
Indiosia and its mysteries

Chapter 63| Indiosia and its mysteries

"Saif," Kimberly called out distraught.

She was thankful that he stopped in his tracks even as she rushed towards him hurriedly.

His shoulder was stiff and tensed, and he avoided her gaze when she came in front of him.

"What was that about?" She was now aware that whatever happened between Saif and Tristan was way beyond just her mere comprehension as an almost stranger to the unique bond they both share. She had seen a few glimpses of how deep their understanding of each other resonated beyond words and how they could communicate without the use of it.

"I don't even know, Human." He smiled a little even as she smirked then held his hand while they both walked aimlessly but aware of putting distance between them and the courtyard.

"I know you didn't want to talk about it," Saif started and she lowered her gaze knowing he was about to bring up the night with Tristan, she had expected them to discuss it the minute she had run after him. "I'm still angry at him and rightfully too but I believe he is sorry."

She shrugged, "I was never the problem, you on the other hand was the one holding on to it,"

"I just want him to be able to use words, dialogue, tell me how he feels, and even cussing at me in the middle not offering his body to be battered by me."

"Then tell him how you feel."

He sighed, "That's not the problem Tristan has never had any problems apologizing to me in the past but I guess he believed his sin was so grievous he decided to pull this stunt but__" he glanced at her tentatively while she raised her brow at him suspiciously, not knowing what he wanted to say but knowing she won't like it one bit.

"I want him to apologize to you."

She rolled her eyes, not even replying to him. They both knew Tristan considered her dirt uncomfortably clinging under his shoes or an annoying speck of dust on his immaculate royal apparel that ruined the perfection he tried to represent.

"He has more regards for you than you think Kimberly." He noticed the pure disbelief she gave him and he raised his brow, "I'm serious."

She sighed, "How can I even help? He doesn't seem to think he did anything wrong to me. He is only remorseful because you were there."

"Tristan is everything but an insensitive person__"

She scoffed, "You'd have fooled me."

"I'm honest. He is normally not like this and although he can be cold most of the time he also does well with his Prince charming character. I don't know what about you that riles him up so badly he acts out of character but he isn't like that."

She rolled her eyes, knowing that once again her being human had everything to do with how low he regarded her.

"He'd surely try to come around and apologize to you. But note he won't use the actual words I'm sorry,"

She stared at him puzzled while remembering how he had tried apologizing to her after the little showdown at the infirmary.

"Does it matter?"

"It does to me."

"I think he is even bothering because of you and I'll try Saif. No promises,"

He chuckled, nudging her, "I'm just trying to help my brother here. I mean what woman would want to marry a man who can't apologize."

She snarled wondering what woman would even want to marry a scumbag like him.

"You have no idea how infamous my brother is among the female population. They'd give both arms and legs to spend just a night in his tent though he is particularly selective," he grinned and she didn't even feel weird he had read her mind, now used to it.

"I have a feeling that whoever he chooses to make his wife won't bother with his ability to apologize or not. The glory of being Queen would hide all those flaws."

He nodded his head knowingly, "I know. His betrothed is such a vain girl."

"Betrothed?" She arched her brow.

"Yes, Annabelle. A spoilt heiress. She is going to try to size you up and even annoy you at the unveiling."

Kimberly shook her head at his words, almost chuckling, "Why would she even bother with me? I'm just a human staying with the royal family."

"She sees you as a contender for Tristan's love and affection since everyone expects you to stay after weaning your child,"

"Oh," Kimberly muttered aware that not in a thousand years would she stay back and become Saif's mother. A human out of place and used for her gene.

She threw him an apologetic stare knowing that he could listen in on her thoughts because regardless of her notion, she was still his mother.

"And Annabelle isn't good at sharing especially when she has been striving all her life to get my brother's attention."

She stopped, "I've been listening in on gossips by the maid and if their words have any truth in it your brother have quite a reputation with women so why would he have a problem with this woman?"

Saif gave her a wolfish grin, "You sure you haven't heard anything about me?"

"You are a man whore," he chuckled even as she smiled. "So I heard."

"Don't believe them," he whispered and Maya looked away just noting he had changed the subject, "It is true but don't believe them, my fair lady."

She chuckled at the end, shaking her head at him.

She was in front of her door, it was almost time for her to fit into her gown yet again. She has had quite a success with the gown surprisingly and now could fit it by holding onto her breath. It was painfully tight. She was so going to gobble everything edible after this torture she promised herself.

She turned to open her door when his words stop her.

"Tristan won't touch Annabelle with a stick if not for he can't avoid her. Remember very selective." She turned to ask him why he had changed the subject if he was still going to offer the answer so easily but he was already walking away.

She sighed. Indiosia and its mysteries she hasn't been able to fully grasp even till this moment.