
A human; Queen of all Queens

Chapter 31| A human; Queen of all Queens

When Saif had asked her to close her eyes at the balcony of the palace, it hadn't occurred to her that she had just signed up for the most frightening rollercoaster ride of her life as she found herself thankful for her braided hair which wasn't ruined and all over her face as the immense wind hit her face.

She didn't dare open her eyes too. When he had told her they were about to teleport. She had thought the name was cool but in theory, she had shouted until her lungs gave out and until she felt her feet on solid ground again.

She opened her eyes, adjusting to the lights in seconds, and then looked away when she saw amused grey irises looking at her.

"Thank you for considering one of the Royal's fastest transportation methods, a horror show."

"I'm in no hurry to go anywhere, I'll rather walk normally." She retorted.

"And risk being hauled away by a hulk of a giant back to your room?" He stared at her with mock pity which he accompanied with a sigh, "The royal palace has six gates. You won't make it past the first, if you have chosen to walk, you spooked human!"

"You know I have a name." She raised her brow feeling weird that he still referred to her as human, "You know where I come from everyone is human so it feels strange when you keep calling me one especially when I have to resist the urge to snarl and ask you ain't you human too?"

A deep baritone husky laughter escaped his lips, like music to the ear, "That sounds so much like you. But I think I like calling you The human more, call it an annoying trait or just maybe I'm no different from the other population of Indiosia who are intrigued about you." He clasped his hands around hers even as she followed his lead not knowing where he was taking her to but trusting him enough to follow without asking any question.

Saif made her feel protected. Like he was a true friend, an ally. Her ally.

"Your kind has been like a myth for so long. I remember scoffing so loudly whenever Abba brings the story up," She wanted to tell him how similar she also reacted when the underworld people were being mentioned and ask him how he would feel if she starts calling him, the underworld prince but deciding that hearing his thoughts seem like more fun than feeding him snarky comments, she pursed her lips.

"Then when I realize that this was no story or myth. When Abba mentioned that he just might retire soon and want Tristan as King with an heir, I had mocked Tristan and poked him so hard about having to sleep with a disgusting creature who depended on cosmetics and surgeries to look presentable."

She raised her brow not believing his poor judgment but then remembering that, unlike Tristan, Saif has only heard about humans but had not seen any until now and it will be hypocritical to even get angry at him when she had conjured images of beasts which was even more extreme.

"The humans here have long been transformed into ethereal creatures and since they are being given off as brides to royal bloodline, they feed off the eternal lifestream, which affects their physicality. So I never really knew what a human looks like but I had not expected you."

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" Her brow was furrowed in confusion as she remembered the last time she had thought his compliment as retorts.

"Of course. Not only are you really beautiful but you talk and not just listen like all the comely women I grew up with, you are also smart and funny. You know when and how to stand your ground, and don't look like a woman that can be backed into a corner if she doesn't want it," he nudges her playfully, "I don't know if nobody sees this but before I had a conversation with you, I didn't also see it. I saw a woman who will just sustain my brother's kingly bloodline."

That won't be happening, she thought to herself but she smiled, "And now?"

"I see a brave, beautiful, intelligent, kind person. I see a human quite all right," she Chuckled.

"Quite hard to forget that when you even use it as my name." She added but to her surprise without malice or anger, just a good-natured joke.

He nodded, "And I see a Queen too. Queen of Indiosia, Queen of all Queens."

She released a strangled sound she hoped could pass as laughter.

He winced at it, sharply looking at her, then realizing just how deep he had managed to swerve their conversation into, he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Or not." He added, hoping he haven't ruined the day for her with his abrupt utterance.

Of course, she won't desire to abandon her life on Earth and decide to live among them as queen just because he thought she will make an excellent one.

"I've something to show you or rather somewhere."

He grinned as the enthusiastic light came back to her eyes, "Are we teleporting?"

"Do you want us to?"

She shook her head.

"You are such a chicken," he taunted, "Then we won't milady," he bowed his head for good measures and she laughed.

Then with their hands entwined, she told him how awkward she felt being called that and how most time she forgot she was the one being addressed and also turn to look for the lady in the room.

"So what exactly comes to your head when you think of milady?" He curiously asked, at the verge of laughter.

She shook her head, a silly smile on her face, "I don't know, a woman in her late forties with crimson red lipstick who kills anyone who goes against her Express wish with just a flick of her finger to men who do her dirty work and feeds their testicles to her dog." She added not able to stop herself, "She also has long red fingernails and uses a very expensive lighter but doesn't smoke."

Saif clutched his tummy not able to take it anymore and laughed hard, "Goddess! You have a colorful imagination, I'll give you that." He resumed his laughter, shaking his head in utter disbelief.

She smiled at just how young and ordinary he looked, yet astonishingly happy. The title sure did affect everybody, the crown was a bound she could tell because at that moment even as she joined him laughing hard too, just enjoying the moment the air felt lighter, their laughter unstrained and without constraints.

Happiness just might be free atimes that is if you have an emerald ring that makes you conspicuous and turns you into a commoner.