
The Last city part-1

This is a story telling a grand father to his grand son this is starting in the year 1818 in those days the totally world is under control of kings and kingdoms there are somany wars are happened in between two kingdoms like that only one day a big war is going in between two kingdoms hear we can see a man name is Jack who is a solider superior he is killing the enemies like a lion and finely the war has been ended the enemy king has died so now on words that kingdom also is totally under control of these king who won the war so after some days the king told that go to that Kingdom and find the best rout to go to that kingdom and told the people in that kingdom it is now under control of us so some of great soldiers started journey to that kingdom in three ships in this Jack is also one soldier he is a leader of one ship like this there are three leaders for three ships like this journey is started to that kingdom after so many days finely the all crew reached that kingdom and attacked the soldiers in the kingdom and took all gold diamonds and women's in the kingdom and fly the flag of there kingdom and told to people in that city now this kingdom is belongs to us our king and your king is no more please be happy because you people got a good ruler and from now on words enjoy your life be happy .

After some days two ships started returne journy to there kingdom with the gold and all tresure in that kingdom one ship people is stade there for secure the kingdom Jacks. ship and another ship is going back to the kingdom and the Jack told to another ship leader that he will find the shot root to there kingdom and gave half of the gold to them and told please go in the way as we came I will find a new root to our kingdom.

Is Jack find new root?

please wight for part 2

THANKS for Reading 💕