
Desperation is not a good color on you

Chapter 74| Desperation is not a good color on you

A Blurred image of Prince Tristan was the first thing she saw after the first throb of resonating headache.

"Kim," he looked worried and was shaking her.

She was crouched on the floor and holding on to him, she tried to stand up but swayed yet she persisted and stood up on her third attempt, a grim look on her face as it felt like her limbs were removed overnight because she felt like a soaked loaf of bread. All mushy and boneless.

"Kim, I'll go inside firstly and make sure that Chrystal knows you are back and change back to herself so you can go right back into the house like you weren't out to start with," he hurriedly explained while she swallowed, her mouth suddenly bitter and dry. Regardless, she nods.

He turned to leave but she tugged at his wear, feeling scared to be left in the middle of the garden but too proud to admit it. There was a question in his eyes as he turned.