
More questions in an answer

Chapter 50| More questions in an answer

"The truth," she held his gaze captive, the air of retorts completely gone and at that moment she liked utterly vulnerable. He looked away just wanting to remember her as the strong-willed human who couldn't be trusted and not helpless and lost as she looked at the moment, "Can you give me that at least?"

"Why do strange words in a wand matter at all to you?"

"I don't know why. That's what I tend to figure out. Perhaps I might just get my peace back if I know the meaning," she looked perplexed herself and a sorrowful look marred her beautiful features making Tristan's gaze soften as the urge to remove that lost, defeated look was all he felt.

"Castro lumintus saquire, Lucius, consro," he whispered, his hand folded at his back even as Kimberly's lowered gaze was now fixated on him.

"Elena had given me the wand on my seventh year birthday and up until then, I've been having difficulties learning any spell she taught me. It was a waste of time, both of us knew I was no wizard and hence incantations and casting spells was not possible,"

"Then why did she even try?" Her face was morphed with that of intrigue and interest.

He smirked, "Because Elena was very fond of me. So fond of me she convinced my father that I could learn black magic and dad had readily agreed because it was for the good of the Kingdom. But Elena, my godmother just wanted to spend time with me." He frowned, "Nobody apart from Elena herself knows this not until this moment, and I still don't know why I'm ignoring the little voice in my head that is telling me that letting you know that I'm the first Indiosia man to exhibit magical powers is a bad idea."

She shook her head fervently, "I promise, no one would know. My lips are sealed. Not even Saif would be told."

He scowled, "Hope your mind too can be sealed? Goddess, this was a bad idea. Now listen to what I have to tell you, avoid thinking of all we would discuss today when you are next to Saif, and if the urge becomes a lot to handle, cross your finger or leg. He can't access your mind that way."

Her eyes widened at the new Revelation even as he cursed under his breath hating that now the human has a knowledge that put them at a disadvantage. But it was either this or letting her just spill everything to Saif since she had no control over her mind. She was like an open book and even without having Saif's powers it was easy to read her mind.

Though, he would never be able to trust her. Looks could be deceptive, thoughts could be manipulative and even though he was spilling years of secret he had kept to himself for years to a human he didn't trust, he somehow trusted her to keep her lips sealed about it regardless of how fucked up and confused it sounded.

"Is this why you had wanted me to willingly agree to leave before you had made me disappear to my room?"

He rolled his eyes even though he could tell her that he didn't need any form of volition from her to exercise his spells and incantation on her but he had only done that because he feared that she just might show up again even while Saif was in his room because she was an insane work in progress.

"The wand had made me feel like I could actually be a wizard. I'd practiced in the courtyard with spell books and my wand, Saif had joined me too. It was our routine until the day Elena realize she had given me the wrong wand. She had searched all day for the strange wand which according to her, her grandmother had picked close to the sea years ago."

She shivered. Tristan noticed but didn't say a word but continued.

"She told me that they never did figure out what the wand was for but kept it anyway. Surprisingly after returning the wand and taking the one she had initially intended giving, three fortnights later, out of mannerism and idleness, I murmured a few spells without my wand and it had happened."

"It happened? That's how you started practicing witchcraft?"

"I can't tell what had happened that day but Elena believed it had something to do with the wand so she gave it back to me and that was when she showed me the crafted scribbling on it and told me that after years of trying to figure out the strange words she finally had the answer but they were as confusing and didn't make a reasonable sentence."

She glanced at him expectantly, "Castro meant to exchange, it is a grecan word, used by the trolls and dwarfs."

It was almost like a rude joke, everything she had thought a joke or a myth was morphing into reality and somehow she wouldn't even feel an ounce of disbelief if someone told her that unicorns exist. She had walked on damn clouds for crying out loud!

"lumintus means immortality and eternity, used by the people of Troy, they exist in another realm and are worshipped by some humans. They are almost heavenly beings and have wings but are immoral. They are unaging and immortal."

Her eyes widened even as the thought of another realm different from Earth and the one she currently was in, was too much information to take.

"Saquire meant a bond, covenant and are used by the fallen Angel. Now in lowly forms, they are demons who work for Hades also Lucius who is Satan."

He smiled at her, "That is all I know Kimberly so when I told you the carving was just mindless words strung together by an artist who considers himself schooled or have even heard the word and don't know the meaning, I wasn't lying. It doesn't make sense, Kimberly."

She stared into space completely demoralized, "But what if these words are clues? What if they hide the answers I seek?"

"What answers do you seek, Kimberly?"

She looked at him momentarily and looked away, "I don't even know. Besides, I only see more questions in my answers"

He rolled his eyes not believing that he had indulged the human who days ago didn't know his realm existed, it was almost like all the years he had spent learning by his father was a waste and joke.

"Kimberly you are human and this wand has nothing to do with your Nonna and Bryan, the love of your life and high school sweetheart or Scarlet, your best friend," her eyes bulged. He continued satisfied with her reaction, "and the boy you had given your first kiss, was Scott Pearson, middle school and in a truth or dare game. Did I also mention you are now a legend of some sort down on Earth and everyone talks about you like they were your best buddies even though I know you have never met those people all your life,"