
The Last Fire Warrior

Angeline thought she was only a normal girl like the others. But she was wrong: she was blessed by the fire guardian; Velna and she was also given the power to control fire element. Her life was so happy and cheerful until the death of the loved one step into her life. Her soul can be as pure as the light and can be dark as black as the dead night. She's become the most wanted princess cause's the blood that ran through her body is something special. Her mission is to save the Fantasyland from chaos and bring back the peace once again. But... Is she able to resist the call and save herself?

Asfa_Izzana · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

First Zodiac diamond

Angeline went to China to meet Master Moh Chen about her further training as he was also a teacher to his father, Alexander when he was young. Alexander wanted her to go there to learn something unusual.

[ China ]

Angeline arrived at the airport and she was warmly welcomed by his granddaughter, Sarah. "Sarah!" Angeline waved at her as she was calling her name. Sarah who heard Angeline's voice replied back with a wave. "Angeline!" Sarah walked to her. "It has been a long since I met you" Angeline hugged her. The last time they met was at the Chinese New Year celebration together as the Wilson was invited to Master Chen's house. Sarah was 25 years old and she has 2 children and works as an accountant in a bank.

As the two arrived at Chen's, Angeline and Sarah were welcomed by her daughter and her son. "Angeline!" they hugged Angeline instead of their mother. She giggled as both of Sarah's children hugged her. "Welcome back, Angeline" white beard men, Moh Chen welcomed her with a wide smile and some sweets from the Chinese cuisine.

At China, Angeline speaks no other language than the Chinese language as Alexander always said to her learning others cuisine and lifestyle is important as it can strengthen the bond between them by showing respect and following the lifestyle in others country.

"I heard that you learnt from your father some amazing skills," Moh said as he pours hot tea into her cup. "Yes and papa sends me here to learn something that more... traditional and it's an honour for me to learn it with all my heart." Angeline speaks as soon as he finished his word. "Excellent... I love your spirit" he stands up with the help of his granddaughter. "Stand up and follow me to your learning area."

Angeline saw Soong and Liew, daughter and son of Sarah respectively brought their small luggage out of their room and so do Sarah. "We have pack your cloth too, great-grandpa," Soong said as they push the luggage outside. Moh laughed looking at his great-grandchildren helping him in packing the cloth. "thank you" he patted Liew's head.

Angeline and the Chen family went to a place nearby the waterfall, far away from his house in about 1-hour journey plus 30 minutes journey went into the jungle and there are 4 small tree houses place not so far from the floor. The scenery of the waterfall and the forest were very beautiful as the combination of nature was balanced by the living organisms. The cold water and the freshening atmosphere made the circumstance more peaceful yet so relaxing.

In the night, Sarah made a barbeque for dinner. Before going to sleep, Angeline will always read the thick ancient book given by Velna and learn some of the new spells while in the midnight, the air was freezing that she could wear 2 layered blankets and her thick jacket. Different from her home in Australia, she has a comfortable room and a warmer atmosphere.

[ The next day ]

"Angeline...wake up" Moh knocked her door. Angeline wakes up and sat for a while to make sure she was fully awake to hit the day and accept the challenge. She walked out from the room and Moh threw an egg on her that made her eyes widened and surprised as she was planning to take a bath early in the morning due to the extreme temperature. "Master...?" She asked as the yolk ran down through her hair. The awful smell of the egg made her no choice than taking a suffering cold bath.

"As my disciple, you must be ready 24/7 in case there is an attack occurred in any direction, understand?" he walked away. "Yes, master." she ran inside her room and took her towel as well as her other stuff and went to Moh to ask a suitable place for her to take a bath and based on his poor memory, there is a hidden place where she can take her bath peacefully.

Angeline went to the place that Moh mention and she was ecstatic by its magnificence beauty and her eyes were fooled as she remembered a magical place. The water was as clear as diamond and there's also a huge dark cave. "I can sense some great magic here," She said as she put her one feet into the water. It's so warm and not as cold as she thought.

Angeline opened her cloth and wear a not-so-long thin cloth take a bath peacefully. She washed her hair using her shampoo as she wanted to remove the egg and dive into the lake and rise to the surface again. She swam and enjoy the water. She made a magic orb using the water spell as she had read it in the book and her multiple it became smaller orb. It floats in the air and the orb changes into raindrops and hit her as she claps her hand together. The raindrops washed her and she giggled.

Suddenly, Angeline was surprised by a blue water fairy dive into the water. She needs a minute to process everything that happens and she dives into the water. Angeline managed to save it and put him on the land. "Are you alright, little thingy" she poked him and another 4 fairies came and apologies for the disturbance that he made. "It's okay" She smiled. The four fairies brought the drowned fairy away.

Angeline remembered that she saw an entrance leading to somewhere so she decided to go there. She took a deep breath and swam as fast as a fish in the water and enter the mysterious cave and saw a closed blue bellflower in the middle of the fertile soil. She got up and tried to open it without magic and the flower tickling her finger with its magic. She sat in front of the flower and focus on how to open it using the nature spell by making the flower bloom.

After the flower bloom, there's a small grey-blue diamond with a Pisces sign on it. Thrilling happiness possessed her and she couldn't wait to put it inside the "12 zodiac sign diamond collection". If someone places all the 12 diamond at their places, the stars will give the soul an immortal power and invincible.