
Daisies and fresh rain

Chapter 69| Daisies and fresh rain

"Sorry but I'll have to cut in now," a low husky voice whispered even as the music changed into a slow classical tune that Kimberly couldn't help but imagine how perfect it'd be for a striptease as she wondered why she had never tried that with Bryan.

Because they had been fucking busy with work and life apart from themselves. She was so going to be trying everything she didn't and couldn't with him when she got back anyway, she finalized even as she glared at Tristan who had cut into the dance right at the time she was about to allay Saif's fear. He wasn't even on the list of waiting dances she had.

Saif gave her a little smile that indicated he was cool then walked out of the dancefloor while she could only watch him leave even as she placed her hand involuntarily on Tristan's chest knowing that they both would have to slow dance no matter how hard she hated him because people were looking.

He turned her so she wasn't looking at the space where Saif had been and she have never been more grateful though she hated that she couldn't pursue him and flip in front of him angry that he had even thought she could all but change in just one night.

Tristan's firm hands came down to her waist and her gaze met his as she was suddenly more aware of him, all thoughts of Saif evaporating and staying at the back of her head as she fixated her eyes on greenish-blue eyes which were bluer at the moment because of the dim light reflecting on it.

"Why do you suddenly want to dance," she smiled, making small talks because she had watched many lovey-dovey mushy dance scenes to know it'll be a violation not to besides everyone was looking at them now without even being discreet.

"Because everyone is watching," he smirked and then brought her closer to him if that was even possible, and she gasped her eyes widening as she gave him a what the fuck is wrong with you? Glare.

"Why are you so happy?" She snapped at him watching a grin grow on his face.

He sniffed her as discreetly as possible, loving the familiar fragrance of her daisies and how somehow a new different natural scent of her wafted into his nose. She smelt like fresh rain.

"I'm not. People are watching."

"Oh," she whispered, hiding her gulp as his hand moved up to her exposed skin as she tried to look away wanting to hide how erotic the feel of his hot skin against hers felt, "A cocky prince and also a pretender. That's not a nice color on you Tristan," she smiled even as he wrapped his hand more tightly around her.

"Pot calling kettle black, you have been acing the whole princess damn act all day,"

"I have your reputation to protect," she gave him a toothy grin, "Except you won't mind a little smudge on it now, would you?"

Knowing that this was a back and forth trap that would lead to endless banter, he leaned against her intent on doing what had made him come up with the initiative of dancing with her. Getting them both to escape the palace walls.

Hot breath spilled into her ears even as she tensed wondering what Tristan was up to as she felt the hairs at her back stand, her body hyper-alert of him, "Once I leave this dancing floor, you are to wait a minute or two, politely reject any dance offer and excuse yourself. Head to the washroom and there you would see an illusion of you waiting, the important part of the festivity is over and your clone can handle a few dances. Once you leave the washroom you'll see one of my trusted men waiting for you, follow him without a word to the pine tree he would take you to."

She took a deep breath hoping that she didn't forget a word he had said even as she resisted the urge to point out that he didn't need to assault her senses mentally to tell her that since their bodies were so sandwiched together, she could feel his breath on her face and could hear his regulated heartbeat while aware that her's was going hyper.

"You good?" She stared at his eyes and if she wasn't so good at pretense herself she would have believed he did care about her even as she laughed nervously, moisturizing her lips, "Yes. Of course."

He nodded and seconds after was striding out of the room leaving her alone on the dancefloor staring at the wide expanse of his shoulders which was a view she wasn't complaining about.

She felt a hand tug hers and she politely retracted her hand wondering why the man had a sort of mask over his face that hid his facial features.

"Sorry I can't."

"Just one dance," he coaxed, his voice luster and warm to the ear as he pulled her to him making her eyes widen even as he led her to the dancefloor not giving her a chance to say no while she sniffed wondering why his scent was off.

He spun her and she met red eyes which made her eyes widen and then they were a normal shade of brown making her wonder why she was seeing things.

"What are you?" It took her a few seconds as she felt the air on her face while he spun her to make sense of what he had said.

"Human I guess," she shrugged confused while he bobbed his head almost like he didn't believe her.

"Don't act coy with me woman, what are you doing to me?" Her eyes widen as she noticed the masked man's lip had not moved and yet she had heard his thoughts.

She must be drained as a result of the preparation she must have put into today, that must be it, she tried to assure herself.

"Foolish Human trying to deceive me with made-up thoughts and cheap tricks. What have your wizard of a chosen been teaching you and why are you trying to manipulate me? Why can I hear your thoughts!"

"I'm not manipulating you," she retorted while his eyes widen and even with the mask she could see he was beyond gobsmacked, "You can hear my thoughts too?"

She gaped at him even as he whispered impossible again and again underneath his breath.

"It has been a great evening," she mumbled underneath her breath taking advantage of his surprising moment to free herself from his grasp, "But I must excuse myself," she curtseyed and then was running for the washroom wondering why the mysterious man seems to be toxic for her mental health yet she felt some kind of strange pull towards him. Like a form of force that was bent on gravitating her to him again.