
Hell would freeze over

Chapter 56| Hell would freeze over

"Why? Because I won't put it past you that you just might want her to suffer that's why you are stopping me from waking her up.

Tristan rolled his eyes, "You think I'll stoop that low or be so interested to make that much an effort."

Saif sneered, his gaze softening as he stared at Kimberly who trashed against the bed, "I did say I do not know you anymore so you should be expecting more of these suspicions."

Tristan scoffed even as he noticed Saif's expectant stare still waiting for an answer.

"I think she needs to deal with whatever had made her fall unconscious in the first place else we risk a reoccurrence of it happening and that can be achieved if she battles with her night terrors."

Saif's eyes showed that he was torn between allowing her to squirm and suffer now than Risking her falling back into unconsciousness in the nearest future. Remembering how he had been so scared when her body had gone limp against hers, it was more than obvious what decision he took even as he leaned against the bed, his eyes still on Kimberly's tormented form. Now, she seems to be gasping for air.

"So I ask again, what had happened before she fell unconscious."

Saif shrugged, "We were discussing and she was perfectly okay for a minute, she had complained about a migraine when her legs had wobbled slightly, and then she had fallen limp on my body."

Tristan pursed his lips thoughtfully, "She was acting quite strange today, maybe that has something to do with it."

He met Saif's confused stare and clarified, "Her Piano training. Just yesterday, she was so horrible at it. cringe-worthy even and then today she was producing excellent worthy keys which are impossible to learn during such a short period even though she had stayed up all night rehearsing and forfeiting sleep besides she did look well-rested."

"And how does that have anything to do with her nightmare or her unconsciousness?" Saif's eyes widened in realization as he remembered that Tristan had been in the hospital for a few days now so how did he know about Kimberly's piano lessons and what had even happened in there, he directed an accusing yet amused stare at Tristan, "You were watching her? Really? You seem not to be able to stand her yet you eavesdrop on her life as a shadow?" He looked bewildered and confused, "You are a mess, Crown Prince."

His tone was mocking but his continuous glance revealed that he was sincerely shocked at this new Revelation.

"Keep your friends close and your enemies? make them your buddies."

Saif frowned, "Oh."

There was stiff silence in the room as Tristan looked anywhere but at Saif and Kimberly even though he thought it ridiculous he was feeling like an intruder in his room, while Saif just had his gaze on Kimberly.

He held her hand briefly and flinched. Tristan noticed the movement and raised his brow in confusion.

"She is blazing hot!"

Tristan sighed not believing she was having a fever, he rushed into his bathroom, coming out with a water-filled bowl and a towel.

He handed it to Saif, "You'll have to place a wet towel on her uncovered body at intervals." He whispered.

He nodded and then Tristan watched as Saif placed the wet towel on her forehead, his eyes mirroring concern and genuine worry. He had an unfamiliar feeling that tugged at his chest, that swelled with each minute as he watched Saif caress her face and tenderly placed the wet towel on her body.

Maybe it was a burst of jealousy, he thought to himself which was very much normal. He was jealous of Kimberly who seems to be taking his brother away from him and making them turn into enemies at the same time. He clenched his eyes tightly not knowing how many minutes that passed as he battled with the nagging ridiculous idea that tried convincing him he wasn't jealous of Kimberly but Saif. He liked how easily he could just be who he wanted around Kimberly, how easily she communicated with him and was drawn naturally to him.

"Her temperature is now okay," Saif said, standing up making him blink as he wondered for how long he had zoned out, "I want to go to bed now, I have a meeting I need to attend with Abba immediately it is dawn so I must go to bed, but do wake me up if you notice any change in her health."

Tristan nodded even as he watched Saif leave knowing that hell would have to freeze over before he would disturb Saif's rest because of her.

He cast a gaze at Kimberly who as if on cue, stretched lazily and purred making him chuckle briefly noting how cute she looked while asleep.

"Tristan," Saif called out, opening the door and he raised his brow wondering why he had returned.

"I didn't care about her when I'd just met her and won't have batted an eyebrow if she had been killed but I won't hesitate to freeze hell now if it ever gets to that," he gave Tristan a suspicious glare which made him hurt as he wondered if Saif was serious when he said he didn't know him anymore and truly believed that he would join hands in wanting to get rid of Kimberly. A life he had tried safeguarding in the first place when he had ordered them all not to say a word of how she had mysteriously woken up defiling the witch's powerful spell-laced leaves, "I would stand in the way of any harm that just might try to befall her and I hope it never makes us foes because I'll hate that but do understand I feel responsible for her in some way," he smiled, "Recently, I've been flirting with the thoughts of regarding her as the little sister I have always craved secretly but never got,"

He shut the door before Tristan could say a word not like he had anything to say, because he had not been chasing a stellar worthy performance of treating her right since she stepped into the palace, so it was only fair if he was included as a suspect.

Besides his mind was preoccupied with other thoughts as he pondered on Saif's completely innocent intentions towards Kimberly which was a direct contrast to his, shameless dirty ones which consisted of her naked body flush against his.

He shook his head, a sigh escaping his lips simultaneously. Goddess, he had lost it somehow.

Then he leaned against the wall, forcing himself to get some sleep even though the waft of Kimberly's Daisy scent lured him into wanting to get closer and sniff his suddenly now favorite scent.