passed and Kimberly stood in the middle wondering what the awkward pause was for and if it'll be taboo to cough and remind them someone has not eaten for days. That was the only reason she had indulged them in this get-up in the first place.

With one arm outstretched, Making Kimberly shake her head at how the underworld people gave a whole new meaning to dramatic, Chrystal stepped forward and opened the curtain.

Her mouth dropped open.

Sky for ceilings, clouds for floors that made her wonder if they might just give way and she might land underneath the ground.

That was one of the reasons she was reluctant to step on it and another, she feared she just might ruin its purity. Beauty her eyes couldn't behold, comprehend or understand.

Walls made of shells that even though sounded absurd looked familiar and as the sun rays poured into the room, they shone so beautifully fascinating her completely.

Ceiling to floor windows, at the right hand side of whatever haven she have stepped in, showed off the beautiful landscape of mountains and green beautiful pastures.

This must be heaven she thought, they've had a plane crash or something and Tristan had just been messing with her else how does he explain clouds for floors?

And besides, she truly deserved to be in heaven, she never appeared on Santa's naughty list as a child, Didn't make out in the Janitor's closet during Mrs. Henshaw class no matter how tempting it had been to sneak out and do the deed especially since she couldn't see you literally. She was blind.

What was she saying? She blinked, the only bad, bad thing she have done was give Tommy, the school's captain head in high school and it was a game of Truth and dare. God can understand that much, can't he? It was about her reputation. She didn't want to be known as "the" prude, she thought to herself.

Chrystal gave her a gentle shove forward which made her realize she had been gaping with her mouth ajar, eyes wide, and legs not moving, she had kept everyone lingering.

"Welcome to the palace of the kingdom of Indiosia."

The clouds felt like a trampoline under her legs, but softer, more divine, So tempting that lying on it and neglecting her roaring tummy seemed reasonable for a second.

This was some kind of game the angels were playing Right? She thought to herself. This must be heaven she thought but had a rethink when she got to the dining that could contain more than a hundred people, she wondered if they were expecting more guests and a snake hissed at her.

She didn't go to church much, But she didn't hear about a reconciliation between the Devil and God ever.

Chrystal bowed thrice and an audible gasp flew from her mouth as she saw the once vacant room apart from the snake, now with people eating on the table.

The man on the head table had dirty blonde hair and grey eyes that were completely scary, cold and made you want to look away. He had the kind of attractiveness, that was Hollywood 90's main lead gorgeous. He could be in his early thirties or maybe younger but judging by the permanent scowl on his face, she doubted she'll have a chance to find that out. He'll look younger and even more attractive if he decide to learn the habit, smiling.

At his right side was a woman with blonde hair, almost white which on top of the strands laid a crown with Gold that made Kimberly's eyes huge.

She didn't have to be a miner to know what real gold looks like or a jewelry expert even as she took in engraved diamonds on top of her head which etched few words,

King Mother, caught the sun and glittered, Its shadow hitting the structured windows and leaving without a doubt that the woman in front of her was wearing a child's Trust Fund and a man's pension on her head.

She was magnificent, her beauty ethereal and even as her equally grey eyes sharply took her in, Kimberly couldn't fault her for the distrust in them. Her lips curled into a sneer and a disappointing hmmph left her lips before she turned back to her food and Kimberly felt her legs wobble as she had to restrain herself from bowing on the goddess' feet and asking her to like a common mortal like herself.

Someone was staring at her intensely, she could feel it. She turned sharply and met eyes like onyx. Black and Hollow.

Kimberly sucked in a deep breath even as she noticed the cloak she wore was pitch dark like her eyes and covered her body whole. Like that wasn't enough she saw her hand on top of the serpent stroking it while looking at her thoughtfully, making Kimberly gasp audibly.

"You will scare the human if you continue to stare."

Kimberly's eyes shone. She stared at everyone at the table. Nobody's lips moved. They haven't even said a word or spare more than a glance at her.

Her eyes were hardened, was she going insane? She had heard something.

"Something isn't right with this human. Her scent is off."

Kimberly fought the urge to go down on all fours, find the impudent child under the table who had cast some kind of spell that only made her hear his whispers thus making her seem crazy and drag him or her by their hair.

She blinked twice, deciding that it'll be a faster way of making her look real crazy, she straightened and stood still.

The woman with the black cloak smiled so widely at her, she feared for her cheeks and then drew out a seat.

"Ain't you a sweet little thing, Sit. What is your name?"

Kimberly stood still not knowing if she want to sit down next to a woman who had a serpent on her lap which could easily slide into hers.

"Hello... Guess who is looking ridiculous?" She turned and there stood Prince Tristan standing tall as always with a blonde man who had a striking resemblance with him, but a tad shorter, a lot naughtier if she could go by the cheeky smile on his face. The wide expanse of his chest as he stood next to Tristan who had lean muscles, classified them if they were athletes.

Tristan could pass as a footballer with his lean muscles while the guy who stood behind him, Kimberly suspected also to be a Prince since he had the same cocky air and a crown on his head, with his body builder body, a boxer.