
The last Chance

When I opened my eyes, all I could hear and feel was the sound the waves were making, and my back getting hotter because of the sand. I tried to reach for something, but only emptiness greeted me. And unbeknownst, I started crying as if this emptiness was killing me from the inside. What happened? Why do I feel like this? Why does my head hurt so much? 'You'll discover everything at the end of this road, Yugi...' And so begin, the journey, of this lost soul. ____ I'll write as much as I can ~~ ___ If you like Vtubers, you can follow me on Twitter :) https://twitter.com/KarmeVermillion

Karme · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


At the beginning of time, two strong beings fought each other until their annihilation. One of them was the monarch of destruction. A strong being that takes the appearance of a very handsome man whose goal was to destroy everything. While the other was the monarch of creation. An equally strong being, which takes the appearance of a beautiful young lady whose duty was to protect the universe from all kinds of threats.

Those two were the polar opposite of each other.

One was kind, while the other was ruthless.

One wanted to crush, while the other wanted to cherish.

Alas, everything has to come to an end, and so did their millennia-long fight.

The monarch of destruction blew the monarch of creation's existence into nothingness.

But before disappearing, the monarch of creation left behind three things.

The first one was an almost lethal blow to the monarch of destruction so that he wouldn't be able to bring desolation behind him ever again.

The second one was a seed that she planted at the center of the universe. The seed grew in an instant and created a multitude of worlds full of life to slow the monarch of destruction advance even more.

The seed continued to grow until it reach the state of a world tree and became a world by itself. It would be the last rampart of the world that she always wished to protect if, by any chance, the monarch of destruction would be able to go back to his peak.

And last but not least, she left behind a message for all living beings :

"Nothing is eternal. We do not know where we come from, nor where we are going. We only know that we are here, now.

Even life itself is not eternal. We are born, we live, and we die. This is the cycle of life that has continued since the beginning of time. It is a cycle that will continue until the end of time.

We are all mortal. This is the one certainty in life. Nothing is eternal. Even the darkest star will one day burn out and die."

And so this message carried its will until now. Until the last world.

The world tree created everything one last time. Just before a certain traveler came to Natalon. It was the last best scenario it could create with its limited strength.

And now, everything leans on Yugi's shoulders, but he doesn't know it yet. The world tree recovered everything except one thing, Yugi's memories.