
Recognizing the sound of your own laughter

Chapter 79| Recognizing the sound of your laugher

"So you are trying to tell me that there is a possibility that I'm not human?" Kimberly pursed her lips, even as she processed Tristan's story which had driven him to the bizarre conclusion that she wasn't human.

Her hoarse laughter was an unexpectant sound Tristan hadn't seen coming especially after all he had told her. Why wasn't she freaking out?

"Wait, what are you trying to drive at right now? that my parents or maybe one of them weren't human?" She shook her head at him, "My Nonna had told me they both had died and your kind is immortal so how exactly can an eternal creature die? Most importantly, how does your theory explain why my childhood is missing from my so-called guardian demon's head?"

His brows were furrowed and he seemed deep in thought even as she noticed that he had brought them back to his infirmary's spacious office.