
Night terrors

Chapter 43| Night Terrors

Kimberly's eyes snapped open, thankful to see the sun rays that poured into the room.

It was day again, she thought swallowing hard as she sat up, cleaning the sheen of sweat on her forehead with the back of her palm, visible evidence of how dark and troubled her night had been.

At first, she had wanted to run to Nana's room and tell her, her night terrors were back, refuse to go back to her room and get to sleep in her arm but she didn't make it to the door before she remembered where she was.

Why were her night terrors coming back to haunt her 11 years after and more especially why now? When she was in such unfamiliar territory.

She stood up in haste, opening the drawer where she had placed the shell. Why was this alike to the one in her dream? And why was the riverbank similar to the repeated night terror that has haunted her as a child repeatedly?

She paced around the room frustrated. "Am I crazy? Or perhaps making up things that aren't similar at all?" She glanced at the shell now in her palm.

She groaned and dropped it back where she had picked it from, of course, her mind was toying with her, how could she think that the shell from years ago was identical to the one in her palm and today's nightmare was her mind just picking up the highlight of her activities during the day.

There was no way that the riverbank in a realm she didn't know existed was the same one in her dream when she was 12. It was impossible.

There was something about this Kingdom, that was messing with her sanity and the sooner she gets out the better for her peace of mind.

Her train of thoughts was interrupted immediately the maids came in and for the first time, she was glad for the timely interruption and hopefully diversion of her attention from her disturbing thoughts.

"How about Chrystal?" Kimberly directed her gaze at one of the maids, and although knowing the answer to her question. It took three days to get to Chrystal's Grandma's village from the palace on horseback so Chrystal must still be on her way to meet her.

But yet the quiet in the room amongst women who were talkative around her was getting more and more uncomfortable as time passes and she desperately wanted to start up a conversation.

"She went to see her granny, milady."

She studied the woman who had replied to her for the first time really looking at her. She was the one who styled her hair into different beautiful styles.

She didn't know why she cared enough to fuss with her hair even though they knew she didn't go out but she did a great job each time.

"Why are you all acting strange and so quiet?" Kimberly eyed them all, knowing that she was a step away from combusting and probably crying again.

"Your bath had been prepared." One of the maids announced coming out of the bathroom, unaware of the tension and looming question on the room.

"Huh?" She stood up and she could have laughed if not that she was out of it with the way the maids visibly shudder in fear. Like why will three women who she knew owned mystic powers be scared of a weak human like her?

"We just don't want to say anything that will make you so upset you cry again," one of the maids in charge of mixing the foreign bottles of different ointments on her face and body explained. She was the royal palace facial beautician.

Kimberly moped at the women who looked at her like she held some sort of power that could make or break them while she tried to get used to the amount of authority she seem to wield unknowingly over them.

"I'm sorry," she inhaled, sitting back on her seat.

They blinked, looking at her completely stupefied and Maya could tell that apologies were words completely foreign to their ears. She wasn't at all surprised, none of the members of the Royal family struck her as the type who even knew such word existed.

As they all filed out to give her privacy to take her bath following their routine, she stood up.

"I mean it. I'm sorry for crying yesterday and making you think you did something wrong," she smiled "And also for my outburst earlier on,"

They simply bowed and quickly left the room not accepting her apologies but not before she saw the ghost of a smile on their faces making her smirk even as her insides jump at the thought of the glorious dip she was going to have.

She doubted that she'll ever get used to the luxurious bathtub and will ever leave it one day before the water got completely cold.

"I'm fine." She whispered to herself removing her clothes, "It was just a dream."


"Do any of you have any idea where prince Tristan is currently?" Kimberly's eyes were on her reflection as she was still utterly fascinated by the work, the palace hairstylist and beautician always manages to do with her face and hair.

She was dressed in an ocean blue gown which stopped midthigh and hugged her curves. Another thing she'll surely miss about Indiosia was their fabric.

Tristan had once commented on how expensive his clothing was the day she had mocked his garment but now it did make sense.

The fabric was so soft and gentle against her skin, and though she did harbor a grudge or two against the other maid who had tightened the corset she had worn underneath like she had told her she had a death wish, she couldn't help but admit that she looked breathtaking.

"Yes. Do you want us to send him a message for you?"

Kimberly thought about sending the contract, she had signed in the early hours of the morning. The second time she had woken up because of her nightmare using one of her maids but decided against it.

She did trust that they won't look inside of it, she knew they had such respect and regard for her that she thought was insane but yet, so they did for the other members of the palace.

And more than just respect, they were going to be more loyal to the other members of the royal family and the last thing she wanted was for the files to go into the wrong hands.

She smiled, "Not at all. I'd like to see him personally, so where is he?"

The maids behind her exchanged sly smiles and grins, which made her narrow her eyes wondering what they were thinking.

A part of her knew what they thought, the part of her that was a hopeless romantic and was in love with Bryan, because if he was here she would want to flaunt how stunning she looked in front of him but the larger part of her that was now getting used to the thought that there was no Bryan only a prince that hated her guts and scorned her with every opportunity he gets laughed at their ridiculous assumption.

If only they knew how many insults their lovely Prince had thrown at her and how much he'll just love to haul her ass back to wherever she comes from if he could, they would all feel like fools.

"He is at the training field."