
Dying and going to heaven

Chapter 10| Dying and going to heaven

Kimberly woke up with a start, it was a nightmare. Nightmares had been an active part of her childhood, at least the part she could vividly remember.

But she'd never had any of them since she was 12 but though the nightmare was familiar and almost the same as 11 years ago, it'd felt more real, almost like she'd drowned. The panic, the struggle, the shriek.

A sheen of sweat was on her forehead which trickled to her temples making her sigh knowing that she must have also reacted physically to the dream as always.

It was the same scene, her playing inside the river banks, searching for shiny shells and talking to children, then suddenly she feels a chilly air, a wisp of cold presence. She'd stopped playing, then invisible arms were wrapped around her throat constricting her breath, intent on killing her while shoving her deeper into the water while she flailed her arms earnestly, trying to fight it off.

Her hands stretched in search of her night lamp but it wasn't beside her, she panicked. The nighty nighty lamp has always been beside her bed since she was a baby, on her right hand side, on top of her wardrobe which was once where she kept her collection of dolls, but now used as her vanity and cosmetic cabinet.

Her Palms were clammy, her eyes wide in horror as her hand frantically try to relate with an object that was relatively familiar in the pitch darkness, she gasped as she felt a body beside her at the farthermost end as she prayed she'd not gone out for drinks with Scarlet and done something very foolish.

Determined to find out what was happening, she swung her legs down from the bed and was on, immediately her legs connected with the tikes, she was trudging out of the room, her hands in front of her acting as an aid for direction.

She groaned as her body came flush against a wall, making her groan. She'd been cautious before taking a step and could have sworn nothing was in front of her, some seconds ago.

"What the hell!"

The wall moved and Kimberly gasped, then the lights came on and she felt her knees giving way but the god she had come in contact with was already at her side holding her.

"Did I die yesterday and is this heaven?" Kimberly stared into his eyes wondering why they were so different, foreign. But his beautiful laughter barked out after her question was already enough answer. The sound was so melodious, she wondered how possible it was to die a second time.

She took him in, in his outfits that'll have made her favorites with her arch-enemy, Mrs. Helene. Her theater art tutor if she'd stumbled on such an outfit beforehand and submitted it to her as a costume.

It was a white garment, having intricately patterned gold thread in front of it and a black patterned rope held its waist, a sheathed knife dangled from the side of his garment making her remember a picture she'd seen in a museum of a monk but the perfect face in front of her with features that of an angel didn't look anything like the old man with wrinkles on the white and black frame hung amongst other historians.

"Who are you?"

"Am I in heaven?" She repeated now slightly uncomfortable, what kind of angel won't know who she was? Besides for all she knew, the devil too was an angel.

He smirked still holding her, he doubled over in laughter.

Her brows were furrowed in confusion, not knowing if the angel could hear just how loud her heartbeat was and forbidden thrills that went down her spine at the feel of his big hands on her body.

She couldn't help but want his arms to go down, trail further, a little bit downward.

Her head ached, she was forgetting something, she could feel it. Her mouth was dry and then she felt lightheaded and dizzy.

"What Of Bryan?" She managed to mutter before her eyes closed, her body limp and flushed on Prince Tristan's arms.

He remembered her, she was the mysterious human girl. He could never forget her Golden locks and porcelain skin.

Not surprised she had fallen unconscious since it was even a miracle she was even awake in the first place. She'd just been through a first-degree spell by the most powerful witch in the land, then remembering she'd woken up even before the spell had been renounced, he stared at her petite body intrigued.

He wondered if her little body was capable of the danger Annabelle thought she was, and more than ever he wondered if her delicate fingers which were feverish against his were able to do anything wrong.

But anyway, one thing was certain, he couldn't turn a blind eye to what had happened. He needed answers but telling the witch or Abba wasn't an option, he could feel it in his gut that harm would come to the human, who was the reason for the inconsistency.

People tend to be scared of what they can't comprehend, so he'll never put her in the spot that'll make her give anyone a scare, and then still with a smile on his face and her in his arm, he carried her back into the room refusing to focus on the foreign emotion, he felt tugging his chest for a stranger. Concern.

But when he'd seen her, squinting her eyes at the dark, an adorable frown on her face he had felt like he had known her his whole life, enjoying the fact that he could see her clearly in the night without her knowledge and she didn't enjoy the privilege. He'd been lost in gazing at her and had not moved out of her path on time, hence the collision.

But he forgot that almost immediately, as her lips tilted into that of adorable frustration while she asked him again if she was in heaven he couldn't help the burst of laughter that escaped his lips and how good it felt to be in her company and how refreshing her voice was to his ear.

His conscience rang again and again, but he didn't take the call. He knew keeping something so huge from Abba was not right, but he had done everything right all his life, he should be allowed just this freelancing, this foolish frolicking, this carefree instinct he couldn't help but want to adhere to.

He knew that she was the right woman to play the games he had up his sleeves, he saw it in the way she held his gaze, the glint of defiance and flash of smugness. He wanted someone who could hold her own in his world and won't become a trembling mess once prodded.

His father was going to be in charge of assigning the girls to the respective eligible male and getting him to pick the woman he wanted would be quite a problem. He frowned, knowing he'll have to enlist the nosiest person he knew because he was the only man he could trust with the job.

Dreading Saif's grin while he tells him, he was right all along and rub it in then add foolish wordings like he was in love with the human before helping him, Tristan shivered at the impending unavoidable taunts as he made his way to Saif's Chambers hoping he had not retired for the night already as he won't like to trouble him furthermore by waking him up.