
Queen Reginald

Chapter 15| Queen Reginald

"So what is your name?"

She turned to meet his gaze and then looked away, pretending like she had not heard him.

"You have to tell me what your name is, so I can stop calling you, The human."

She Chuckled, "That sounds weird."

"Make it less weird and tell me your name."


"How hard was that, Kimberly?"

She closed her eyes, internally beating herself up for even loving the way her name rolled out of his tongue, so much so it made her insides quiver with want.

"Very hard, you don't want to know." She accompanied her Sarcasm with a little wry smile.

"So don't you think I deserve an answer to a question too, I want to know."

"My name, it's Tristan."

"No. Not that, Tristan." She gave him a sly grin. That was what she had wanted to ask him but seeing that he has easily provided the answer, she was not going to use such a golden opportunity for a piece of information she already has.

"What is up with your choice of clothing." She gave him a once over in his royal Scarlet robe, glad to find something that was near ridiculous and marred his image of perfection by a notch but was not nearly enough to topple it over completely.

"You mean my cloak, with soft fabric only found in three countries and is also damn expensive?" He had a crooked smug grin.

She scoffed, "You look ridiculous."

"You too would. Soon." He gave her a smile that says he knew something she didn't which was everything by the way and then he was gone from the room, the silly smile still on his face that infuriated her yet made her have a lopsided grin on hers as she sat on the comfy bed which dipped under her weight.


Prince Tristan stumbled upon Saif as he left Kimberly's room.

Kim? He thought to himself, He should stay away from a woman so bold, so fearless, and didn't give a fuck but yet, why does she intrigue him even more? Why was he desperate to unfold the layers and layers of the mask she wears and uncover who she was.

"I know that smile."

Tristan shook his head, wondering what Saif was even doing here.

"Heard you were here," he mumbled almost like he could read his mind, "Thought you'll need help going by the Sprint show the humans who have been waking up have been pulling."

Tristan laughed, as the imagery of some humans waking up to skulls hanging over their head, flashed through his mind. He still couldn't visit some kingdoms because of their cannibalistic practices. Worst, is that they hunt humans.

He shook his head, they might just end up eating their chosen he mused. He wouldn't hold his breath for the kingdom of Asheerat if they weren't done with the human already.

The vampires have little or no control especially when none of them have been granted permission to leave the realm for Earth to hunt.

"So what was she like? Bet she had bulks of questions to ask?" He seemed interested and Tristan eyed him wondering what has piqued the interest of the nonchalant Prince, especially when it has something to do with a human.

"You should talk already or should we just use the sibling link?" He made to hold Tristan's palm wanting to extract the data of his current meetings with his chosen but Tristan withdrew his Palms.

"That makes me a bit ruffled and Abba sent me on an errand to a neighboring village. The last thing I'll appreciate is my body feeling out of it.

"Will you mind for some company?"

Tristan arched his brow, "Are you that desperate for gossips."

Saif shrugged, "It is not every day a human comes to this planet besides with the strange happenings," he reduced his voice, sparing a glance around the pavement making sure they were alone, "Like the blue rose and her being the only human in history that had managed to wake up defying the strongest witch's spell you cant fault a fella for being curious."

inristan nodded thoughtfully, "Let's just say I can feel like she had a billion questions but she held herself back besides we did engage in something more fulfilling than some question and answer series."

Saif grinned, "Didn't know you were this enthusiastic about being a father."

Prince Tristan rolled his eyes amused, "Nothing of the sort happened, you pervert. I just really liked talking to her. She has this defiance in her voice and I can sense hidden claws if poked way too hard. She will reveal." Tristan gave him a genuine smile as both their footwears echoed in the empty staircase, as they rounded the corner leaving her quarters completely, "I didn't know that I'll ever admit this, there is something about the human that makes me want to talk with her Forever."

Saif gave him a look, "Crown Prince of Indiosia, Tristan wanting to just talk a woman. I just might shed a tear." Saif gave him a disbelieving scoff.

He shook his head amused, "I can't believe myself either."

Saif pulled him on his ears playfully and then made a run for it, while he shook his head. Wanting to be the older and more mature one, he kept on moving.

Saif turned with a smirk and snickered. That did it, he rushed after Saif with a laugh, tackling him to the ground. They both laughed and soon were rolling on the bare floor making exaggerated beastly grunts.


Queen Reginald stroked the reptile that sat on her neck, her strokes so gentle, in contrast to how hard her stormy pitch-black eyes were, while she clenched her free hand behind her.

She was staring at the window, watching in total anger as Prince Saif and Tristan played like children. Now standing up, they purposely bumped against each other as they walked Chuckling.

"Divide and rule." Lucia, the serpent on her shoulder muttered, "It works every time."

"Like I haven't tried!" She looks away with a grunt.

"I did all my best when they were children, from making sure they wanted the same doll, the same robe. Yet, their fights that is if I even got that lucky never lasted for more than 5 minutes."

She removed the little crown on her head that didn't mean anything to her. It was just a fanciful title that taunted and reminded her of how useless her son was and soon, if she didn't step in, her frustration would be his.

He was never going to be the second-best, he'll be King and nothing more.

"And now they are older?" The serpent suggested hissing, angry that her mistress was angry.

Queen Reginald sighed, looking out of the window, they were gone already.

"Don't you think it is too late, the bond gets strong every day."

Lucia cackled, "Power and women can do wonders no matter how strong the bond. Besides the struggle for one's destiny gets tougher at this stage in their life." Reginald rubbed Lucia's tummy even as it glided down her body, "You just need to let Saif watch all being given to Tristan and then Tristan will be busy running around to fulfill these responsibilities. Rub it in, invoke the anger, the fear, the hunger for power. Awake the darkness that lives inside of him."

Reginald lied down on the bed, massaging her temples with two of her fingers as she contemplated on the advice, her dear loyal one has supplied. "But Saif is loyal to Tristan to a fault. Even though he feels the sting, he won't act on it."

"What have you heard about Love? Instigates, betrays, and make even brothers pick a sword, facing each other."

Queen Reginald laughed, "The both princes can't stand, Annabelle. Prince Tristan's betrothed. It'll be good riddance for Tristan."

Lucia sighed exasperatedly and in surprise, who liked the obnoxious daddy's girl anyway? She thought to herself.

"Haven't you been in the palace? the chosen is here and Saif is intrigued."

"How do you know that?"

"I've been snooping around," Lucia takes its place, lying next to Queen Reginald on the feather-made bed knowing her curiosity was piqued. Hence, she took her own sweet time.

"There is more. I couldn't hear them well but there is a secret they both know about the human and they are all hush and whispers about it."

Queen's Reginald red lipstick served a dramatic image as her lips slowly tilted into a little smirk. She'll find out about this human and she'll take advantage of her.

Just like she was used as a pawn, she'll make the human one, and then she'll achieve her aim and be given a title and crown that comes with the glittering rare diamonds Queen Faye wore, King's mother she can smell it in the air.