
Kimberly's coffin

Chapter 95|Kimberly's coffin

"You were just taking a precaution just because I happened to mention my curse and she is the only woman I have been around at that time?" Tristan asked with his eyes wide. "She would be cold and dead if not that Saif had stepped in when he did to stop Tempest and you're saying this in such a calm monotone? That girl is someone's sister, daughter, a person with ambitions, Goddess!"

He gave her a sharp glare and although he had been hoping for some kind of reaction from her the minute he had stepped into his godmother coven because it had been truly exhausting talking to someone who acted like someone's life was just as petty as the weather, he was realizing now although late that a surprising reaction wasn't at all good and shouting at his godmother which he had NEVER ever done might just be the final nail on Kimberly's coffin.

There was silence for a while before he heard her voice though a tad lower but not at all remorseful.